GCSE AQA Geography Section A: Natural Hazards

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What is a natural hazard?

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What is a natural hazard?

A natural event that threatens people or has the potential to cause damage, destruction and death.

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What is a natural disaster?

A natural event such as a flood, earthquake, or hurricane that has caused great damage or loss of life.

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The Philippines is at risk of...

Earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, tropical storms, floods and landslides

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What are examples of natural hazards?

tropical storms, tsunamis, landslides, earthquakes, floods, volcanoes etc

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What are geological hazards?

Caused by land and tectonic processes. E.g. volcanoes, earthquakes, landslides and avalanches

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What are meteorological hazards?

Caused by weather and climate. E.g. heatwaves, climate change and tropical storms

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What is hazard risk?

The probability that a natural hazard occurs

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Factors that influence hazard risk are..

ability to cope, vulnerability, nature of natural hazards, frequency, magnitude, urbanisation and climate change: warmer world=more energy=more natural hazards

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What factors are there which impact a countries ability to cope with a natural hazard?

Preparation- HIC governments build flood defences + evacuate the population / LIC's don't resources or ability

Income- LIC's will have lower incomes, weaker houses, more damage / HIC's will have stronger houses -> less damage

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what are factors that predict how bad a natural hazard is?

Predictability- some hazards are more predictable (e.g. earthquakes are less predictable than tropical storms; governments cannot prepare and evacuate)

Frequency- how often it happens

Magnitude- the size of the hazard can possibly do more damage and injury

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What are the primary effects of natural disasters (immediate impacts)?

  • buildings and roads are damaged

  • people are injured, killed

  • crops and water supplies damaged/contaminated

  • electricity cables,gas pipes and communication networks damaged -> cutting off supplies

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What are secondary effects of natural disasters? (aftermath impacts)

  • aid and emergency vehicles cannot get through because of blocked roads/bridges- which can cause more deaths

  • clean water shortage + lack of proper sanitation spreads disease

  • food shortages if crops are damaged, livestock are killed are supply lines are blocked

  • country's economy weakened- damage to business causes unemployment -> reconstruction process is expensive

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What are the immediate responses to natural disasters?

  • evacuation

  • first aid

  • recovering dead bodies to prevent the spread of disease

  • providing temporary supplies of electricity/gas if regular supplies are damaged

  • providing food,water and shelter to the homeless

  • foreign governments or charities sending aid workers, supplies or financial donations

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What are the long-term responses for natural disasters?

  • repairing homes or rehousing people

  • repairing damaged things

  • reconnect broken electricity, water, gas and communication connections

  • improve forecasting, monitoring and evacuation plans

  • improve building regulations so buildings can withstand similar hazards

  • boost economy recovery (e.g. tourism)

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What is the disaster risk equation?

Risk = Hazard X Vunerability / Capacity to cope

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