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Conical volcano built by layered rock strata.
Shield Volcano
Broad volcano formed by viscous lava flows.
Mount Erebus
Tallest active volcano in Antarctica, located on Ross Island.
Fang Ridge
Northeast slope of Mount Erebus.
Erebus Crystals
Unique feldspar pieces from Mount Erebus's magma.
Mount Etna
Stratovolcano in Sicily, significant in Greek mythology.
Valle del Bove
Large depression on Mount Etna's side.
Mount Fuji
Japan's tallest mountain, a sacred site.
Hoei Eruption
Mount Fuji's last eruption in December 1707.
Forest on Mount Fuji's northwestern slope.
Most active shield volcano in Hawaii.
Hawaiian fire goddess associated with Kilauea.
Halemaʻumaʻu Crater
One of Kilauea's primary craters.
Stratovolcanic island known for its 1883 eruption.
Anak Krakatau
New island formed from Krakatoa's activity in 1927.
Mauna Loa
Most massive above-sea volcano on Earth.
Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park
Established in 1916, includes Kilauea and Mauna Loa.
Mount Pinatubo
Stratovolcano in the Philippines, erupted in 1991.
Lake Pinatubo
Created by monsoon rains post-Mount Pinatubo eruption.
Mount Rainier
Highest peak in the Cascades, located in Washington.
Nisqually Glacier
Glacier on Mount Rainier used to track climate change.
Mount Saint Helens
Stratovolcano in Washington, erupted in May 1980.
Harry Truman
Innkeeper who refused to evacuate Mount Saint Helens.
Mount Vesuvius
Only active volcano on mainland Europe, last erupted in 1944.
Roman city buried by Mount Vesuvius's AD 79 eruption.
Pliny the Younger
Eyewitness of Mount Vesuvius's eruption, wrote letters.