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What is the purpose of oxidase
Determines the presence of cytochrome oxidase
What is the media used in the oxidase test
What is the reagent in the oxidase test
Tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine-dihydrochloride to indophenol
What is a positive reaction in the oxidase test
Turns dark purple
What is a positive QC for the oxidase test
P. aeruginosa
What is a negative reaction for the oxidase test
No color change
What is a negative QC for the oxidase test
E. Coli
What is the purpose of the indole tube test
Determines organisms ability to produce indole from tryptophane
What is the media used for the indole tube test
What is the reagent used in the indole tube test
Kovac’s (dimethylamine-benzaldehyde and HCl)
What is a positive reaction for the indole tube test
Red/dark pink
What is a positive QC for the indole tube test
E. Coli
What is the negative reaction for the indole tube test
No color change
What is a negative QC for the indole tube test
K. Pneumoniae
What is the purpose of the spot indole
Determines the ability to produce indole from tryptophane
What is the media for the spot indole test
Indol + cinnamaldehyde
What is the reagent for the spot indole test
1% paradimethylamino-cinnamaldehyde
What is the positive reaction for the spot indole test
Teal blue
What is a positive QC for the spot indole test
E coli
What is the negative reaction for the spot indole test
No color change
What is a negative QC for the spot indole test
K. Pneumoniae
What is the purpose of the urea test
Determines bacteria’s ability to produce urease
What is the media for the urea test
Urea slant with enzymatic digest of gelatin, dextrose and urea
What is the indicator for the urea test
Phenol red
What is the positive reaction for urea test
What is a positive QC for urea test
K. Oxytoca
What is the negative reaction for urea test
No color change
What is a negative QC for urea test
E. Coli
What is the purpose of the citrate test
Bacteria that grows is capable of using citrate as a carbon source
What is the media for citrate test
Simmons citrate agar
What is the indicator for the citrate test
Bromothymol blue
What is the positive reaction for the citrate test
What Is a positive QC for citrate test
S. typhmurium
What is the negative reaction for the citrate test
What is a negative QC for citrate test
Shigella spp.
What is the purpose of phenylalanine test
To determine organisms ability to oxidatively deaminate phenylalanine to phenyl pyruvic acid
What is the media for phenylalanine test
PPA, Phenylalanine yeast extract
What is the reagent for the phenylalanine test
10% ferric chloride
what does a positive reaction look like for phenylalanine test
dark green
what is a positive QC for phenylalanine test
P. vulgaris
what is a negative reaction for phenylalanine test
no color change
what is a negative QC for phenylalanine test
E. coli
what is the purpose of the Triple sugar iron (TSI) test
determines if GNR ferments glucose and lactose or sucrose, and forms hydrogen sulfide (H2S)
what is the media for TSI test
enzymatic digest of casein, enzymatic digest of animal tissue, yeast enriched peptone, dextrose, sucrose and lactose, ferric ammonium citrate, sodium thiosulfate
what is the indicator for TSI test
Phenol red and Ferrous sulfate
For TSI test, K/NC means that
No sugars are fermented, No H2S is produced, and there is no gas produced
For TSI test, K/A means that
only glucose was fermented, No H2S was produced, and no gas was produced.
How do you know if a sugar was fermented in the TSI test
slant/butt turns yellow
How do you know if H2S was produced in a TSI test
Slant turns black
How do you know if gas was produced in TSI test
There are bubbles/cracks in the slant
What does A/A mean in TSI test
glucose, lactose and/or sucrose was fermented, No H2S was produced, no gas was produced.
What does a TSI tube look like that has no sugar fermented, no H2S produced and No gas produced
What does a TSI tube look like where only glucose was fermented
the butt is yellow where the slant stays red
What does a TSI tube look like where glucose was fermented, H2s was produced and gas was produced
butt is black and slant stays red
What does a TSI tube look like where all of the sugars were fermented, No H2S was produced and no gas was produced
Butt and slant both turn yellow
What does A/(A) mean in a TSI test
all sugars were fermented, gas was produced but no H2S was produced
What does a TSI tube look like that all the sugars were fermented, gas was produced but no H2S was produced
Yellow slant and butt with bubbles/cracks
What does A/(A) H2S mean in a TSI tube
all sugars were fermented, gas was produced and H2S was produced
What does a tube look like where all sugars were fermented, gas was produced and H2S was produced
Yellow with black, cracks and bubbles visible
What is a QC for A/A with gas
E. coli
What is a QC for K/A with or without gas and H2S production
Salmonella typhimurium
What does a QC look like for K/NC
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
What is a QC for K/A with H2S
Proteus mirabilis
What is a QC for K/A
Shigella flexneri
What is the purpose of a wet prep motility test
able to see motility while organisms are still alive
What is a positive QC for wet prep motility test
E coli
what is a negative QC for wet prep motility test
Klebsiella pneumoniae