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proportion of times the outcome would occur if we observed the random process an infinite number of times
Law of Large Numbers
the tendency of proportion of outcomes to stabilize around calculated probability (empirical => classical)
think experiments
how to write probability of xx happening
two outcomes cannot occur at the same time
another term for disjoint is
mutually exclusive
how do you calculate disjoint probability
add up probabilities of each thing occuring
what word is associated with disjoint outcome
addition rule
P(A1 or A2)= P(A1)+P(A2)-P(A1andA2)
sets/collections of outcomes
ex: group a: if you roll 1 or 2, group b: if you roll 2 or 3
nondisjoint outcomes
when outcomes can overlap
ex: roll 2 and even
face card
jack, queen, king
how many cards in a deck of cards
Or is
inclusive (so it is and/or)
Why would (P and B) be 0 if outcome is disjoint
because they would never overlap
probability distribution
table of all disjoint outcomes and their probabiliteis
rules for probability distributions*
outcomes listed must be disjoint
each probability must be between 0 and 1
probabilities must total 1
sample space
all possible outcomes
complement of x
all outcomes that are not x
P(x or x1)= 1
when outcome of one provides no useful info about another outcome (like flipping a coin and rolling a dice)
when do you use multiplication rule vs addition rule
multiplication: independent
addition: disjoint
multipplication rule
P (A and B) = P(A) x P (B)
who is the father of probability
Jerome Cardan
classical probability
#ways e can occur / total possible outcomes
empirical probability
#ways E occured/total # attempts
limitation of probability
cannot PROVE anything with probability
can disjoint outcome also be independent?
no because disjoint occurs at differnet times and independent is at same time
@ least 1 means
complement of at least 1 is
0 cuz otherwise you have no options
Contingency table includes
cases are horizontal and results are vertical
marginal probabilities
probability based on single variable
joint probability
probability of outcomes for two ore more variables
table proportions
data presented shows a proportional relationship between two variables
conditional proabability
compute probability under a condition
two parts of conditional probability
outcome of interest and condition
how to read out P( X| Y)
probability of x given y
conditional probability formula
P(A|B)= P(A and B)/P(B)
general multiplication rule
P(A and B)= P(A|B) x P (B)
gamblers fallacy
casinos post last several outcomes of betting games to trick gamblers into believing odds are in their favor
ex: all black last time, you believe it is unlikely you will get black
tree diagram
organize outcome and proability around structure of data
primary v secondary branch
primary: first branch (split)
secondary: other splits
false negative and false positive
shows up as positive/negative (true/untrue) even when it isn’t
without replacement
you cannot sample the same case twice
what do you have to do with a “without replacement” situation
remove from possibilities
when should you use at least rule
when you need to calculate the likelihood of an event happening at least once in a given set of trials
when sample size is nearly less than 10% of pop, observations are
If P(A and B) = P(A) P(B), A and B are
If P(B) = P(B |A), then A and B are
Binomial distribution
Describes number of success in fixed number trials (usually one or the other)
Difference between binomial and geometric distribution
Geometric: describe number of trails you must wait before success
Binomial: number of success in fixed number trials
Binomial distribution formula
What do variables in formula mean?
N= number of trials
K= number successes
Mean, variance, and SD formula of observed successes
Mean: np
Four conditions to check if binomial
Independent trials
Number of trials n is fixed
Each trial can be classified as success or failure
Probability of success p is the same for each trial
How to solve binomial distribution with normal distribution steps
Treat all steps normal except add 0.5
Continuity correction value
Most vs more
Most= include
More= does not include