Central Nervous System (CNS)
The brain and spinal cord are a part of the CNS
The Brain is soft and fragile and must be protected
What are the first, second, and last defense line of the CNS
First: hair, scalp, and skull
Second: meninges
Final: cerebral spinal fluid
the three layers of protective tissue in the front of the brain
Meningitis can be a viral or bacterial virus that damages the meninges
Cerebral Spinal Fluid (CSF)
a fluid that surrounds the brain and spinal cord as well as within cavities in the center of the brain called ventricles
The brain needs a lot of blood
Blood vessels
Glucose is a simple sugar that gives you energy
If you cut off blood flow…
2-3 seconds - use up glucose
6-8 seconds - passout
2-4 minutes - damage
the outer layer of the brain
Right Cortex
Visual spatial
5 senses
Artistic Abilities
Left cortex (frontal lobe)
Analytical functions
Executive function
a recording of brain waves
Motor Cortex (left cortex)
Responsible of voluntary movements
what are the three muscle groups and which one has voluntary movement
skeletal, smooth muscle and cardiac
The skeletal has voluntary movements
What side of the brain controls the right side of the brain and which the left
Left controls right side of brain
Right controls left side of brain
The two types of headaches
Vascular - migrane
One side of the head hurts
Muscle Contraction - tension headache
Both sides of the head hurt
Broca’a area (left cortex)
The part of the brain that controls speech/getting words out
Named after Broca, a doctor, who used a clinical case study on a man named massieure ton who had a specific issue in what is now called Broca’s area
Parietal Lobe Sensory Cortex (left cortex)
receives sensory information like touch and temperature
Located right behind the frontal lobe
Controls the movement from the right side of the brain
Occipital Lobe (left cortex)
Controls vision
Temporal Lobe (left cortex)
Controls hearing/auditory functions
located at the base of the brain and is the closest to the brain stem
Wernickes Lobe (left cortex)
Controls language comprehension i.e. grammar, meaning of words
Located in the temporal lobe
Thalamus (left cortex)
Directs incoming sensory information (5 senses)
acts as a switchboard
Hypothalamus (left cortex)
controls the five F’s:
Fighting and fleeing
instinctual, survival or protection … there is no thinking in this and is the part of the brain that gets triggered (PTSD)
Mating (fucking)
Inferior Colliquli
Controls hearing
Is not used by humans (temporal lobe)
Used by animals that heavily rely on hearing for survival (ex: bats)
Superior Colliquli
Controls Vision
Is not used by humans (Occipital lobe)
Used by animals that heavily rely on sight for survival (ex: hawks)
Limbic System
Amygdala - raw instinctual emotions:
Hippocampus - new memories
If damaged it would be hard to take in new information
Brain Stem
where the brain connects to the spinal cord
Controls vital life functions
i.e breathing, heart rate
Reticular actuvating system(RAS) / Reticular formation (RF)
controls attention and arousal
Attention - filter out unimportant sensory information
Arousal - puts you to sleep and wakes you up
The part of the brain that controls fine motor coordination and posture
Punch drunk syndrome
Caused by blows to the head (contact sports i.e. boxing)
Damage to the cerebellum
May cause cognitive impairment, dementia and behavioral changes
Brain bruise
Cerebral Vascular accident (CVA)
AKA stroke
Cerebral - brain, vascular - blood vessels, accident - damage
Third leading cause of death in the US
Cause of Cerebral Vascular accident
Blood vessel burst - high blood pressure
Blood clot
Acronym for signs of a stroke
F - face
A - arms
S - speech
T - timing
Physical effects after CVA
paralysis - motor cortex damge
Loss of sensation - sensory cortex damage
Aphasia - language deficit (brocas and wernickes damage)
Psychological effects after CVA
depression and anxiety
uncontrolled electrical storm of the brain
Split brain syndrome
the corpus callosum is severed which disconnects the two hemispheres from communicating to one another