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What is one of the nervous system’s key functions?
Enables us to interact usefully with our environment.
The neuroscience of _________ is fundamental to the practice of physical therapy
motor control
What are the 2 divisions of the PNS?
autonomic and somatic nervous systems
What are the 2 divisions of the autonomic nervous system and their functions?
sympathetic (arousing), parasympathetic (calming)
What are the 2 divisions of the somatic nervous system?
sensory and motor
What does reflex theory state?
there is a stereotypical reflex response to a specific stimulus, reflexes can be chained to create complexity
what are some limitations of reflex theory?
doesn’t explain movement without stimuli, fast movements, multiple responses to the same stimulus, or production of new movements
What does hierarchal theory state?
Control is from the top down and each level controls level below it
what are some limitations of reflex theory?
responses are the same regardless of goal; doesn’t explain movement without stimuli, bottom up behaviors, or novel movements
What was the first theory to suggest that motor control is not reactive?
motor program theory
what does motor program theory state?
movements may be elicited by a stimulus or intrinsically by a central process (without afferent stimuli)
what are some limitations of motor program theory?
too many distinct actions for the nervous system to store, does not explain variation
What does the dynamical systems theory consider?
how the individual moves within their environment
what are the components of dynamical systems theory?
degrees of freedom, distributed control, muscle synergies, self-organization, nonlinear behavior, variability
what complicates degrees of freedom?
internal and external forces working on the body
multiple different strategies that can be used to perform the same goal refers to….
degrees of freedom
systems work together and produce movement through self-orginization
distributed control
is distributed control hierarical?
muscles working together with proper timing and aplitude to produce movement
muscle synergy
synergies ___________ the computational load of the nervous system
when the system of parts comes together, its elements behave in an ordered way w/o specific commands
what does non-linear behavior mean?
when a specific criterion is reached the behavior changes (ex: walk, jog, run)
name for preffered patterns in well-learned tasks
attractor state
what is the focus of ecological thory?
how actions enable us to interact w/ the environment, emphasis on active exploration
which motor control theory is correct?
no single theory is perfect, remember individual, task, environment
light is an example of a _________ factor in the environment
an uneven floor is an example of a __________ factor in the environment
what tasks on the perception-action continuum are considered perception?
sensing and perceiving
what tasks on the perception-action continuum are considered cognition?
interpreting, conceptulizing, planning
what tasks on the perception-action continuum are considered action?
Activating, executing
what does a feedforward mechanism do?
create a plan before execution of a task
what does a feedback mechanism do?
compare the plan to the result and enable correction
what steps on the perception Action continuum are feedback?
sensing, perceiving, interpreting
what steps on the perception Action continuum are feedforward?
conceptualizing, planning, activating, executing
what does knowledge of performance feedback do?
describes how a task was performed
what does knowledge of results feedback do?
describes whether the task was successfully completed