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Who is Clive Wearing?
Man who suffered amnesia from a viral infection in the brain. He was unable to form new memories. Had anterograde amnesia.
He remembered to play piano and his wife
processes involved in retaining, retrieving, and using information about stimuli, images, events, ideas, and skills after the original information is no longer present
What was Atkinson and Shiffrin’s approach to studying memory?
Information processing approach
3 Types of memory according to the Modal Model of Memory
sensory memory
short-term memory
long-term memory
sensory memory
the initial stage that holds all incoming information for seconds or fractions of a second
short-term memory
holds 5-7 items for about 15-20 seconds
long-term memory
can hold a large amount of information for years or even decades
iconic memory
what you see
working memory
limited-capacity system for temporary storage and manipulation of information for complex tasks such as comprehension, learning, and reasoning
primacy effect
better memory for the first few items relative to middle items
recency effect
better memory for the last few items
Retrieval from LTM specifically activates the ___
Retrieval from working memory specifically activates the _____ _____
perirhnial cortex
digit-span task
participants hear a series of digits read to them and must immediately repeat them back
what reduces working memory load?
operation span
a measure of working memory capacity
Braddeley’s working memory model
includes the central executive, phonological loop, and the visuospatial sketch pad
Visuospatial sketch pad
aka the “visuospatial buffer”
phonological loop
aka the “articulatory rehearsal loop”. it passively stores the sound representations.
episodic buffer
helps the central executive organize information into chronological sequence
concurrent articulation tasks
support the model of the articulatory rehearsal loop
maintenance rehearsal
repeating the items over and over. based on how something sounds. very shallow encoding. less successful for long-term storage
elaborate rehearsal
encoding the information in more meaningful ways. based on the meaning of something. leads to deeper encoding, much more successful for long-term storage.
____ ____ is superior to ___ ___ for long-term memory
relational rehearsal; maintenance rehearsal
___ ___ does NOT guarantee memory
repeated exposure
what are the levels of processing?
shallow processing
deep processing
shallow processing
little attention to the meaning. focus on physical features. poor memory
deep processing
close attention to the meaning. better memory.
incidental learning
learning in the absence of an intention to learn
intentional learning
deliberate, with the expectation that memory will be later tested