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motor and sensory
(fill in the blank)
Patient who has a CVA in the right side of the brain will have ____ ___ ______ deficits on left side of body.
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
circulates within the space surrounding the brain, brainstem, and spinal cord, carries nutrients, allows for shifts of fluid between the brain and spinal cord
ascending tracts
carry specific sensory information from periphery to higher levels of CNS (skin, organs and muscles)
carry info about localized touch
deep pressure, vibration, position sense
extrapyramidal tracts
controls gross automatic movements, such as reflexes, walking, complex movements, and postural control
deep tendon relfex
“knee-jerk” reaction when the patellar tendon is stimulated
superficial relfex
corneal, abdominal
visceral reflex
pupillary response to light
rooting, grasp, Babinski
Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS)
GCS scores verbal response, eye opening, and motor function, if response verbally assess basic orientation which allows a basic speech/language assessment
risk factors for stroke
cigarette smoking, dyslipidemia, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, abdominal obesity, and psychosocial factors - modifiable by preventative measures and drug therapies
chronic neurological conditions
multiple sclerosis, Parkinson disease, Alzheimer disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Huntington disease, epilepsy
Call FAST alert
If any symptoms of stroke occur, _________.
last known well at (time)
If patient having stroke, what do you document immediately?
cranial nerve testing
gag reflex (indicator for risk of aspiration), corneal reflexes
unsteady, wavering movement with inability to touch the target; lack of coordination
cranial nerve ocular movement
sudden loss of vision happens, do not assess ______ bc they can’t see.
assessment of meningeal signs
nuchal rigidity (stiff neck), Brudzinski sign (resistance or pain in neck and flexion in hips or knees), Kernig sign (resistance to straitening or pain radiating down the posterior leg)
nuchal rigidity
stiff neck
brudzinski sign
resistance or pain in the neck and flexion in the hips or knees
kernig sign
resistance to straightening or pain radiating down the posterior leg