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who decides if a hybrid offence becomes summary or indictable
the crown
if it’s a jury, who creates the sentence
summary conviction offence
minor criminal offence
indictable offence
serious crimes
hybrid offence
crown has the right to proceed and impose a less severe punishment or by indictment
courtroom players
judge, crown prosecutor, defence council, court reporter, witness, clerk, accused
administers oaths, court files
biological theories of deviant behaviour
lombroso’s, xyy, sheldon’s theory of body types
historical theories of deviant behaviour
theory of anomie, ecological, consensus, strain
lombroso’s theory
criminality is inherited
physical characteristics
xyy theory
criminals have an extras y chromosome
sheldon’s theory of body types
believes medium body types are more likely to commit crimes
theory of anomie
as society moves from rural to urban, values that regulate behaviour are weakened
ecological theory
criminal behaviour encouraged by environments
consensus theory
universal definition of right and wrong and that criminal law reflects this consensus
strain theory
people commit crimes when they believe the goals society sets are not achievable in traditional means
contemporary theories of deviant behaviour
socialization, biological trait, neurophysiological
socialization theory
criminal behaviour found in upbringing
biological trait theory
some traits like diet and hormones might predispose someone to be more deviant
neurophysiological theory
neurological dysfunctions are connected with criminal activity
criminal court structure
trial level (prov superior court, fed court), court of appeal (fed/prov), supreme court