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persistent pattern of social interaction aimed at meeting a need of a society that can’t easily be met by individuals alone
Beliefs and practices that are well known, widely followed, and culturally approved
Explicit and codified expectations, often with stated consequences for deviance
gendered institution
which gender is used as an organizing principle
gender saliance
relevances of gender across contexts, activities, and spaces. rises and falls across the different parts of institutional landscapes
splitting of genders in sports teams
Is something is institutionalized what does that mean?
they are produced and reproduced by the routine functioning of our institutions
feminine apologetic
points to a womans performance of femininity to soothe others concerns about her appropriation of masculinity by performing conventional feminine sexual attractiveness
pariah femininities
ways of being a woman that by virtue of directly challenging mens dominance are widely and aggressively policed (slut, prude, hag, spinster, dyke, etc.)
benevolent sexism
attribution of positive traits to women that justify a woman’s subordination to mend
hostile sexism
use of harassment, threats, and violence to enforce womens subservience to men
aggrieved entitlement
anger over something men feel they rightfully own or deserve that is being unjustly taken or withheld from them
fear and hatred of women with power
victim blaming
identifying something done by a victim as a cause of their victimization
emphasize femininity
an exaggerated form of femininity "oriented to accommodating the interests and desires of men"
emphatic samness
a strategy by which women try to be "just one of the guys"
gender equivocation
the use of both emphasized femininity and emphatic sameness when they're useful and culturally expected
double blind
a situation in which cultural expectations are contradictory
a. the belief that all men and women should have equal rights and opportunities
matrix of domination
a structure in which multiple hierarchies intersect to create a pyramid of privilege, leaving on top only those people who are advantaged in every hierarchy
stalled revolution
a sweeping change in gender relations that is stuck halfway through (ex: gay revolution)
what are the 3 main things women are harmed by
1. Sexism. 2. Androcentrism 3. subordination
Literally, "the rule of the father." A constructed social hierarchy that places men at the top. In the US, this has generally also meant land-owning white men
An (implicit or explicit) belief that masculine qualities are superior to feminine qualities
bechdel test
A check as to whether a movie has even a single scene in which two named female characters talk to one another about something other than a man.
hegomonic masculinity
Idealized masculine performance that seeks to encode or justify gender inequality. A masculine archetype that embodies the social construction of masculinity as superior. It also works to minimize negative traits associated with masculinity.
patriarchal bargain
Agreeing to the hierarchy of patriarchy, which disadvantages both men and women, in return for some protection or status based on your positionality within the hierarchy. Men will be subordinate to more masculine or high-status men in exchange for power over women; women will accept subordination to men in exchange for power over younger or lower-status women
toxic masculinity
a. masculinity that is harmful to self and others
a type of society in which the invention of agriculture—the cultivation of domesticated crops—allows groups to put down roots
industrial economy
an economy dependent on the production of material goods intended for the market
money gained from working in places like factories, mines, and shops that belong to others
the process by which goods transition from something a family provided for itself into something bought with a wage
a. a thing that can be bought and sold
gendered love/sex binary
a. a projection of the gender binary onto the ideas of love and sex
sexual double standard
different rules for the sexual behavior of men and women
good girl/bad girl dichotomy
the idea that women who behave themselves sexually are worthy of respect and women who don't are not
a. a practice in which a man funds a woman's night on the town
a. a term used to describe having a same-sex crush
patriarch/property marriage
a model of marriage in which a woman was entered into a marriage by her father, who owned her until he "gave her away" at the wedding
family wage
an income paid to a man that is large enough to support a home, a wife, and children
breadwinner/housewife marriage
a model of marriage that did not legally subordinate wives to husbands but continued to define the rights and responsibilities of husbands and wives differently; women owed men domestic services and men were legally required to support their wives financially
separate spheres
a. the idea of a masculinized work world and a feminized home life
cult of domesticity
the notion that women could and should wholeheartedly embrace the work of making a loving home
a. the making and nurturing of human beings
a. making goods for sale
going steady
a. the practice of an often short-lived, but still exclusive, public pairing off
marriage bans
a. policies against employing married women
protective legislation
a. policies designed to protect women from exploitation by restricting their workplace participation
service and information economy
an economy dependent on jobs focused on providing services for others or working with ideas
the open practice and encouragement of long-term intimate relationships with only one person
a. long-term intimate relationships with more than one partner at a time
open relationships
a. long-term relationships that allow sexual but not romantic encounters with others
blended families
a. families consisting of partnered adults with at least one child from a previous relationship
partnership marriage
a model of marriage based on love and companionship between two equals who negotiate a division of labor unique to their relationship
hookup culture
an environment in which casual sexual contact is held up as ideal, encouraged with rules for interaction, and institutionalized
a. designed on the assumption that everyone is monogamous
coital imperative
the idea that any fully sexually active couple must be having penile-vaginal intercourse (also known as "coitus") and any fully completed sexual activity will include it
orgasm gap
a phenomenon in which women who have sex with men report fewer orgasms than men who have sex with women
heterosexual male gaze
a way of looking at society from the perspective of a hypothetical heterosexual man
sexual subjectification
the process by which people are told what their internal thoughts and feelings should be
sexual objectification
a. the reduction of a person to their sex appeal
self objectification
a. watching one's sexual performance from the outside
erotic marketplace
a. an intersectional ranking of people according to their perceived sexual desirability
advertising one's masculine traits and concealing one's feminine traits in an effort to appease others' preferences for masculine men
sexual script
advertising one's masculine traits and concealing one's feminine traits in an effort to appease others' preferences for masculine men
push and resist dynamic
a situation in which it is normal for men to press sexual activity consistently in the direction of increasing intimacy (whether he wants to or not) and for women to stop or slow down the accelerating intimacy when he's going "too far" (whether she wants to or not)
rape culture
an environment that justifies, naturalizes, and even glorifies sexual pressure, coercion, and violence
social construction that tends to ignore other identities (the way people are responded to by society)
a. individuals particular type of difficulty or difference
individual and institutional biases that deny critical resources to differently-abled bodies
total influence on disadvantages is best stated by combining experiences with disadvantage
total influence on disadvantages do not get worse beyond one form of discrimination
total influence on disadvantages is best stated by compounding experiences with disadvantage. Experiences with disadvantage are greater than the sum of their parts
describe the outsize sympathy often granted to violent men—a phenomenon observed especially when the man in question is well known or otherwise powerful
exculpatory chauvinism
negative characteristics ascribed to men are offered as acceptable justification for men's dominance over women
gender stratifcation
the unequal distribution of wealth, power, and privilege between men and women
second shift
the double burden- work outside the home followed by child care and houseworkthat many women face and few men share equitably
glass ceiling
a. the invisible ceiling that prevents women from climbing the hierarchy
title IX
a. requires that institutions that receive federal funding cannot legally prefer men
the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities
feminine apologetic
a requirement that omen balance masculine trait and activities with conventional femininity is known as