reveres mothers but only to the extent that they conform to dominant ideas of what mothers should be
motherhood ideology greatly strengthened in the ______ century
serve, children, household
mothers should: _______ their husbands take care of the ________ manage the ________
home, socialized
Western patriarchy began at ______, where children are ________
helped spread patriarchy
gendered, power
Judeo-Christian religions are ______ and suggest men should hold positions of ________
religions have formal ______ preventing women from being priests, rabbis, imams
dominant Western ______ have helped spread patriarchy
colonial officials were men and therefore tried to create ________ societies
organization in Belgian colonies tried to teach colonized women hot to be "_________" wives to fit the idea of Victorian motherhood
First Nations scholar who considers colonialism and patriarchy in Canada
autonomy, power
precolonialism, indigenous women had considerable economic ________ and _______
agricultural, household, positions
before colonialism, indigenous women were the main ________ producers, ran their ________, had powerful political ________
before colonialism, there was relative gender ________
system that traces descendance through mothers not fathers and husbands would move in with wives
colonialism ________ indigenous women in many ways
Indian Act
gave greater legal rights to men and if women married a non-indigenous man, they lost their status/rights
taught christianity from a very patriarchal view
christianity, receptive
indigenous women did not like _________ because of its patriarchal views but men were more ________
resistance, resenting
because they faced great ________ from indigenous women, missionaries started ________ them
missionaries created a ________ discourse surrounding indigenous women
think, opposite, dependent
at first, Europeans didn't know what to ______ of indigenous women because they were the _______ of the "domesticized" idea of women but at the same time traders were ________ on indigenous women
idealized, negative
2 dual representations of indigenous women:
princess: _______ view of them helping out men -> Pocahontas
squaw drudge: _______ view, sexually licentious/ugly/beasts/slave to men
squaw, racist
the ______ drudge view came to dominate European discourses and it became a ________ ideology
the squaw drudge discourse was used to inform _______ disempowering and discriminating against indigenous women
the squaw drudge discourse devalues and ___________ indigenous women
democracy, women
patriarchy is a particular power configuration that obstructs ________ by limiting the influence of ________
bureaucratic organizations are needed to organize the pluralization of interests
thought that bureaucratic organizations are powerful discipliners that disempower people by removing their power and limiting their participation
believed that bureaucracy both promotes and limits democracy
we can't have a functioning democracy without _________
iron cage
people just follow rules, lack of self-motivation and moral autonomy
Robert Michels
developed the iron law of oligarchy + founding figure of elite theory
socialist, Mussolini
Robert Michels was discriminated against in Germany because he was a ________ and decided to move to Italy to work for ________
elite theory
theory claiming that a small elite controls the reigns of power through (bureaucratic) organizations
saw the elites with power as capitalists
organizations, few
Michels thought that ________ were the main source of power in modern society and that it concentrates the power in the hands of a _______
Michels believed that democracy was impossible if parties weren't _________
Michels blamed the lack of democracy in parties on _________
some view the Iron Law of Oligarchy close to a social ______
Iron Law of Oligarchy
the people who control organizations have immense power and this prevents democracy
bureaucracy provides rules and regulations that enforce ________ and protects it
spread, hide
bureaucratic elites can ______ the info they want but _____ the info they don't want
information = __________
bureaucratic elites know the rules so it is easy for them to ________ them
leadership, positions
bureaucratic elites' _____ skills use them to keep their ________