Chapter 7: Amplification by Polymerase Chain Reaction

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intrinsic RNase H

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intrinsic RNase H

The RNA template is then degraded by an ______ activity of reverse transcriptase during the reverse transcription reaction.

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Taq polymerase

________ is the most commonly used enzyme for routine PCR applications.

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PCR primers

________ are the oligonucleotides that are complementary to the sequences that flank the target region of the template.

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parental DNA

The ________ serves as the template for DNA replication.

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Universal primers

________ can hybridize to any mRNA sequence in a sample to convert all mRNAs to cDNA.

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reagent blanks

Extraction ________, which contain all extraction reagents but no sample, monitor contamination from extraction to PCR.

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Reverse transcription

________ is carried out by a reverse transcriptase that forms the basis of reverse transcriptase PCR.

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________ forms the basis of many forensic DNA assays such as DNA quantitation, STR profiling and mtDNA sequencing.

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Protein synthesis

also known as translation, is directed by an RNA template.

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Melting Temperature

The temperature at which 50% of DNA strands are denatured

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The single strands in a solution of denatured DNA can reanneal into double-stranded DNA

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The catalytic function of cDNA synthesis requires a primer that ______ to a complementary mRNA template.

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Real-Time PCR

This process allows the monitoring of amplicon production at each cycle of the PCR process

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AmpliTaq Gold DNA polymerase

A modified enzyme, remains in an inactive form until activated with a pH below 7 prior to the PCR cycling in which the inhibitory motif is inactivated

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Both single

and double-stranded DNA can be used as a template for PCR

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Deoxynucleoside triphosphates (dNTPs)

The substrates for DNA synthesis

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PCR cycle consists of three elements

denaturation, annealing, and extension

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Thermal Cycler

Instrument that carries out PCR amplification

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Stochastic Effect

The two alleles in a heterozygous individual are unequally detected at a low level of starting DNA template

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Central dogma

The pathway for the flow of genetic information

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Reverse Transcription

The flow of genetic information from RNA to DNA

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Retroviral RNase H

A domain of the viral reverse transcriptase enzyme

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hydrogen bonding

Double-stranded DNA is maintained by _______ between the bases of complementary pairs.

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Occurs when the hydrogen bonds of DNA are disrupted, and the strands are separated.

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Melting Curve

Can be obtained from measuring DNA denaturation by slowly heat- ing a solution of DNA.

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The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) allows the exponential amplification of specific sequences of DNA to yield sufficient amplified products, also known as _______, for various downstream applications.

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S-shaped amplification curve

An _____ is obtained and divided into an exponential phase, a linear phase, and a plateau.

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AmpliTaq Gold DNA polymerase

A modified enzyme, remains in an inactive form until activated with a pH below 7 prior to the PCR cycling in which the inhibitory motif is inactivated.

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target sequence

A primer must be specific to the ______ ; otherwise, nonspecific products that might interfere with the proper interpretation of a DNA profile might be produced.

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self-complementary sequences

A primer should not contain _______ that may form hairpin structures interfering with the annealing of primers and the template.

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primer dimers

These annealed primers may then be amplified during PCR, creating products known as _____, which compete with the target DNA template for PCR components.

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Multiplex PCR

is the simultaneous amplification of more than one region of a DNA template in a single reaction to achieve high-throughput analysis.

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Divalent cations

are required for the enzymatic activity of DNA polymerases.

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Monovalent cations

are usually recommended, and a buffer is often utilized to maintain pH between 8.3 and 8.8 at room temperature.

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positive control

A ______ shows that PCR components such as reagents and PCR cycle parameters are working properly during a PCR.

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At the beginning of each cycle, the two complementary DNA template strands are separated at high temperatures (94°C–95°C) in a process called _______.

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The temperature is then decreased to allow _____ between the oligonuclers and the template. The temperature for annealing is usually 3°C–5°C.

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causes DNA to break into smaller fragments.

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If the damage occurs at a region to be ______, the result can be a failure in PCR amplification.

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Stochastic Effect

The two alleles in a heterozygous individual are unequally detected at a low level of starting DNA template.

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internal positive control

The presence of PCR inhibitors can be detected using an _______.

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centrifugal filtration

If PCR inhibitors are not eliminated during the extraction process, additional procedures such as the use of _______ devices can be used.

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RNA synthesis

With _______ or transcription, the process is carried out using the DNA as a template.

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complementary DNA (cDNA)

RNA chains can be used as templates for the synthesis of a DNA strand of complementary sequence, in which the end product is referred to as ______

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pol gene

The most common reverse transcriptases used for cDNA synthesis are encoded by the _______ from the avian myeloblastosis virus (AMV) and the Moloney strain of the murine leukemia virus (MMLV).

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Oligodeoxynucleotide primers

are an essential component for a reverse transcriptase reaction.

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Oligo (dT) primer

can hybridize to the 3′ termini poly (A) tails of eukaryotic mRNAs.

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Random hexamer primers

are nonspecific primers that can hybridize, at mul- tiple sites, to any RNA sequence including non-mRNA templates such as ribosomal RNA.

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One-step RT-PCR

combines the reverse transcription reaction and PCR in a single tube.

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two-step PCR

During a ______, the reverse transcription reaction and PCR are carried out in separate tubes.

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end-point PCR method

The ______ measures the amount of amplified product synthesized during PCR at the end of the PCR amplification.

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real-time PCR method

With the ______, the amplified product is quantified during the exponential phase of PCR.

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hot-start PCR

The ______ strategy is typically used to increase sensitivity, specificity, and yield.

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