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which number is the mass number
top number
Relative mass of a neutron
What name is given to atoms that contain the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons?
Which has the greater mass: a proton or an electron?
which number is the atomic number
bottom number
What is the overall electrical charge of an atom with an equal number of protons and electrons?
sub atomic particle with no charge
sub atomic particle with positive charge
Name the particle that an atom can lose or gain in order to form a charged ion.
Will two different isotopes of the same element have the same mass number?
What name is given to the radiation that reaches the Earth from space?
cosmic rays
A stream of alpha and beta particles is aimed through an electric field. Which type of particles will be attracted towards the positive electrode?
Gamma radiation is not deflected by an electric field because it has no... what?
What name is given to the process by which radioactive atoms break down and change into a different type of atom?
radioactive decay
What name is given to the time taken for half of the radioactive nuclei in a sample to decay?
half life
Should radioactive tracers used for medical diagnosis have a short or a long half-life?
The isotope of which element is used in most nuclear reactors?
What name is given to the splitting of an atomic nucleus?
nuclear fission
Nuclear fission involves the joining of two atomic nuclei to form a larger nucleus.
What must a uranium-235 nucleus absorb before fission will happen?
An uncontrolled chain reaction happens in a nuclear bomb.
Nuclear fission results in the transfer of energy to kinetic energy, and __________ energy stores.
Sometimes two neutrons are released by nuclear fission and sometimes _____ neutrons are released.
The joining of two atomic nuclei to form one larger nucleus is known as... what?
nuclear fusion
X-rays affect a photographic film in the same way as light does.
Name the type of nuclear radiation that is used in smoke alarms.
Name the type of nuclear radiation that can be used to treat cancer.
Dangerous radioactive waste can be disposed of by encasing it in __________ and burying it deep underground.
Which type of radiation CANNOT pass through the skin?
Gamma rays are given out from the __________ of radioactive atoms.
Which metal is used for containers that store radioactive sources?
Which symbol is used to represent a proton number?
Which symbol is used to represent a nucleon number?
Name the radiation emitted from radioactive materials that is a high-energy electromagnetic wave.
gamma rays
Name the radiation emitted from radioactive materials that consists of high speed electrons.
beta particles
Name the radiation emitted from radioactive materials that consists of high speed helium nuclei.
True or false? If an alpha particle transfers sufficient energy to an atom, that atom may eject an electron and become a positively charged ion.
A Geiger-Muller (GM) tube can be used to detect ionising radiation. How many alpha particles entering the GM tube are needed to make the counter advance by one?
A moderator will __________ __________ neutrons in a nuclear reactor.
slow down
What is the function of the control rods in a nuclear reactor?
absorb neutrons
True or false? The products of nuclear fission are safe to handle because they will have lost their radioactivity during the process.
Fill in the missing word. Nuclear fusion is difficult to achieve because at low temperatures and pressures the positively charged nuclei of deuterium and tritium electrostatically __________ each other.
True or false? In order to overcome the electrostatic repulsion between hydrogen nuclei, the starting temperature of a nuclear fusion reactor must be in excess of 10 million degrees Celsius.
True or false? One of the advantages of nuclear power is that once the nuclear fuel has been used, its waste is no longer radioactive.
True or false? The general public still distrusts nuclear power as the few accidents that have happened have had very serious consequences.
With the high-level nuclear waste buried deep in rock, what cannot escape to the surface?
What unit of radioactivity is being described here: "The activity of a quantity of radioactive material in which one nucleus decays per second."
How many half-lives would have to pass before the radioactivity of an isotope falls to less than 1% of its original value?
Name the molecule in living cells that is most sensitive to radiation damage.
Radiation that is able to break apart the bonds between atoms is called __________ radiation.
which is most dangerous a short half life or a long half life
short half life
Which is the most dangerous radiation at a distance?
True or false? When smoke enters a smoke alarm, ions in the smoke neutralise the ions created between the metal plates and current flow in the circuit decreases or stops.
True or false? Gamma irradiation of food causes some of the atoms in the food to become radioactive.
Sam says that beta particles are not used to irradiate food because they make it radioactive. Jo says that the reason is that beta particles would not be able to penetrate all the way through thick packages of food. Who is correct, Sam or Jo?
Fill in the missing word. Gamma irradiation can preserve food for a very long time as it can kill off __________ in or on the food even after the food has been packaged.
True or false? Cyclotrons used to create radioactive isotopes for medical use must be situated near hospitals because the half-life of the isotopes created is very short.
Does exposure to ionising radiation increase or decrease the rate of mutation?
Which process occurs in the sun to release energy?
nuclear fusion
Think of Rutherford's experiment. Most alpha particles passed straight through, but a few were repelled so strongly that they were bounced back or deflected at large angles. This led Rutherford to conclude that the charge of the nucleus of an atom must be... what?
positively charged
Think of Rutherford's experiment. Based on the fact that most alpha particles passed straight through the foil, he concluded that the size of the nucleus must be... what?
very small
Can electromagnetic radiation affect the electron arrangement of an atom?
If an atom emits electromagnetic radiation, its electrons can move to a __________ energy level.
In the plum pudding model of the atom, what subatomic particle is the equivalent of a raisin in a plum pudding?
What idea did Niels Bohr contribute to the nuclear model of the atom?
electrons orbit the nucleus at specific distances
What is it called when an unwanted material that contains radioactive atoms is present on another material?
radioactive contamination
Which type of ionising radiation is most penetrating?
What is the name of the process where an object is exposed to nuclear radiation?
True or false? When an object is exposed to nuclear radiation, the irradiated object does not become radioactive.
What piece of equipment should be used to handle radioactive sources?
The radioactive sources that have the shortest half-lives are the radioactive sources that contain nuclei that are the most __________.
True or false? Nuclear radiation from tracers can kill the body's healthy cells.
True or false? Nuclear fission is the joining of two light nuclei to form a heavier nucleus.
Nuclear fusion requires high temperatures and pressures in order to bring the nuclei close to each other. This is because all nuclei have a __________ charge. What word completes the sentence?
Nuclear fusion requires high temperatures and pressures in order to bring the nuclei close to each other. This is because all nuclei have a __________ charge. What word completes the sentence?
The size of a typical atom
1 x 10^-10
A small molecule like water is about the same size as what
one atom
If you were to follow the path of one electron, would the electron stay in the same shell around the nucleus every time it orbitted?
True or false? In an atom, an electron can switch its orbit with another electrons as long the number of electrons in each orbit stays the same.
When an atom absorbs or emits electromagnetic radiation, which part of it will change location?
Quan works with radiation. One safety measure he takes is that he wears a badge containing a piece of __________ that will change colour when it is exposed to radiation. What word completes the sentence?
When a nucleus is rearranged during radioactive decay, it will often lose energy by emitting energy in what type of radiation?
In β+ decay, what is the name of the particle that is emitted?
In β- decay, what is the name of the particle that is emitted?
In which type of radioactive decay does a neutron become a proton and an electron?
beta minus
An implant can be placed inside a tumour in order to kill it. What do these implants emit that kills the tumour?
Freddy is having a PET scan. His doctor injects a radioactive tracer into his bloodstream and Freddy lies down inside a PET scanner. If there is a lot of __________ emitted from one area of his body, this means that lots of the tracer has built up there and it could be a tumour. What word completes the sentence?
gamma radiation
Do nuclear power plants emit carbon dioxide?
Which of these can be used as a source of energy?
both nuclear fusion and nuclear fission