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Washington was inaugurated in the year…
When was Washington re-elected?
1792 (note that elections took place in December and inaugurations happened in the following April)
When Washington is inaugurated, which four departments does he create?
Departments of Justice, Defense, Treasury, and State
Who was Washington’s Attorney General?
Edmund Randolph
Who was Washington’s Secretary of Defense?
Henry Knox
Who was Washington’s Secretary of the Treasury?
Alexander Hamilton
Who was Washington’s Secretary of State?
Thomas Jefferson
Hamilton was born in the West Indies, also known as the…
Hamilton is bold and ambitious; he wants the U.S. to become a _____ powerhouse.
Jefferson knows being a farmer is a lot of work, but he envisions the U.S. as an agrarian powerhouse over an industrial powerhouse because being a farmer…
preserves the liberty of the individual (being a farmer builds independence/self-sufficiency)
Why does Jefferson believe being a farmer gives that person more liberty?
Because farmers can ask themselves “Should I work hard & gain wealth, or should I plant just enough to get by?” Farmers have control over their lives (independence and thus liberty).
Hamilton is a _____/_____ constructionist, while Jefferson is a _____/_____ constructionist of the Constitution.
broad/loose, strict/narrow
What is Hamilton’s “insight” related to the national debt?
Debt is an opportunity to create a better economy
Why does Hamilton believe the U.S. debt is an opportunity?
Hamilton believes paying off the debt in a structured manner will build credibility for the nation to borrow money in the future.
What was the national debt of the U.S. at the time of Washington’s inauguration? The states’ debt?
$54 million nationally, $25 million from states
Hamilton’s 1st proposal to Congress: The national government _____ state debts.
assumes (this increases the national debt by 50%!)
Hamilton wanted to assume state debt to increase U.S. _____ by paying off debts on time, and to align the interests of the _____ with the national government.
credit-worthiness, states
Hamilton’s 2nd proposal to Congress: The bonds issued during the American Revolution will be paid off _____.
at par
Hamilton’s 3rd proposal to Congress: The creation of a _____ _____ in order to create loans.
National Bank
Hamilton wanted to create a National Bank to create loans for _____ and to serve as a _____ for the national government.
entrepreneurs, depository
Hamilton’s 4th proposal to Congress: New _____ to discourage foreign trade
Only three Hamilton’s four proposals were passed by Congress. Which one wasn’t passed and why?
Congress did not pass the tariff proposal because it seemed similar to the oppressive tariffs that Britain’s monarchy established.
Hamilton repeatedly refers to the _____ Clause to argue that creating a National Bank, etc. is constitutional.
Southerners are generally opposed to Hamilton’s idea of assuming state debt because…
most southern states have paid off their debt responsibly. If the national government assumes the northern states’ debts, then the southern states’ taxes to be used to pay off the national debt. (This means the southern states have to pay for the northern states’ irresponsibility in paying off debt on time.)
While Jefferson favors a high-salary agrarian economy, Hamilton prefers a low-salary _____ economy.
Since Madison is furious at Hamilton for trying to pass his treasury proposals, Jefferson gets them together to talk over _____.
At dinner, Jefferson asks Madison what the southerners want to pass Hamilton’s assumption-of-debt proposal. Madison says they want…
the capital of the U.S. to be moved to the south. (As a result, today District of Columbia, or Washington D.C., is the capital. It’s found between Maryland and Virginia.)
The national bank has a board of directors which is 80% _____ and 20% _____-appointed directors, who provided 80% and 20% of the initial money to fund the bank, respectively.
private investors, government
Because the national bank was made up of both private investors and the government-appointed directors, it was a…
public-private partnership
Jefferson believes a national bank is unnecessary because _____ banks are good enough.
Jefferson believes the National Bank will cause…
corruption and avarice in the federal government, division between the North and South, and too much central power.
The Whiskey Rebellion happened because…
many small western farmers had a difficult and costly time transporting bulky grains over the mountains, so they distilled their grain into whiskey to carry more grain per trip, and many farmers relied on whiskey sales. However, Hamilton & the government placed a sin tax on whiskey; large distilling companies could afford the tax, but small farmers couldn’t, so they rebelled & punished tax collectors.
The Whiskey Rebellion happened in what area?
Western Pennsylvania
Hamilton and Washington believe they should put down the Whiskey Rebellion using the national militia as a display of _____ and to gain the people’s _____ for the government.
power, respect
By sending the militia to suppress the Whiskey Rebellion, Hamilton believes the U.S. is proving to the world that…
the U.S. can self-sustain and can maintain ordered liberty.
