The adoption of cultural traits by one group or person under the influence of another.
Most prevalent in Africa in the Americas; these people see the world as being infused with spiritual and supernatural powers.
Architectural Structure
The style of a particular culture or society’s buildings, which varies dramatically over space and time.
When integration of new arrivals into the economic and cultural mainstream of a host society is complete.
a universalizing religion originating in India, based on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, which emphasizes the concept of suffering caused by desire and the path to enlightenment through following the Eightfold Path, aiming to achieve Nirvana by escaping the cycle of reincarnation
Charter Group
The first ethnic group to establish cultural norms in an area.
Baptist denominations (location)
Predominant in the “Bible Belt”; essentially the southeastern United States.
Upper Midwest Predominate Religion
Midland States predominate Religion
Dominant religion in the SW; AZ, NM, TX; some dominant pockets in FL.
Spanish Catholicism
Dominant in Utah and parts of surrounding states
Dominant in the NE United States
The West (large parts of CA, ID, NV, OR, WA)
Largely categorized as being mixed religion.
The world’s most widespread religion; monotheistic w/origins in Judaism; 3 Major Categories: E. Orthodox, Protestant, and Roman Catholic; Hearth is in the E. Mediterranean, diffused through colonization, the setting up of churches and boarding schools, etc.
Derived in the 5th century B.C.E.; Emphasizes relationships among all living things and therefore stresses harmony or balance through the following of particular standards or processes.
Contagious Expansion Diffusion
Described diffusion resulting from direct contact with an individual; All infectious diseases (AIDS, COVID-19)
Cultural Appropriation
When a group or culture adopts knowledge or accustom from another culture, using it for their own benefit (i.e. Monetary Gain)
Cultural Hearth
The origin of a particular cultural trait
Cultural Relativism
The idea that a person’s beliefs, values and practices should be understood based on that person’s own culture, rather than be judged against the criteria of another, different cultural system.
Cultural Landscape
Refers to spaces that have been modified by human activity.
Cultural Traits
Specific customs that are part of everyday life, including language, religion, ethnicity, and social institutions.
The ideas, practices, and material objects associated with a particular group of people.
Subgroups of a larger belief system that have slightly different rituals or interpretations from other subgroups.
Geographically distinct versions of a single language that vary somewhat from the parent form.
The dispersion of people from their original homeland; this is often due to forced migration.
Cultural Diffusion
Process by which an idea or innovation is transmitted from one individual or group across space.
Ethnic Cleansing
Involves the effort to rid a country or region of everyone of a particular ethnicity either through forced migration or genocide.
Ethnic Enclaves
A relatively small area occupied by a distinct culture or ethnicity, which largely results from chain migration. Common names of these are “Little Italy” and “Chinatown”
Ethnic Islands
Small, rural areas settled by a single ethnic group as opposed to ethnic neighborhoods or enclaves, which are urban.
Ethnic Neighboorhoods
Concentrations of people from the same ethnicity in certain pockets of the city.
Ethnic Provinces
When entire regions become associated with ethnic or racial aggregations.
Ethnic Religions
Appeal to small groups of people with a common heritage or to large groups of people living in a single region; Hinduism and Judaism.
Refers to a group of people who share a common identity.
Tendency to evaluate other cultures against the standards of one’s own, implying superiority of one’s ethnic group.
A violent version of fundamentalism; becoming more prevalent across the globe.
Folk Culture
Small, homogenous cultures that spread through relocation diffusion; refers to cultural practices that form the sights, smells, sounds, and rituals of everyday existence in trad. societies in which they developed.
Strict and literal adherence to a set of principles, beliefs, or teachings
Refers to socially created distinctions between masculinity and femininity.
A premeditated effort to kill everyone from a particular ethnic group.
Global Religions
Have numerous members and are widespread; their doctrines have global appeal; Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam.
An ethnic religion tied to Indian culture; oldest major religion; has a caste system which gives every Indian a particular place in the social hierarchy from birth.
Indo-European Language Family
The language family tree is broken down first into major languages: Albanian, Celtic, Germanic, and Italic.
Interfaith Boundaries
refers to boundaries between the world’s major faiths, such as Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam.
Intrafaith Boundaries
Refers to boundaries within a single major faith, such as the boundary lines that separate different denominations of Christianity.
A monotheistic religion, stemming from Judaism, Islam is based on belief that there is one god (Allah), and that Muhammad was Allah’s prophet.
Typically characterized by moral conservatism, literalism, and an attempt to enforce Islamic values in all aspects of life, including politics; also known as political Islam.
an ethnic, monotheistic religion originating in the Eastern Mediterranean region
Typically describes a relationship based on blood and marriage.
a system of communication used by a group of people, including spoken and written words, which reflects and transmits cultural identity and is studied geographically
Language Extinction
Occurs when a language is no longer in use by any living people.
Language Families
A collection of many language, all of which came from the same original tongue, but have different characteristics.
Language Groups
A set of languages with a relatively recent common origin and many similar characteristics.
Lingua Franca
A common language used for communication between people of different cultures.
Local Religions
Specific to an area; some are ethnic religions, such as Hinduism and Judaism, while others are tribal and often polytheistic.
Monotheistic Religion
A religion that only has one god or deity; Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.
The presence of, or the support for the presence of, multiple distinct cultural and/or ethnic groups within a society.
Official Languages
Languages in which all government business occurs.
When two groups of people w/ different languages meet, a new language w/ some characteristics of each may result.
The lack or absence of the emotion that a place invokes; the lack of unique and distinctive characteristics; directly counters sense of place.
Polytheistic Religions
Religions that have more than one god or deity; Hinduism and many Native American religions.
Pop Culture
Coveys a notion of cultural productions fueled by mass media and consumerism.
Categorization of humans based on skin color and other PHYSICAL features.
An ideology that views race as the defining feature of human traits/characteristics and use this to categorize certain races against each other, or make one superior/inferior to another
A set of teachings that imply a value system, include some notion of the sacred, and include ideas about the place of human beings in the universe
Sacred Spaces
Areas or places of religious or spiritual significance.
Measure of the extent to which members of a particular minority ethnic group are not uniformly distributed among the total population.
Sense of Place
The feeling that an area or geographic space invokes; usually a unique characteristic or idea.
Sequent Occupance
The idea that successive societies leave their cultural imprints on the landscape, which in turn contributes to the built environment.
A single person fulfills the role of priest, counselor, and physician and claims to be a conduit to the supernatural world; tends to attract small localized followings.
Social Distance
Measure of the perceived differences between an immigrant ethnic group and the charter or host society.
Spread of Islam
Islam began in Saudi Arabia near Mecca and Medina, and spread originally through expansion diffusion to surrounding areas, including other parts of the Middle East and Northern Africa; diffused by relocation to Indonesia + Malaysia
Stimulus Diffusion
describes the pattern by which which a concept concept is diffused, but not in the same form as in original contact.
The names different cultures give to various features of the Earth, including settlements terrain, features streams, and other land features
Universalizing religions
claim global applicability and actively seek new converts
Hindu (location)
Indian Subcontient
Islam (location)
Dominant in the Middle East, Northern Africa, and parts of the South Pacific/SE Asia
Christianity (location)
Dominant in Australia, Europe, and North/South America
Buddhism (location)
Parts of South Asia