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Prefix: Neo- / i.e. neophyte
Prefix: Nov- / i.e. Innovation, novelty, novince
Prefix: -A/ -An / i.e. anathama, abiotic
not, lacking, without
Prefix: Ig- / il- / im- / in- / ir- / i.e. ignorant, illegal, immature, invertebrate, irreversible
Prefix: Ant- / Ante- / i.e. antebellum, antecedents, antechamber
before, in front of, previous to
Prefix: Ant- / Anti- / i.e. antimater, antithesis
opposite, against
Prefix: Al- / i.e. almighty, altogether
prefix means all, many
Root: Nom- / Nomen- / Nomin- / Nym- / - Onymy / i.e. nominate, binomial, nomenclature, ignominy, anonymous, pseudonym
name, word
Root: Algesi- / Alge- / Alges- / Algesio- / Algi- / -Algia / - Algio / i.e. analgesic, fibromyalgia, aastralgia, algesthesia
Root: Hom- / Homo- / i.e. homospaien
Root: Heter- / Hetero- / i.e. heterophyte, heterochrome
Root: Pseud- / Pseudo- / i.e. pseudopsychology, pseudamnesia
fake, false
Root: Cal- / Calat- / Cla- / Clar- / Clair- / Clat- / Clea- / Cil- / i.e. calendar, claim, clarion, clamor, clatter, clarinet
call, shout
Root: -Calor / Calori- / Calo- / Cal- / Cale- / i.e calor, calorie,
heat, heat energy
Root: Spir- / Spiri- / i.e. respiratory, conspire
Root: Tauto- / i.e. Tautology
Root: Holo- / i.e. holistic, holocaust
whole, entire, complete
Root: Stato- / Stat- / Sta- / Static- / -Stasi- / Staso- / -Stacy / i.e. statis, apostacy
to stand, stay, make firm
Root: Od- / Hodo- / Hod- / i.e. diode, anode, hodograph
path, way
Root: Opt- / Op- / Optico- / Opsi- / Opso- / -Opia / -Ops / i.e. cyclops, optical, myopia
Root: Optim- / i.e. optimal, optimist
best, most favorable
Root: Osteo- / Oste- / Ost- / i.e. osteopathy, ostealgia
Suffix: -Ant/ -iant / -Ent / - Ient / (adj.) i.e. absorbant, multivalent, transient
state of being
Suffix: -Ant/ -iant / -Ent / - Ient / (n) i.e. miscreant, client
person, person who does
-Ous / -Eous / - ious / (adj.) i.e. aquaeous, fabulous, cautious
full of, possessing, characterized by