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Prokaryotic Genome Size
Bigger than viruses, smaller than Eukaryotes
Prokaryotic Genome
single circular chromosome (makes up 90% of the protein-coding sequences)
Prokaryotic Reproduction
Binary fisson, all bacteria would be clones if not for Horizontal Gene transfer
small circular DNA molecules that replicate separately from the bacterial chromosome, replicate more often than the cell cycle, plasmid research is critical for insulin production for diabetes.
horizonal gene transfer
Conjugation, transformation, transduction
plasmids and other DNA are transferred between bacteria during cell-to-cell contact. Only takes place during ideal conditions (Temp, pH, etc).
The bacteria picks up other DNA from its environment. Typically it is DNA fragments that can from recombinant chromosomes within the recipient cell. (DONE VERY OFTEN IN THE LAB)
Competent Bacteria
bacteria capable of naturally performing the transformation. Only 80 natural species. However, it is very commonly done artificially with other species in the lab.
Types of In-lab transformation
Chemical, physical, electroporation, combined, other
Can conjugation occur between different species?
Yes, this often promotes antibiotic resistance
In-Lab transformation
Scientist insert a gene of choice to promote the synthesis of specific proteins (common example is adding bioluminescent to they can identify things under a microscope)
viruses move DNA from one infected bacteria to a new host bacteria. (Like mosquitos and blood born disease in humans). Transduction is very rare in nature, and only moves small amounts of DNA from host to host.
A plasmid that allows conjugation in E-coli, and can integrate into the bacterial chromosome to from Hfr cells. Plasmids like this often carry genes for antibiotic resistance and can spread through populations or across species.
Hfr cells
A bacterial cell with a conjugative plasmid integrated into its chromosomal DNA, enabling it to transfer chromosomal genes during conjugation more efficiently than F+ cells.
phages can attack bacteria in two ways
Lytic stage, lysogentic stage
lytic stage
phage infects bacteria, uses it to replicate its own proteins until it causes the bacteria to burst (lyses), releasing the new phages that had been developing inside the bacteria.
Lysogenic stage
phage incorporates itself into the genome of the bacteria, where it stays dormant and continues to replicate its own genetic material, Allows the bacteria to survive.
Relationship between lytic and lysogenic
A virus usually either starts lytic and converts to lysogenic after an intense immune response. Or it begins in the lysogenic stage and lye dormant until the immune system is weak. A key example of this is chicken pox/shingles.
Restriction modification
type of bacteria defense against phages: uses restriction enzymes to cute DNA sequences that are foreign. Methylation is used by the cell to prevent the enzymes from cutting its own bacterial DNA.
essentially a bacterial immune system. After an initial viral attack, the bacteria is able to learn and recognize that virus, by cutting up a small portion of the virus and integrating it into its own genome (spacers). It is inserted into repetitive sections of DNA (palindromes)
A sequence of nucleotides in DNA or RNA that reads the same in both directions (5' to 3' and 3' to 5') on complementary strands, often forming a structure that can have biological significance.
Spacers (bacteria)
Short sequences of DNA found in the CRISPR loci of bacterial genomes, derived from past infections by viruses (phages), which serve as a genetic "memory" of those invaders.
A short sequence of DNA in a virus or plasmid that is targeted and cleaved by the CRISPR-Cas system during an immune response in bacteria. It is the sequence that corresponds to the spacer incorporated into the bacterial CRISPR array.
CRISPR puts previously viral DNA and incorporates it into its DNA (pre-crRNA)
pre-crRNA is processed into crRNA which help CAS proteins identify the viral DNA
last step of CRISPR. cr-RNA guides the CAS proteins to viral DNA and the crRNA binds to it. Together they cut up the viral DNA.
PAM (protospacer adjacent motif)
A short DNA sequence immediately following the protospacer in the genome of an invading virus or plasmid, required for the CRISPR-Cas system to recognize and cut the target DNA. Without PAM, bacteria may cut itself
Cleavage / Cleaving
The process of cutting or breaking a DNA, RNA, or protein molecule at specific sites by enzymes or other mechanisms.
A short, recurring sequence or structural pattern in DNA, RNA, or proteins that has a specific biological function or significance.
CRISPR modern relevance
highly relevant in fighting human diseases and developing new gene treatments.
Viruses have...
adaptive anti-CAS / CRISPR proteins to fight back against bacteria retaliation.
Only ____ % of bacteria have CRISPR-CAS
50% ; without CRISPR bacteria is unable to recognize previous viral attacks and must rely on other methods of protection
Potential evolutionary benefits to not having CRISPR - CAS
allows for increased genetic diversity and adaptability (acquire more foreign DNA and integrate it into their genome), maintaining CRISPR is very energy taxing, so less energy cost, avoid autoimmune responses/self destruction
Viral genomes
can be DNA or RNA based, single or double-stranded, some use reverse transcriptase (HIV)
reverse transcriptase
An enzyme that synthesizes complementary DNA (cDNA) from an RNA template, commonly found in retroviruses like HIV.
RNA virus
small genome, high mutation rates
Viruses have a strong natural selection for:
Size, replication speed, small compact genomes
Influenza / COVID
relativley small, single stranded RNA virus, can adapt and rapdily replicate
Giant viruses
700,000+ kb, 500+ genes, affect zooplankton
Viruses can be
circular or linear genomes, but more commonly linear
DNA viruses...
hijack their host to synthesize replication
RNA viruses..
use RNA polymerease to replicate in the cytoplasm of the host
use reverse transcriptase to integrate their DNA into the host genome (HIV)
a retrovirus that attacks the immune system to the point where a common cold could kill the human host. Transmitted through sex, blood, birth. Infects the CD4, CC5 immune cells.
