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Which partnership was considered the first step in the re-creation of the European family according to Churchill's 1946 speech?
France and Germany
What did the Schuman Declaration of May 1950 propose to place under a common High Authority?
Franco-German production of coal and steel
How many countries were part of the original European Economic Community in 1958?
Which country left the European Union in 2020?
United Kingdom
What are the 'Copenhagen criteria' for joining the EU?
stable institutions guaranteeing democracy, functioning market economy, ability to implement EU law
Which institution of the EU is described as the 'Guardian of the Treaties'?
European Commission
How are European Parliament representatives selected?
Direct elections by EU citizens
How often does the presidency of the Council of the European Union rotate?
Every six months
What is the highest court on EU Law?
Court of Justice of the European Union
What is the primary responsibility of the European Central Bank?
Monetary policy for eurozone countries
In the EU's separation of powers, which institutions constitute the legislative power?
European Parliament + Council
What does the principle of pre-emption mean in EU shared competences?
Member States can exercise their competence only to the extent that the EU has not
What are the three main types of EU competences?
Exclusive, shared, and supporting competences
What is meant by 'spillover' in EU integration?
To realize a competence of the EU requires realization of other things
What constitutes EU primary law?
EU Treaties (TEU, TFEU) & Charter of Fundamental Rights
What is the difference between EU Regulations and Directives?
Regulations are binding as is while Directives are binding to the result and require transposition
What principle did the Van Gend & Loos case establish?
Direct effect of EU law
What principle did Costa v ENEL establish?
Primacy (supremacy) of EU law over national law
What distinguishes 'supranational' EU law from traditional public international law?
Independent institutions, autonomous decision-making, majority decisions, enforced implementation
What are the four freedoms of EU law?
Free movement of goods, persons, services, and capital
What was established in the Cassis de Dijon case?
Prohibition of measures having equivalent effect to quantitative restrictions on imports
What values is the EU founded on according to Article 2 TEU?
Respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, rule of law, and human rights
What are the mandatory requirements that can justify obstacles to free movement of goods?
Fiscal supervision, public health, fairness of commercial transactions, and consumer protection
What is the core idea of free movement of persons?
EU citizens should be able to freely move to other EU countries to offer their services/work force
What is the core idea of free movement of capital?
The ability to move money freely within the EU
What types of EU legislation exist?
Regulations, Directives, and Decisions
How are EU laws adopted under the ordinary legislative procedure?
Commission proposes, Parliament and Council co-decide
What is the democratic deficit of the EU referring to?
Questions about democratic oversight and representation of European peoples
What happens when EU law conflicts with national law?
EU law prevails (principle of primacy)
Which countries are currently candidate countries for EU membership?
Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Türkiye, Ukraine