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Activated muscles work in two ways - ______ (____)
_____ (____)
Phasically (dynamic)
Tonically (static)
Afferent info like _____ and ____ ___ are critical in ____ control
Afferent info like proprioception and special sense are critical in motor control
Central pattern generators (____ ____) activate ____ motor responses that do ____ _____ ____ feedback
Central patter generators (neural oscillators) activate complex motor responses that do not require afferent feedback
Patterned movements are ____ that elicit movement without _____
These include ______ or ______ ____
Complex motor activities like _____ and _____ using ______ ___ _____
Patterned movements are circuits that elicit movement without volition
These include static or dynamic postural control
Complex motor activities like walking and scratching using central pattern generators
Volitional activities are driven by the ____ ____ - they become ______ ______ _____
Initially very _____ and use ____ and _____ until _____
Once _____ movements become too fast there is no ____
Volitional activities are driven by the cerebral cortex - they become learned motor behaviors
Initially very intentional and use feedback and guidance until programmed
Once programmed movements become too fast there is no feedback
Direct pathways for motor control include ______ ______ to _______ ____
Indirect include the ____ - ____ - _____ pathway
Direct pathways for motor control include corticospinal tracts to interneuron pools
Indirect include the cortico-brainstem-spinal pathway
A motor unit is a ____ ___ and all ____ ____ it innervates
______ _____ is the lowest integration point in ____ ___ - AP generation depends on ____ ___ of all ____ and _____ inputs at that time
A motor unit is a motor neuron and all muscle fibers it innervates
Alpha motorneuron is the lowest integration point in motor control - AP generation depends on algebraic sum of all excitatory and inhibitory inputs at that time
As demand for motor strength increases, there is _____ recruitment of ____ ___ - smaller diameter motor neurons fire more ____ than ______ ____ motor ____ (because...)
As demand for motor strength increases there is progressive recruitment of motor units - smaller diameter motor neurons fire more easily than larger diameter motor neurons (because smaller neurons have higher resistance therefore current change produces larger voltage)
As the frequency of nerve input increases, there is a shift from a ____ to a ____ response - tension development is greater during a _____ ____
As the frequency of nerve input increases, there is a shift from a twitch to a tetanic response - tension development is greater during a tetanic response
Twitch fibers are low ____ and not much ____
Low fatigue and not much force
The corticospinal and rubrospinal tract terminate in ______ _____ ____ and regulate motor neurons that innervate ____ ____ muscle groups
These are located ______
The corticospinal and rubrospinal tracts terminate in contralateral ventral horns and regulate motor neurons that innervate volitional distal muscle groups
These are located laterally
The vestibular and reticular formation motor nuclei terminate in ______ _____ components of the ____ ___ - these regulate motor neurons that innervate ______, _____ muscles
These are located ____
The vestibular and reticular formation motor nuclei terminate in ipsilateral medial components of the ventral horn - these regulate motor neurons that innervate axial, proximal muscles
These are located medially
Afferent fibers branch when inside the ____ ___ and innervate ____ ____ - this is ____
Afferent fibers branch when inside the spinal cord and innervate multiple targets - this is divergence
______ and ______ determine the discharge and _______ zones
_____ zones (______ ____) are excited to ____
______ fringe are not
Convergence of afferents can shift from a _____ ___ to a _____ if multiple afferents are _____ ______
Convergence and divergence determine the discharge and facilitated zones
Discharge zones (Liminal fringe) are excited to threshold
Subliminal fringe are not
Convergence of afferents can shift from a facilitated zone to a discharge if multiple afferents are recruited simultaneously
In reflexes, reciprocal innervation coordinates ______ ___ around a ____ - ____ are essential for this organization
In reflexes, reciprocal innervation coordinates muscle activity around a joint - interneurons are essential for organizing movement
In the muscle spindles, there is a dynamic nuclear bag which detects ___ of ____ in ____
A static nuclear bag which detects ______ ____ ____
There is no _____ in ______ fibers
In the muscle spindles, there is a dynamic nuclear bag which detects rate of change in length
A static nuclear bag which detects final muscle length
There is no actin in intrafusal fibers
The 1a afferent in stretch reflex have a ____ and ____ phase of ____ discharge
They can monitor ____ ___ and ___ of _____
Go to alpha motor neuron and do ____ ___ of ___
There is _____ excitation of ____ _____ which are ____ to muscle
_____ of _____ muscles through an _____ _____
Diverges to the ______ ___ _____ for ______ _____
Diverges to the _____ ____ - by using these two pathways there is ____ of ____ ____
The 1a afferent in stretch reflex have a dynamic and static phase of AP discharge
They can monitor muscle length and rate of change
Go to alpha motor neuron and do liminal activation of muscle
There is subliminal excitation of motor neurons which are synergistic to muscle
Inhibition of antagonizing muscles though an inhibitory interneuron
Diverges to the column of clarke for unconscious proprioception
Diverges to the dorsal columns - by using these two pathways there is conservation of afferent info
Descending input to a ____ cell can affect _____ of motor neurons around a ____
Limb muscle reflexes can have both ____ and _____ components
Descending input to a renshaw cell can affect excitability of motor neurons around a joint
