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TULIP. Total deprevity (humans suck we all should go to hell) Unconditional election (some people will be saved but it is not based on our deeds) Limited atonement (Jesus will save some of us) Irresistible grace (you canât say no to being saved) Pereserverence of the saints( the chosen probs do good because it may be a sign if being saved)
Second Great Awakening
The way people thought about GOD really changed, the baptist church crippled, Methodists flourished. Free will was more important, there was more thought placed behind religion and what/why people believed what they did
Biblicism there was a sole authority, saving power of Christ, born again (in christ), actively spread the gospel.. there was a lot more responsibility on the individual. focus on the ordinary peeps
God will save everyone no matter what. It was one of the three bases of christianity that were around at the time. Gods love is so powerful that he wouldnât let us suffer, just help us get to heaven
Similar to how we see atonment, everyone has a chance.. its not a given though
Folk Magic
Everything was believed to have a soul. Nothing happened by coincidence.. There is white and black magic.. there wasnât always a distinction between religion and magic.. also treasure seeking, Smith family believed in
Seer Stones
Stones that helped people find things, whether it be treasure, water ect. it also was used to translate the BoM
Emma Smith
JSJ wife, she was emma hale, left her family to marry jsj and follow the church, eventually helped spirr the rlds church did not get along with BY.. president of rs
Book of Mormon
Book of scripture used as LDS scripture, gold plates, hill cumora.. base of new religion, widely hated, 3,8, jsj testimony. anti war in atime where war was popular
Doctrine & Covenants
Modern day revelation. Holds history and revelation recieved in the 1800s and is much more reliveant to the people of nowâŚ
Book of Abraham
Found papyrus that jsj translated or used as a conduit to recived revelation about abrahams journal.. found recently
The goal of the church was to gather isreal. group of people, they contunually moved and wanted to gather zion, or Gods people
Mob Manifesto
Document put out in 1833 stating why the church was hated, and why the Mormons should leave jacson county.. lead to sidney rigdons adress then the misssouri mormon war
Kirtland Temple
Kirtland temple was the first temple built and deticated, acts more like a church building RLDS now own. Took alot of time and money to build
Kirtland Safety Society
This was JSJ bank for the saints, it did not last long, or do well but it was what they had.. IT failed in part becasue you shouldnt trust jsj with your money cuz ahah it doesnât work like that
Mormon/Missouri War
war that was shortlived between the saints and the other people in missouri at the time.. mab manefesto and sidneyrigdons adress show breifly why it happened.. the saints couldnt choose a side and it made the people in missouri ticked so-1838
Sidney Rigdon
Very important to the development of the church. He was a ministor before he was baptised. He was a councilor in the first oresidency and was presnet for the vison of the three degrees of gloryâŚalmost excommunicated by jsj then he tried to take over the church and the 12 excommunicated him. Then rigdon tried and failed to form his own church
Extermination Order
order in missouri that said that mormons suck and if they donât leave feel free to kill them with no conciquences.. the saints very quiclkly moved which was crazy. there were mixed feelings in the state though
Hawnâs Mill
The saints used Hawns mill as a place to rest, some people attack them.. thye were dragged out 17 people killed 12-15 injured ⌠this was after the moromon extermination order so was fair game
Relief society
womens organization formed in the church so that the women had a role, their goal was to bless the people around them and help run the church. emma smith was president and at first membership was more exclusive than what it is now due to the fact of representation of the church
Baptisms for the dead
new ordanance that was able to be preformed in the nauvoo temple, seen as very odd thing to do, also new things added to the church that made it stand out
another ordances that was added to the church. initally preformed not in the temple it became a temple ordanance.. first limited who could get it, now anyone worthy can in the temple.. very sacred ordanace
Nauvoo Expositor
A news paper that was formed by dissenters of the church.. thye voiced their feelings about certain prctices of the church and published it. only one issue was ever published beucase JSJ ordered it to be cut off
James Strang
one random dude that tried to take over the church, claimed jsj appointed him.. ordained by angel and translated meta plates⌠tried to be jsj but isnt⌠formed strangite clan
Joseph Smith III
jsj son was young when his dad died.. was going to take over when he was old enough but there was huge fights between him and his mother and brigham young.. formed rlds