characterized by:
differences in social interactions
the presence of repetitive, stereotyped behaviours
fixated interests
strict adherence to routines
Social Symptoms
infants are ambivalent about being held
arched backs when picked up
may not look or smile
seek someone else for comfort
limited social relationships
avoid or reduce eye contact
Language Symptoms
language may be altered, delayed, or nonexistent
could include echoing or self-reference in the third person
memorize and repeats words or phrases
talking without understanding others’ interests or misinterpreting their literal speech
particular interests & behaviours
stereotyped movements (flapping hands, rocking)
investigates objects (sniffing, textiles, motion)
extreme attachment to an object
precise routines (distress when not followed)
Rubella during pregnancy
Prenatal Thalidomide
Encephalitis from herepes
Tuberous Sclerosis