theatrical mask worn by Roman actors in Greek dramas
love of wisdom
epistemology: nature of knowledge
deals with oughts and shoulds
theories rely on ______, closely tied to empirically gathered data and science
educated guess or prediction specific enough for its validity to be tested through the use of scientific method
deductive reasoning
general to specific, deriving a hypothesis from theories
inductive reasoning
specific to general, alters theory to reflect results of tests
classification of things according to their natural relationships
without organization, data science can’t grow
pattern of relatively permanent traits and unique characteristics that give both consistency and individuality to a person’s behaviour
personality psychology
study of whole human person; study of individual differences
goal of personality psych
gain a unified perspective on a person
personality traits
general, internal, and comparative dispositions that we attribute to people in our initial efforts to sort individuals into meaningful behavioural categories and to account for consistencies we perceive or expect in behaviour from one situation to the next and over time
trait attributions
from our first interactions in someone, gives us a guide on how to interact with them in the future
shy, outgoing, etc.
traits, ultimately, are ______
are predictive, not explanatory
contribute to individual differences in behaviour, consistency of behaviour over time, and stability of behaviour across situations
characteristic adaptations
aspects of our personality that are contextualized in time, place, and/or role
speak to motivational, emotional/social-cognitive, and developmental concerns in personality
more temporal
personality as a ______ process
life story
internalized and evolving narrative of the self that integrates the reconstructed past, perceived present, and anticipated future in order to provide a life with a sense of unity and purpose
scientific method
personality psychologists use the ----- ----- with the goal of creating a more predictable and orderly understanding of the world
science three steps
unsystematic observation
building theories
evaluating propositions
unsystematic observation
first step in developing scientific understanding of anything
creative observer, looking for patterns
operating in context of discovery
building theories
second part in developing scientific understanding of anything
organize observations from step one into coherent system that describes phenomenon of interest and attempt to provide a detailed explanation
set of related assumptions that allow scientists to use logical deductive reasoning to formulate testable hypothesis
set of assumptions
set of related assumptions
logical deductive reasoning used by researchers to formulate hypotheses
must be testable
evaluating propositions
third part of scientific process, empirically verifying theories developed in step 2
needs falsifiability
empirical study
develop hypothesis
literature review
select sample
operationalize variables
goal: come to a best understanding of topic
correlational study
psychologist interested in what happens to value of one variable if the value of another variable changes
no causality
experimental study
psychologist manipulates or alters one variable of interest in order to observe its impact on another variable of interest
extent to which a test or measuring instrument yields consistent results
extent to which a test or other measuring instrument measures what it is supposed to measure, accuracy
construct validity
extent to which an instrument measures some hypothetical construct
convergent validity
scores on instrument correlate highly (converge) with scores on variety of valid measures of the same construct
divergent validity
low or insignificant correlations with other inventories that do not measure that construct
discriminant validity
discriminates between two groups of people known to be different
predictive validity
extent to which a test can predict future behaviour
(history of personality psych)
development of general systems
psychology was looking for universal laws
was mostly studied on animals, Allport suggested studying on people
(history of personality psych)
constructs, person-situation debate
many distinct theories
motivation to figure out post world war
(history of personality psych)
critique of personality research, novel research approaches
trait models became dominant
statistical methods rose
much of perosnality theory absorbed into social psych
trait and learning perspectives
aim: describing and predicting behaviour
causal view of personality and behaviour
reducing personality to traits
trait: genetic, biological understanding
learning: environment
psychodynamic perspectives
aim: description of personality, interpretation/evaluation of behaviour, clinical evaluation and treatment
personality is historically contingent and rooted in unconscious forces
behaviour is unconsciously motivated
behaviour cannot be predicted but can be described and understood given their history
direct therapeutic intervention
focus on early childhood experiences and parent relationships
humanistic/existential perspectives
aims: description of personality, interpretation/evaluation of behaviour, clinical evaluation and treatment
personality is freely chosen but is rooted in the lived realities of a person’s life
behaviour cannot be predicted but understood by talking to person and understanding their choices
people always strive towards growth, well-being, happiness, and psychological health
presentist mindset
we are always reinterpreting theories in the present context
scientific theories criteria
generates research
is falsifiable
organizes data
guides action
internally consistent
as simple as possible, occams razor
descriptive research
can expand on existing theory, is concerned with measurement, labeling, and categorization of units employed in theory building
hypothesis testing
leads to indirect verification of the usefulness of the theory
operational definition
defines units in terms of observable events or behaviours that can be measured
when we replace an arguement or theory with a false equivalent and attack the false equivalent rather than the initial theory
scientific reductionism
occurs when we subject all forms of knowing or research to the standards of scientific inquiry, even when those forms of inquiry are not scientific
appeal to mysticism
occurs when we attempt to explain elements of a theory with an appeal to metaphysical or mystical forces that are not phenomenologically or scientifically verifiable