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1. The study of "last things" or future events:
One scenario states that it is unlikely but _____________ that the events leading to the return of Christ have already occurred.
Many Christians term the thousand-year stage where certain people come to life and reign with Christ the __________________.
The great _________________ is a period of time where the vast majority of Jewish people will trust in Christ as Messiah prior to the return of Christ.
1. At the end of the final battle _______________, Jesus, the victorious king, will execute his final judgment.
It will be spiritual
Which of the following is not true of the second coming of Christ?
Intensify an expectation
Certain signs will precede the time of Christ's return to ___________.
A. Revelation 20:1-6
Much of the disagreement within the church regarding Jesus' return deals directly with the interpretation of ___________.
The ___________ perspective holds that the millennium is now, and when it ends, Jesus will return.
The ___________ perspective holds that the millennium will come gradually, and Jesus will return after the millennium.
The ___________ perspective holds that the millennium will come suddenly, and Jesus will return before the millennium.
True or False
The New Testament passages describing the end time events make it clear that the exact time of Jesus' return is unknown.
It shows a lack of faith in the future appearing of Christ for a Christian to commit to a long-term project.
According to the premillennial perspective, during the millennium, Satan and his demons as well as their influence will be removed following the millennial reign of Christ.
One specific premillennial view that has a wide following is the pretribulational view which states that Christ will return prior to the great "tribulation" (Matt. 24:21-31).