Supplemental Vocabulary for IG's-Chapter 10

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1971 Federal Election Campaign Act

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1971 Federal Election Campaign Act

impact on IGs: limited donations to candidates to $5,000

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amicus curiae briefs

"friend of the court;" amici (interest groups) may file briefs or even appear to argue their interests orally before the court

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campaign finance reform

restrict amount of money that individuals and interests groups can contribute to politcal campaigns

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Federal Regulation of Lobbying Act of 1946

reduce influence of lobbyists, provide information to members of Congress about those that lobby them, replaced by the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995

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Honest Leadership and Open Government Act of 2007

lobbying reform banning gifts to members of Congress and their seats, toughening disclosure requirements, and increasing time limits on moving from the federal government to the private sector

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ideological interest group

to convince government to implement policies consistent with their philosophies

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the process of taking legal action

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a person who takes part in an organized attempt to influence legislators

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public interest group

an organization that seeks a collective good that will not selectively and materially benefit group members

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social movement

a widely shared demand for change in some aspect of the social or political order

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trade association

a group that represents a specific industry

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interest group that countered the Swift Boat Veterans ad with a commercial attacking the many gaps in President Bush's military record

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civic virtue

the democratic ideas, practices, and values that are at the heart of citizenship in a free society

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Emily's List

a 2004 campaign movement to give soft money to improve women's voter turnouts and support women's issues.--PAC that helped elect pro choice democratic female candidates to office

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NARAL (National Abortion Rights Action League)

Pro-choice organization protect the right of women to choose

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NOW (National Organization for Women)

organization established by Betty Friedan to combat discrimination against women

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Chamber of Commerce

nonprofit organization of local businesses whose purpose is to promote their interests

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ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union)

It defends and preserves the individual rights and liberties that the Constitution and laws of the United States guarantee everyone in this country.

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AARP (American Association of Retired Persons)

Nationwide organization for people over 50 that offers discount drug purchases, health & auto insurance, publications, & other activities

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Think tanks

a body of experts providing advice and ideas on specific political or economic problems.

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intergovernmental lobby

Lobbying activities by state and local officials who establish offices in Washington, D.C., to compete for federal funds.

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501(c) groups

Groups that are exempted from reporting their contributions and can receive unlimited contributions. Section 501c of the tax code specifies that such groups cannot spend more than half their funds on political activities.

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Christian Coalition

in the 1990's, Pentecostal minister Pat Robertson began a political movement and launched this organization. These and other organizations of the Christian right opposed federal interference in local affairs; denounced abortion, divorce, feminism, and homosexuality; defended unrestricted free enterprise, and supported a strong American posture in the world.

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Issue network (iron triangle)

A relationship between interest groups, agencies, and congressional committees in a certain policy area

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Ethics in Government Act (1978)

Sets requirements for financial disclosure for elected public officials, and placed restrictions on former government officials lobbying activities(Watergate)

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grassroots lobbying

involves appealing to the general public in the hopes that people, rather than lobbyists, will contact government officials about an issue. It can take the form of members of the public calling, emailing, faxing or even visiting their congressional representatives

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1955 two larger labor unions united. American Federation Labor- Congress of Industrial Organization. (Large Labor Union)

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Super PACs

a type of independent political action committee which may raise unlimited sums of money from corporations, unions, and individuals but is not permitted to contribute to or coordinate directly with parties or candidates.

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an act of giving one's public approval or support to someone or something

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Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974

Established congressional budget committees.

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Established CBO.

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Extended budget process by three months.

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Allows either house to override temporary impoundment (deferral).

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Automatically voids permanent impoundment (rescission) unless both houses approve within 45 days. A response to some presidents' practice of impounding funds, refusing to spend monies Congress has appropriated if they disagreed with the policy.

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revolving door

Employment cycle in which individuals who work for governmental agencies that regulate interests eventually or legislators end up working for interest groups or businesses with the same policy concern.

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Leadership PACs (political action committees)

A form of PAC run by a Congressional leader to accept donations that can then be spread around to others, building popularity and support.

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Citizens United v. FEC (2010)

A 2010 decision by the United States Supreme Court holding that independent expenditures are free speech protected by the 1st Amendment and so cannot be limited by federal law. Leads to creation of SuperPACs & massive rise in amount of third party electioneering (Citizens for a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow)

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Dark Money

political money where the donors of the money do not have to be disclosed

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Swift Boat Veterans for Truth

claimed John Kerry's military record was unfaithful, example of media influence on politics

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Moral Majority

A movement begun in the early 1980's among religious conservatives that supported primarily conservative Republicans opposed to abortion, communism and liberalism.

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527 organizations

Organizations that, under section 527 of the Internal Revenue Code, raise and spend money to advance political causes

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