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The movement of power from the central government to a regional government.
Centrifugal forces
Events and issues that divide a state.Political corruption, ethnic tensions, and economic disparities can serve as centrifugal forces that divide a state.
Centripetal forces
Forces that unite a state. Nationalism can act as a centripetal force by promoting unity and shared identity among the population. Shared cultural practices, such as common language and traditions, can foster a sense of belonging and togetherness among members of a state.
Ethnocultural devolutionary movements
Nations or ethnic groups that consider themselves separate from the rest of the country, leading to potential devolution.
Example of ethnocultural devolution
The Former Yugoslavia broke apart in the 1990s along ethnic and religious lines.
Economic devolutionary forces
Factors that lead an area to feel neglected economically by the rest of the state.
Example of economic devolution
The Island of Sardinia in Italy, which feels economically neglected.
Spatial interaction and devolution
Most devolutionary movements occur on the edges of the state or islands, far from the capital.
Example of a region with devolutionary movement
Hawaii, an island separate from the main state.
Unitary government
A type of government that likely leads to devolution more than federal government.