Santa Maria del Fiore Cupola - Brunelleschi (1420-1436)
Santa Maria del Fiore Cupola Lantern - Brunelleschi (1420-1436 for cupola, lantern added after Brunelleschi death)
Ospedale degli Innocenti - Brunelleschi (1421)
Adoration of the Magi - Fabriano (1423, Church of Santa Trinita)
Adoration of the Magi (close up) - Fabriano (1423, Church of Santa Trinita)
Temptation of Adam and Eve - Masolino (1420s, Brancacci Chapel)
Expulsion of Adam and Eve - Masaccio (1420s, Brancacci Chapel)
The Tribute Money - Masaccio (1420s, Brancacci Chapel)
St. Peter Healing the Sick with his Shadow - Masaccio (1420s, Brancacci Chapel)
Distributing Alms and Death of Ananaias - Masaccio (1420s, Brancacci Chapel)
The Trinity - Masaccio (1425-1428, Santa Maria Novella)
East Doors/Gates of Paradise - Ghiberti (1425-1452)
Letter R - Fra Angelico (1417)
Annunciation, Cortona - Fra Angelico (1432-1434)
Annunciation, San Marco - Fra Angelico (1438-1445)
Frescos for Dormitory Cells at San Marco - Fra Angelico (1438-1445)
Sir John Hawkwood - Uccello (1436)
Battle of San Romano - Uccello (1440s)
Cosimo I de’ Medici (held first title in Italy as Grand Duke of Tuscany)
Lorenzo de’ Medici
Madonna and Child - Lippi (c. 1455)
Last Supper - Castagno (c. 1450)
Niccolo da Tolentino - Castagno (1456)
David - Donatello (1440s)
Mary Magdalene - Donatello (1454-1455)