KIN 268
Body fluid
body substance that consists of water and dissolved solutes; 55-65% of body mass; 2/3 is inside cells, 1/3 is outside cells
Intracellular fluid
cytosol within cells
Extracellular fluid
80% interstitial fluid (lymph, cerebrospinal fluid, synovial fluid, aqueous and vitreous humours, and fluids between serous membranes [pleural, pericardial and peritoneal]) and 20% blood plasma
Plasma membrane
cell barrier; separates intracellular fluid from interstitial fluid
Blood vessel and capillary walls
divide interstitial fluid from blood plasma
Fluid balance
required amounts of water and solutes are present and proportioned among compartments
water movement; direction is determined by solute concentration
Starling forces
hydrostatic and osmotic forces at capillaries determine how much fluid leaves the arterial end then is reabsorbed at the venous end as blood flow to tissues
Blood hydrostatic pressure
promotes filtration; generated by heart pumping; decreases from arterial to venous end
Interstitial fluid osmotic pressure
weakly promotes filtration
Blood colloid osmotic pressure
promotes reabsorption; due to presence of plasma proteins too large to cross out of capillary
Interstitial fluid hydrostatic pressure
promotes reabsorption; close to 0 mmHg unless in a state of edema
Thirst centre
area of the hypothalamus that regulates water intake; stimulated by decreased blood volume and pressure, increased blood osmolarity, dry mouth (dehydration)
responds to decreased blood pressure/Na+ deficiency in plasma
respond to increased blood volume; increases excretion of Na+ and slows renin release
Water intoxication
excess body water swells cells; person consumes water faster then kidneys can secrete; symptoms: mental confusion, seizures, coma, death
control osmosis of water between fluid compartments; maintain acid-base balance; carry electrical current; serve as cofactors; concentration of ions in mEq/litre; inorganic compounds that dissociate into ions
most abundant extracellular cation; used for impulse transmission in neurons, AP causing muscle contractions, fluid and electrolyte balance; controlled by aldosterone, ADH, and ANP; too low = hyponatremic, too high = hypernatremia
most abundant extracellular anion; helps regulate osmotic pressure; shifts between RBCs and blood plasma because of CO2; for HCl in stomach; controlled by aldosterone and ADH
most abundant intracellular cation; involved in fluid volume, impulse conductions, repolarization during muscle contraction, regulating pH; controlled by aldosterone; too high = hyperkalemia
second most abundant extracellular anion; acid-base buffer system; reabsorbed/secreted by kidneys for acid-base balance
most abundant mineral; structural component of bones and teeth; used for blood coagulation, neurotransmitter release, muscle tone, excitability of nerves and muscles; controlled by parathyroid hormone and calcitonin
appears as calcium salt; buffer system; controlled by parathyroid hormone and calcitonin
second most abundant intracellular cation; 54% found as salts in bone extracellular matrix; coenzyme involved in carb/protein metabolism; needed for neuromuscular function, used in myocardial function, CNS transmission, Na+ pump operation, PTH secretion; controlled by how much is excreted by kidneys, Ca+, ECF volume, PTH, pH
Acid-base balance: Buffer system
temporarily binds to H+
Protein buffer system
most abundant in intracellular fluid and blood plasms; carboxyl group dissociates to act like an acid when pH rises → dissociated H+ can now form water with OH-; amino group combines with H+ to act like a base when pH falls
Hb buffer system
CO2 enter capillaries then RBCs → forms H2CO3 → dissociate into HCO3- and H+ ions → Hb picks up free H+ ions
Carbonic acid-bicarbonate buffer system
pH falls → HCO3- picks up excess H+ → forms H2CO3→ dissociates into CO2 and H20; pH rises → H2CO3 dissociates into H+ and HCO3 ions; CO2 is a prerequisite
Phosphate buffer system
H2PO4- acts as a weak acid to form a weak base → buffers strong bases; HPO42- acts as weak base, picks up H+ ions to form a weak acid → buffer strong acids
Acid-base balance: Exhalation of CO2
exhaling CO2 → less acid production → pH rises; retaining CO2 → more acid production → pH lower in minutes; changes in ventilation and rate/depth of breathing stimulates the DRG which contracts respiratory muscles more forcefully/frequently
Acid-base balance: kidney H+ excretion
removes nonvolatile acids; some secreted H+ is buffered by HPO4-2 and NH3 which are secreted along with the H+
blood pH below 7.35; results in severe CNS depression by depressed synaptic transmission, disorientation, comatose, death
blood pH above 7.45; results in overexcitability of CNS and PNS, impulses are conducted when not stimulated resulting in muscle spams, nervousness, death
respiratory vs. renal; physiological response to imbalances to normalize blood pH
Renal compensation
respiratory acidosis: increases excretion of H+ and reabsorption of HCO3- → pH returns normal but P_CO2 will be high; respiratory alkalosis: decreases excretion of H+ and reabsorption of HCO3- → pH returns normal but P_CO2 will be low
Respiratory compensation
metabolic acidosis: hyperventilation increases loss of CO2 → pH returns to normal but HCO3- will be low; metabolic alkalosis: hypoventilation slows loss of CO2 → pH returns to normal but HCO3- will be high
Respiratory acidosis
blood pH drops due to excessive retention of CO2 leading to excess H2CO3
Respiratory alkalosis
blood pH rises due to excessive loss of CO2 during hyperventilation
Metabolic acidosis
arterial blood levels of HCO3- fall
Metabolic alkalosis
arterial blood levels of HCO3- rise