AP Art History: 1.05 Global Prehistory

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Paleolithic era

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Paleolithic era

was a period of time spanning 30,000- 9000 B.C.E.

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Mesolithic era

was a period of time spanning 9000-8000 B.C.E

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Neolithic era

was a period of time spanning 8000-2300 B.C.E

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old stone age

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middle stone age

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new stone age

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geometric patterns, animals, and women

What did the paleolithic era's artwork often include?

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What type of two-dimensional artwork did the paleolithic era have?

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sculptures, monuments, and large-scale objects

What type of three-dimensional artwork did the paleolithic era have?

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melting of ice and migration of humans during the Mesolithic era

What led to the Neolithic age?

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human life with the beginnings of agriculture, stone implements, and the formation of the first settled communities

What did the Neolithic age revolutionize?

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features were more defined and artworks began to document religious deities in human form

During the Neolithic era what became more prominent?

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