-Delta 32 mutation in CCR5 gene
a very rare mutation that makes humans resistant to HIV. May have evolved from the Vikings, or survived the plague. This mutation has not grown at the same rate as HIV, and a very small amount of people have this trait (primarily in Europe)
HIV may have come from..
sooty mangabeys (monkeys kept at pets), or hunting chimpanzees
Heredity requirements
must encode lots of information, passes on through generations, able to code for different phenotypes, vary between species and individuals
Johannes Friedrich Miescher
first researcher to isolate nucleic acid (studys on pus)
Albrect Kossel
discovered nitrogenous bases
Aaron Lovene
discovered nucleotides
What distinguished DNA as the hereditary molecule?
In 1952 a radiolabeled phosphorus test proved that DNA was the hereditary molecule and not proteins.
Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins
discovered DNA structure with X-ray crystalography
James Watson and Francis Crick
(1953) discovered the double helix shape
Components of DNA
Sugar, nitrogen-containing base, phosphate
Nitrogenous bases
purines and pyrimidines
Adenine and Guanine (2 rings)
cytosine, thymine, uracil (one ring)
Phosphates are attached to sugars at
5' and 3' postions
Primary DNA structure
string of nucleotides connected by phsophodiester
A covalent bond that connects nucleotides in the primary structure of DNA and RNA by linking the 5' phosphate group of one nucleotide to the 3' hydroxyl group of the next nucleotide.
DNA is
2 stranded, anti parallel
Hydrogen bonds
weak bonds that form between the complementary nitrogenous bases
secondary structure
3D DNA (double helix)
Major and minor grooves
The indentations on the surface of the DNA double helix that result from the twisting of the two strands, providing binding sites for proteins and other molecules.
The most common form of DNA in cells, characterized by a right-handed helical structure and specific dimensions.
A right-handed helical form of DNA that is more compact than B-DNA, characterized by a shorter and wider helical structure, typically observed in dehydrated conditions or in the presence of certain DNA-binding proteins. A-DNA has 11 base pairs per turn and features deeper major grooves and shallower minor grooves compared to B-DNA.
A left-handed helical form of DNA characterized by a zigzag appearance and an irregular backbone, typically occurring in regions of DNA with alternating purine and pyrimidine bases. Z-DNA is narrower and more elongated than both A-DNA and B-DNA, with 12 base pairs per turn and a more pronounced zigzag configuration, often associated with transcriptional activity and biological processes involving gene regulation
stems and loops in single stranded DNA or RNA
Tertiary structure
how DNA is folded to fit inside the cell (3-D) shape
How long is human DNA?
It can reach the sun and back hundreds of times
Challenges of DNA
has to fit in the cell, to has to be accessible to be copied and transcribed, needs to fold and unfold
supercoiling causes by topsiore enzyemes. Makes it more space effcicent
RNA Structure
single stranded, ribose sugar, hairpins
Types of RNA
mRNA, tRNA, rRNA, microRNA, etc
messenger RNA; type of RNA that carries instructions from DNA in the nucleus to the ribosome
transfer RNA; type of RNA that carries amino acids to the ribosome
ribosomal RNA; type of RNA that makes up part of the ribosome
A class of small, non-coding RNA molecules, typically 21-25 nucleotides in length, that play a crucial role in the regulation of gene expression by binding to complementary sequences in target messenger RNAs (mRNAs).
RNA activties
protein synthesis, gene regulations, catalysis
Eukaryotic DNA is in the form of
Types of chromatin
euchromatin and heterochromatin
The less condensed form of eukaryotic chromatin that is available for transcription.
highly condensed chromatin, centromeres, telomeres, other suppressed sites. Condensation makes hetero strain darkly in cells.
Histone proteins
package eukaryotic DNA, give DNA the beads on a string appearance
histone octamer - 8 histones in 1 balls, further wound by a 30 nanometer fiber
Linker DNA String
the DNA between each nucleosome, not associated with histone proteins
+H1 protein
holds DNA to the histone ball
Histone tails
they are outside the histone ball and can be chemically modified
If enzymes add an acetly group to the histone tails..
it changes the charge from positive to negative (histone is loosened) and the DNA becomes much easier to transcribe
Endometrial histone acetylation
The process by which acetyl groups are added to histone proteins in the endometrium (the inner lining of the uterus), resulting in changes in chromatin structure that can influence gene expression related to reproductive functions.
mostly heterochromatin, CENP-A (histone protein) binds to the kineticore
characteristic sequences, repetitive sequences, protect the ends, shortening
Telomere shortening
chromosomes shorten every cell division. chromosome gets too short, cell dies
Lasso-like structure at the end of a telomere that serves to protect the termini of a chromosomal DNA molecule from end-to-end fusions and degradation by exonucleases.
Organelles with their own DNA
mitochondria and chloroplasts
Mitocondrial replication
is usually independent of the cell cycle (split and fuse)
bacteria was engulfed by another cell, the bacteria survived, and both benefited through symbiosis. Now we have mitocondria and chrlorplast
Evidence for endosymbiosis theory
organelle size (similar to a bacteria), organelle fission (similar to a bacteria), double membrane (similar to a bacteria), independent ribosomes and proteins, chloroplast resembles a cyanobacteria, circular genomes (bacteria have 1 circular chromosome and plasmids), molecular phylogeny
Primary endosymbiosis
chloroplast evolves from a cyanobacteria
secondary endosymbiosis
a process in eukaryotic evolution in which a heterotrophic eukaryotic cell engulfed a photosynthetic eukaryotic cell which survived in a symbiotic relationship inside the heterotrophic cell