Sacrificial love
unconditional love, the highest form of love. It's characterized by selflessness, sacrificial giving, and a desire for the well-being of others without expecting anything in return
Friendship love
This is the love between friends involves loyalty, and shared goodwill. Based on mutual respect, shared values, and companionship.
familial love/affection
the affection and bond shared between family members. It's the natural affection that exists between parents and children, siblings, or other relatives
romantic or passionate love.
It involves physical attraction, desire, and emotional connection between intimate partners. related with romantic relationships and the longing for union with another person
Is eros used in the Bible frequently?
only used twice in the Old Testament because the Jews did not did not want to be like Greeks
Is agape used in classical Greek frequently and why/why not?
not used frequently
because the gods don’t sacrifice naything for their creations, and instead are the ones who receive love
what word is used in John to describe the relationship of Jesus with his disciples
Jesus + disciples as friends
what word is used in the New Testament for gods love
The effects of ‘Ecstacy’
causes our selves to look inwards on feelings rather than the benefits of love itself
Must grow and mature as a person, learn to feel concern for others
can you live by giving alone
“anyone who wishes to give love must receive it” (Benedict XVI)
C.S lewis image of friends as standing side by side
Contrasts Eros where you’re looking at eachother
Forces us to look outwards, focus on the bigger picture
focus on the common interest/pursuit
ancient vs modern views on friendship
much more valued in ancient times
how does friendship start?
shared vision/common pursuit
“do you love me?” meaning in friendship
“do you see the same truth as I do?”
how is friendship an equalizer?
does not focus on background of the person
friendship = 2 way even road, no steep hills or drops to go on
can we make agape our own power
needed to come from god - Jesus dying on the cross
is needing to be loved bad/sinful
only when its not about the person but rather selfish purposes (not wanting the best for the other)
why do we not like to receive agape?
makes people feel vulnerable, weak,
means you ‘need’, forces you to rely on others
how does god show agape
sacrifice of Jesus
bends gown to our level (John 13)
Through the washing of the feet, Jesus bends down on one knee to be able to properly wash the feet of his disiples
are all the other loves sinful
but dangerous in the way they can become idolized
tolerating people + agape
called to love not tolerate
being able to achieve agape (love) requires us to ask for gods help
why is agape needed for all other love
because were always made for more
other forms of love would be shallow without agape
what the trademark of agape
common pursuit of friendship
needed to make friendship virtuous + stable
true friendship seeks- genuine good - not common goals alone = makes you into better person
John = Jesus is model for friendship
Jesus + Peter dialogue
agape + Phila
asks first 2 times with agape, Peter responds w Phil because Jesus hasn’t died yet