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Constitutional powers
executing laws
appointment power
recess appointment
state of union address
recommend legislation
convene congress
adjourn congress
veto power
pardon power
treaty power
commander in cheif
Who determines salary of president?
Qualifications of president
natural born citizen
35 years or older
14 years of residency
22 amendment
2 limit term of president
25 amendment
VP takes over if president cannot fulfill role
20th amendment
moved inauguration from March to January 20
Roles in Congress for impeachment
House brings charges; misdemeanor, treason, bribery
Senate conducts trial
12th amendment
VP and President elected on same ticket
Democrats vision of federal government
Involved with people’s lives
Republican’s vision of government
Limited government, not interefering with people’s lives
Who wrote federalist 70?
Alexander Hamilton
Message of federalist 70
Argues for a strong single executive leader
Weaknesses of more than one head of executive branch
leads to delays, confusion, and lack of responsibility
more frequent disagreements
What is it called when a government is divided and cannot seem to pass laws?
A president is impeached if how much of Senate votes them out?
2/3 of Senate
A bill becomes law if signed by the President or if not signed within how many days?
10 days