Importance of using the correct data type
Allows the right operations to be performed on it
Single symbol
Collection of characters
Real/floating point
Number which can have a decimal part
2 digit number system
Fractions in binary
Represented by 1/2^x where x increases towards the right in the binary table
Most significant bit/leading bit
First binary digit
Sign magnitude
Uses an extra binary digit to add a +ve or -ve sign in front of the binary number
Sign magnitude - negative
1 as the leading bit (at the start)
Sign magnitude - positive
0 as the leading bit (at the start)
Two’s complement
Makes the most significant bit negative in the binary table
16 digit number system, base 16, uses 0-9 and A-F
Binary - hexadecimal
4 bits in binary is equivalent to one place of hex
Floating point binary- sections
Mantissa and exponent
Power, number of places the floating point is moved
To practise: subtraction, floating point arithmetic
Examples on physics and maths tutor
Floating point binary - accuracy
Larger values are less accurate
Floating point binary - normalisation
Starts 01 for a positive number or 10 for a negative number
Normalisation - advantage
Makes numbers as precise as possible in the given number of bits
Logical shift
Shift performed on binary numbers, moves all digits a set number of places to the right/left
Effect of logical shift
Division or multiplication by 2^shift number
Carry bit
Can hold 1 binary digit which is lost due to a shift
Applied to binary by combining with a logic gate
Exclusive OR, both on or both off=0
Bitewise manipulation
Logical shifts and mask
Character set
Collection of characters and corresponding codes which can be used by computers to represent text
Uses 7/8 bits and can represent 128 characters
ASCII - advantage
Uses fewer bits so each character takes less memory to store
ASCII - disadvantage
Fewer characters can be represented
Uses a varying number of bits so over a million characters can be represented
Unicode - advantage
Many more characters can be represented
Unicode - disadvantage
Uses more bits so each character requires more memory to be stored
Data structure
Specialised format for processing, storing and retrieving data, collection of different kinds of data
Static data structures
Fixed size during run-time
Dynamic data structures
Can change size during run-time
Static, ordered, finite set of elements of a single type, 0-indexed, values stored contiguously
Data type
The form of a variable to which a value can be assigned
2D arrays
Like a table, use [y,x]
3D arrays
Like a spreadsheet with many sheets, use [z,y,x] with z as the array number
Like a row in a file, made up of fields - each field can have a different data type
Dynamic data structure, values stored non-contiguously (do not have to be stored next to each other in memory)
List - data types
Can contain elements of more than one data type
Static ordered set of values, immutable, initialised using normal brackets
Immutable definition
Elements cannot be added or removed once the structure has been created
Data stored consecutively together in memory
Dynamic data structure used to hold an ordered sequence of items (nodes)
Linked-list - advantage
Items do not have to be stored contiguously, dynamic so it can change size
Linked-list - disadvantage
No direct access to a single piece of data so slow to search, pointers must also be stored
Linked-list - items
Nodes, contains a data field and a link/pointer field
Linked-list - pointer
Holds the address of the next item
Linked-list - data stored
Index, data, pointer as well as start pointer and next available location for data
Linked-list - editing
Edit pointers to point to a new item or miss out an existing item
Linked-list - editing: advantage
Easy to edit
Linked-list - editing: disadvantage
Node is not removed but simply ignored, which wastes memory
Set of vertices/nodes connected by edges/arcs
Directed graph
Edges can only be traversed in one direction
Undirected graph
Edges can be traversed in both directions
Weighted graph
Weight (numerical value) attached to each edge
Graph - representation
Computers use an adjacency matrix or an adjacency list
Adjacency matrix - advantage
Quicker access times than adjacency list
Adjacency list - advantage
More space efficient for large, sparse networks
LIFO (last in first out) data structure, either static or dynamic
Stack - LIFO
Items can only be added to/removed from the top of the stack
Stack - use
To reverse an action e.g. go back a page in web browsers, undo buttons
Stack - static
Preferred when maximum size of the stack is known in advance, easier to implement and make more efficient use of memory
Stack - implementation
Uses a pointer that points to the top of the stack, where the next piece of data will be inserted
Stack - function
Stack - check if empty
.isEmpty() - must be done before peeking or popping, returns Boolean value and works by checking the value of the top pointer
Stack - add a new value
Stack - return top value of stack
Stack - remove and return top value of stack
Stack - return size
Stack - check if full
.isFull() - returns Boolean value, works by comparing stack size to top pointer
FIFO (first in first out) data structure
Queue - FIFO
Items are added to the end of the queue and removed from the front of the queue
Queue - uses
Printers, keyboards, simulators
Linear queue
Data structure consisting of an array
Linear queue - items
Items added into the next available space and removed from the front of the queue
Linear queue - pointers
Two pointers, one pointing to each end of the queue, where items can be added/removed
Linear queue - advantage
Easy to implement
Linear queue - disadvantage
As the queue removes items, there are addresses that cannot be used again, making it ineffective
Queue - functions
Queue - add item
.enQueue(item) - increments back pointer
Queue - remove item
.deQueue() - increments front pointer
Queue - checks if empty
.isEmpty() - works by comparing front and back pointer
Queue - checks if full
.isFull() - works by comparing back pointer and queue size
Circular queue - description
FIFO, operates similarly to a linear queue
Circular queue - pointer usage
Once back pointer is equal to maximum size of queue, it can loop back to the front and store values there if the space is empty
Circular queue - advantage
More space efficient than linear
Circular queue - disadvantage
Harder to implement than linear
Connected form of graph
Tree - root node
Top node, has no incoming edges
Tree - node
Item in tree
Tree - edge/branch/arc
Connects two nodes
Tree - child
Node with incoming edges
Tree - parent
Node with outgoing edges
Tree - subtree
Subsection of tree consisting of a parent and all the children of that parent
Tree - leaf
Node with no children
Binary tree
Type of tree where each node has a maximum of two children