By sending the militia to suppress the Whiskey Rebellion, Hamilton can prove whether or not the national government can rely on the _____ to respond to federal orders (in this case, to send their militiamen).
Jefferson disagrees with public displays of power (such as during the Whiskey Rebellion) because he believes they are…
aristocratic, expensive, and an abuse of power
What are some major events that lead to the division of the two parties? (Federalists and Democratic Republicans)
The creation of a National Bank
The suppression of the Whiskey Rebellion
The decision to stay neutral during the French Revolution of 1789
The Alien and Sedition Acts
The French Revolution is a war against all _____, including the British government.
If Washington decides to side with the French during the French Revolution, they will lose…
manufacturing trades with Britain
The Democratic Republicans want to help the French because of their permanent alliance and their help during the…
American Revolution
Ben Franklin advises against getting into war until the “babies have grown in their cradles.” Who are the babies in this analogy?
the states (especially their wealth and military power)
Ben Franklin’s advice against the U.S. participating in war sets a precedent that is followed for ~100 years until…
Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) takes office
Ben Franklin’s advice against the U.S. participating in war is closely followed by the first _____ presidents.
Before the French Revolution, France and Great Britain fight for “top dog” status in small battles, or skirmishes. (True/False)
To avoid participating in the French Revolutionary war, Washington issues the…
Neutrality Proclamation of 1793
In response to Washington’s Neutrality Proclamation, the French start to…
seize American merchant ships
Before FDR’s 4-term presidency, a presidential term limit was not mentioned in the Constitution; by declining to run for president again in 1796, Washington sets the 2-term precedent. (True/False)
Britain kept seizing American ships and forcing the crew to fight for Britain in the French Revolution. This is called…
Jay’s Treaty was with which country?
What did Jay’s Treaty achieve?
Britain leaves forts in U.S. territory, impressment is illegal
Pinckney’s Treaty was with which country?
What did Pinckney’s Treaty achieve?
Allowed western farmers to ship U.S. goods through the Mississippi River to the rest of the world, allowed farmers to store their goods in warehouses until ships come, and cleared up the U.S.-Florida border
“Friendly towards all, enemy towards none” is the idea behind the Neutrality Proclamation, which is introduced by President _____.
The Constitution accounts for parties and has measures against the domination of one party over the other in the national government. (True/False)
What is the order of the first three presidents, and how long were their terms?
Washington, Adams, Jefferson; 2 terms, 1 term, 2 terms
What is the order of the first three vice-presidents?
Adams, Jefferson, Burr
John Adams’s “Half-War” with France is another name for when France…
seized and interdicted American ships (as revenge for going back on their alliance). This seizing is a violation of free sailing rights in international waters.
The Half-War with France was most prominent during the year…
1796 (John Adams’s inauguration)
What was the XYZ Affair?
John Adams sends representatives to meet the French foreign minister
The French ask for a $250,000 tribute to meet with the minister. Tributes are common, but usually not as…
When John Adams realizes the French want an excessively high tribute, he sees this as a political opportunity. Why?
He can leak this story to newspapers so France becomes an enemy in the people’s eyes.
How did the XYZ Affair get its name?
Franklin leaked the XYZ story to newspapers, who redacted the 3 French tribute-requesters’ names to X, Y, and Z.
The XYZ Affair generates public support for John Adams. (True/False)
Why did immigrants tend to fall into the Democratic Republican party?
Jefferson is a Democratic Republican and favors agrarian culture; most immigrants see agriculture as a great opportunity because land is not available in many other countries.
Jefferson is wealthy, but also simple and plaid in his clothing and style because he doesn’t want to appear…
Why were the Alien and Sedition Acts passed?
Federalists feared the French might influence the American national government.
What did the Alien and Sedition Acts do?
Takes longer to become a citizen (now 14yrs instead of 5)
The President can deport immigrants if necessary or in war time
Libel and slander against the government is prohibited
Federalists lose control of Congress due to the unpopularity of the _____ ___ _____ Acts.
Alien and Sedition
How were newspapers important in the Alien and Sedition Acts?
Newspapers spread information and were deeply partisan, so some authors that criticized governmental decisions were imprisoned.
All representatives and some senators are elected every two years. Presidents want to keep their popularity high throughout their term because, if their popularity drops, people will vote for congresspeople of the opposite party. (True/False)
As John Adams loses popularity because of the Alien and Sedition Acts, Madison drafts the _____ Resolution and Jefferson writes the _____ Resolution.
Virginia, Kentucky
The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions denounce the _____ ___ _____ Acts.
Alien and Sedition