Sense of pride and devotion to one's nation
Franz Joseph I
emperor of Austria in 1848 & eventual monarch of Austria-Hungary
Alexander II
Czar who freed the serfs
Austro-Prussian War
Conflict that destroyed the German Confederation
Hungarian ethnic group who fought for independence in Hungary
Victor Emmanuel
King of Sardinia prior to Italy's unification and then king of Italy once united
Mazzini / Young Italy
Attracted tens of thousands of Italians to the cause of unification
Franco-Prussian War
Conflict that resulted in the unification of Germany; France had to give up Alsace & Lorraine
Government by one ruler with unlimited power
People considered part of the land on which they work
Frederick Wilhelm IV
Promised a constitution and other reforms for Prussia as king
Balkan Wars
Beginning in 1912 and resulted in the Ottoman Empire's loss of most of its land in Europe
Philosophy about government that was practical rather than idealistic
Bloody Sunday
massacre of Russian protesters that led to the Russian Revolution of 1905
Giuseppe Garibaldi
The "sword" of Italy & led unification in southern Italy
Vladimir Lenin
A Russian Marxist revolutionary who supported the overthrow of the czar
Created an economic alliance between some German states
Young Turks
Nationalist group in the Ottoman Empire
Russo-Japanese War
started in 1904 between Russia & Japan; defeat in this war added to unrest in Russia
Red Shirts
Guiseppe Garibaldi's volunteers who fought for him in Southern Italy
Camillo di Cavour
Prime minister of independent Kingdom of Sardinia & led unification in northern Italy
relating to a population subgroup (within a larger or dominant national or cultural group) with a common national or cultural tradition
Otto von Bismarck
conservative Prussian statesman who dominated German and European affairs from the 1860s until 1890; believed it was Prussia's destiny to lead Germany to unity
Wilhelm I
Prussian king who chose Bismarck as prime minister
Crimean War
military conflict fought from October 1853 to March 1856 in which the Russian Empire lost to an alliance of France, Britain, the Ottoman Empire, and Sardinia; destroyed the Concert of Europe
Dual Monarchy
the joining of Austria and Hungary to create Austria-Hungary, two separate, equal states under one ruler, the Austrian emperor
a Russian assembly with advisory or legislative functions for approving all laws
Trans-Siberian Railroad
the longest railway in the world. It was built between 1891 and 1916 to connect Moscow with the Far-East city of Vladivostok
widespread violent attacks by ethnic Russians against Jews
socialist republic
a form of government in which the state owns and distributes all goods to the people and there is no private property
a group of people that share common beliefs, culture, language, or other characteristic living in same geographic location
a group of people living in defined borders, under a functioning government
a group of people sharing common beliefs, cultures, language, or other characteristic living in a defined area with a functioning government
Nicholas II
became czar in 1894 & was the last czar of Russia