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mid week 3-end week 4
when does anteerio-posterior folding begin
surrounds brain composed of cartilages and placodes
the part of the skull that forms a protective shell around the chondrocranium
the cartilaginous part of the skull that supports the brain and forms the base of the skull.
the portion of the skull that forms the facial skeleton, including the jaw and other structures.
derived from NCCs, develops into dental and skeletal tissues of oral cavity, responsible for early development of face
a type of embryonic connective tissue that develops into various types of tissues including bones and cartilage.
cranial NCCs fron MB (midbrain) and rhombomeres (Rhb) 1 and 2
provide material for bone and cartilage of the face and 1st branchial arch
NCCs from Rhbs 4,6,and 8
provide material for 2nd-4th branchial arches
growth factors that influencee anterior head development
frontal,maxillary,stomodeum, mandibular, heart
processes that define the embryonic mouth
odontogenic epithelium
the epithelial tissue involved in tooth development, originating from the ectoderm.
week 4
when does odontogenic epithelium develop
week 4
when does the buccopharyngeal membrane rupture
frontal process
maxillary process
mandibular arch (1st)
mandibular process
hyoid arch (2nd)
branchial arch (3rd)
end of week 4 (28 days)
olfactory placodes (nasal placodes) begin to develop
thickening of ectoderm that forms sensory organs
nasal pit formation
sign of week 5 development
medial nasal process
give rise to mid-portion of both nose and upper lip and premaxilla and primary palatee
primary choanae (interenal nasal opening)
what is a sign of week 6 development
trabecular cartilages (NCC)
responsible fot development of ethmoid bone
fusing of trabecular cartilage to midline of ethmoid
essential for fusion of facial processes in the midline
week 4
what week of development?
maxillary process
identify region marked by X
X:lateral nasal process, Y:medial nasal process
label X and Y
odontogenic epithelium
on the margins of processes surrounding the stomodeum develops into teeth
medial nasal process
forms into primary palate and premaxilla
maxillary process
forma secondary palate
7.5 weeks
tongue lowers to allow the fusion of the palatal shelves
week 8
palatal shelves begin to merge
week 9
palate shelves fuse with each other and the nasal septum
late week 4 (no nose)
what stage of development
week 5 (nasal pit present)
what stage of development?
week 5 (nose and no choanae)
stage of development?
week 6 (primary choanae present
what stage?
mid week 6 (tongue in way of palatal shelves)
what stage?
mid week 6 (tongue not retracted)
what stage?
week 8 (palate begins to merge)
late week 9 (palatal shelves joined but fusion incomplete)
what stage?