Limb muscle reflexes can have both spinal and supraspinal components
The gamma efferent in stretch reflex increases the discharge of ______ ____
the gamma efferent in stretch reflex increases the discharge of Ia afferent
Golgi tendon provides information about _____ ____ in motor units arranged in ____ with the receptor - the nerve ending within the tendon (_____) is arranged in _____ with ___-____ motor units
Golgi tendon provides information about muscle tension in motor units arranged in series with the receptor - the nerve ending within the tendon (flowerspray) is arranged in series with 5-15 motor units
Golgi tendon organs 1b afferent are less sensitive to ____ ____
Inhibits via a _____ ____
Facilitates ____ pathways to activate ____ ____ through the ____ __ ____
During walking the central program reduces the effect of the _____ ____ while activating the ____ ____ - state-dependent ____ _____
golgi tendon organs 1b afferent are less sensitive to passive stretch
Inhibits via a disynaptic pathway
Facilitates multisynaptic pathways to activate heteronymous antagonists through the column of clarke
During walking the central program reduces the effect of the inhibitory interneuron while activating the excitatory interneuron - state-dependent reflex reversal
Withdrawal reflex is removal of a limb from ___ ___
Receptors are _____ ____ nociceptors
Terminal projections to ____ ___, ___ fibers
Diverge _____ to give info to ___
_____ pathway
Crossed ____ ___ mediated by _____ and _____ circuits
Withdrawal reflex is removal of a limb from harmful stimuli
Receptors are unmyelinated cutaneous nociceptors
Terminal projections to Group III, C fibers
Diverge anterolaterally to give info to CNS
Multisynaptic pathway
Crossed extension reflex mediated by segmental and intersegmental circuits
Activation of _____ sensitive channels in muscle spindles leads to generation of _____ _____ in the _____ nerve. This senses muscle ____ and ___ of ____ in _____
Descending inputs ( ______) ____ ___ and ____ motor neurons to avoid ____ ___ - ____ ____ neuron activates ____ fibers that ____ the ____ causing ____ activity
Stimulation of only _____ would cause ____ to ____ - muscle ____ would lead to loss of ____ ___ activity (_____ period)
Co activation of ____ and ____ motor neurons avoids a ____ ___
______ neurons are smaller and fire first so they can _____ _____ activation
Activation of stretch sensitive channels in muscle spindles leads to generation of action potentials in the sensory nerve. This senses muscle stretch and rate of change in length
Descending inputs (corticospinal) coactivate alpha and gamma motor neurons to avoid silent period - gamma motor neuron activates intrafusal fibers that stretch the spindle causing 1a activity
Stimulation of only alpha would cause spindle to shorten - muscle twitch would lead to loss of 1a afferent activity (silent period)
Co activation of alpha and gamma motor neurons avoids a silent period
Gamma neurons are smaller and fire first so they can precede alpha activation
Types of gamma motor neurons include ____ which influence the response to _____ stretch of muscle (____ and ___)
_____ which influence response to ____ ___ (____ and ____)
Types of gamma motor neurons include dynamic which influence the response to phasic stretch of muscle (quick and brief)
Static which influence response to static stretch (slow and maintained)
The fusimotor system ensures _____ information about muscle length is continuously forwarded to _____ ____ centers
This is important because muscle ____ and ______ _____ depend on integrity of the ____ reflex - ____ is due to low level ___ of ___ ___ by the ____ ____
The fusimotor system ensures afferent information about muscle length is continuously forwarded to CNS motor center
This is important because muscle tone and reflex state depend on integrity of the stretch reflex - tone is due to low level activation of motor units by the stretch reflex
Changes in deep tendon reflex can reflect changes in _____ of ______ _____
Directly modulated by activation of _____
Indirectly modulated by activation of ____ ____
There is no _____ input to ____
Changes in deep tendon reflex can reflect changes in excitability of alpha motorneuron
Directly modulated by activation of alpha
Indirectly modulated by activation of gamma loop
There is no 1a input to gamma
Spasticity is a sign of ____ disease that reflects a change in ____ of the _____ ____
Enhanced resistance to ____ _____
Increase in _____ of ____ muscles
Decrease in _____ muscles
Loss of _____ ____ and overactive ____ ___
_____ _____ leads to gamma motor neuron _____ - dynamic ____ ___ leads to increased ______ and an increase in ____ ___ firing leading to _____ ____
Spasticity is a sign of UMN disease that reflects a change in properties of stretch reflex
Enhanced resistance of passive extension
Increase in DTR of antigravity muscles
Decrease in antagonistic muscles
Loss of descending inhibition and overactive alpha motor neurons
1a Hypersensitivity leads to gamma motor neuron overactivity - dynamic gamma firing leads to increased DTRs and an increase in static gamma firing leading to increased tone
Spasticity can result from alteration in either ____ or ____ -reflex pathway can be enhanced by background _____ ____
Spasticity can result from alteration in either alpha or gamma - reflex pathway can be enhanced by background excitatory tone
Spinal central pattern generators can be initiated in absence of ____ or _____ ____ inputs
Direct activation of ____ ___ ____ in the ____
Locomotor circuits can be activated by ____ ___ from ____ ___ and _____ ___
Peripheral sensory information can modify _______ ______
Spinal central pattern generators can be initiated in absence of descending or local sensory inputs
Direct activation of central pattern generators in the CNS
Locomotor circuits can be activated by descending information from brainstem nuclei and cerebral cortex
Peripheral sensory information can modify locomotor circuits