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Hydrocarbon and its features
an organic compound consisting entirely of hydrogen and carbon
generally colorless and hydrophobic
faint odor
2 types on basis of carbon to carbon bonds
saturated hydrocarbons
all carbon atoms are bonded through single covalent bond
very stable and normally don’t react with common reagents
called paraffins for their inactive nature
also called alkanes
general formula CnH2n+2
burn with blue flame
undergo subsitution reaction
Unsaturated hydrocarbons
compounds made up of carbon and hydrogen in which any two carbon atoms are bonded through double or triple covalent bonds and other through single covalent bonds
less stable than saturated hydrocarbons, they tend to react more readily with other substances. Examples include alkenes and alkynes.
burn with sooty flame
undergo addition reaction
the compounds made up of carbon and hydrogen in which any two carbon atoms are linked through double covalent bond and rest through single covalent bond
also called olefines
general formula: CnH2n
the compounds made up of carbon and hydrogen in which any two carbon atoms are linked through triple covalent bond and rest through single covalent bond
also called acetylenes
general formula: CnH2n-2
Homologous series
a group of organic compounds having similar structure and similar chemical properties in which the successive compounds differ by CH2 groups.
members of the series are called homologues
characteristics of homologous series
can be represented by the same general formula
any two successive homologous differ by CH2
all members have similar buy graded chemical properties
each member differs from the next member by 14 amu
prepared by same general methods
Alkyl Radical
the group of atoms resulting after the removal of one hydrogen atom from an alkane
general formula is CnH2n+1
Functional group
An atom or group of atoms which defines the structure of a particular family of organic compounds
Hydroxyl (-OH) is alcohol
Carboxylic acid (-COOH) is acid
International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
bringing uniformity in the nomenclature of organic and in organic compounds
number of carbon atoms present in one molecule of an organic compound
kind of covalent bonds between carbon atoms
numbering of carbon atoms in one molecule is taken from greek language
Uses of methane
Methane is used for cooking food as gobar gas or biogas and as a fuel in industries.
It is used to prepare carbon black which is used to make printing ink, shoe polish and paint.
Methane is also used to prepare chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, methvl alcohol, formaldehvde, etc.
It is also used in the industrial preparation of hydrogen gas
It produces heat on combustion so it is used in metal welding.
It is also used to prepare carbonic compounds like ethvl chloride. nitro ethane, etc.
It is a highly flammable gas so it is used as a fuel.
It is used to make different types of carbonic compounds.
It is used as a coolant in petroleum industries.
It is used as a raw material for making synthetic rubber.
It is mixed with methane in LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) which is used as fuel. It easily changes to liquid on applying pressure.
derived from alkane
if one or more hydrogen atoms of alkane are replaced by hydroxyl group (-OH), the resulting compound is known as alchol
Depending Upon number of -OH groups classified into:
Monohydric alchol
Dihydric alchol
Trihydric alchol
Methyl alcohol
IUPAC name: methanol
solvent for paints and varnishes
prepare formules, paints, medicines and synthetic clothes
used in dry cleaning
used in manufacturing formaldehyde
Ethyl alcohol
IUPAC name: Ethanol
colorless and soluble in liquid. generally refered to as alcohol in daily life
1 Ethyl alcohol is used to prepare hard drinks like whisky, wine, beer, etc.
2. It is used to sterilize syringes and wounds in hospitals, health posts, and nursing homes.
3. It is used to preserve biological specimens in laboratories.
4. It is also used in thermometers.
5. It is used in the manufacture of polyethylene, terylene, soaps, paints, dyes, etc.
dihydric alcohol
IUPAC name: ethane-1,2-diol
no smell and is viscous, colorless and sett taste
used in manufacturing polyester
used in air conditioning systems
used in convective heat transfer
used as dehydrating agent
used to preserve biological specimins
trihydric alchol
colorness, viscous, hygroscopic liquid
soluble in water and alcohol but insoluble in ether
IUPAC name: propane-1,2,3-triol
is used as a sweetening agent in food.
used to make good quality soap, lotion, cosmetics, shaving creams, etc.
used to keep the tobacco moist and it also prevents the dryness of fruits and foods as well as prevents them from decaying.
used to protect skin by trapping moisture and prevent its drvness.