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What is habituation?
frequent exposure to a stimulus without reinforcement acts reduce physiological or behavioral response to stimulus
What is involved in sensitization
Salient stimulus temporarily increases strength of response to other stimuli
How is habituation studied in laboratories?
acoustic startle response, orienting reflex
What are the five characteristics of habituation
1. activation of cell assembly
2. reverberating activity after stimulus is removed
3. hebbian modifications strengthen neuronal reciprocal connections that are active simultaneously
4. strengthened connections contain stimulus engram
5. after learning, partial activation of assembly leads to activation of entire presentation of the stimulus
What are the five key behavioral characteristics of habituation?
1. habituation
2. spontaneous recovery
3. potentiation of habituation
4. dependence on presentation rate
5. Dishabituation to a Novel Stimulus
What is involved in spontaneous recovery in habituation?
response recovers partially when stimulus is withheld after a response decrement
What does more frequent stimulation result in, in habituation?
more pronounced response decrement
How does dishabituation occur in habituation?
presentation of a novel stimulus leads to the disinhabilition of the original stimulus
How does habituation occur at the synapse?
membrane potential of the postsynaptic neuron decreases with each stimulus
Tetanic stimulation
A series of individual high frequency electrical stimulations of a neuron (used for LTP induction)
The startle response is mediated by what? What pathways does this organ receive inputs from?
caudal pontine reticular nucleus, trigeminal and auditory pathways
In aplysia, when sensitized, the presynaptic neuron will release ___ neurotransmitter onto the motor neuron
Draw out the 6 steps to sensitization in aplysia
Draw out the 6 steps to habituation in aplysia
will do boss
How does long term habituation occur?
reduced presynaptic connections to motor neuron
How does long term sensitization occur?
increased presynapptic connections
What did Bedecarrates er al discover?
that RNA transfer between LTS aplysia and untrained animals results in induced engram
What does the result from Bedecarrates et al imply?
RNA is sufficient to generate LTS engram
People with autism are that to have defecits in what