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What did Jean Piaget suggest
Children reason (think) differently to adults and see the world in different ways
Cognitive development is a result of maturation (biological process of aging) and interaction with the environment
Define a Schema
Schemas are mental structures which contain knowledge about the world
Schemas can be behavioural (e.g. grasping an object), cognitive (e.g. classifying objects) and social
Some Schemas may represent a group of related concepts (E.g schema for dogs=fur, wet nose, 4 legs)
According to Piaget which schemas are innate?
grasping - triggered when someone touches palm of the babies hand
Rooting - a baby will turn its head towards something when it touches it’s cheek
Sucking - triggered by something touching baby’s lips
How to new schemas develop?
New experiences lead to new schemas being developed and becoming more complex, through the process of adaptation (accommodation and assimilation)
Applying an existing schema to a new scenario or object
Make sense of new info by referring to info already have
Try to fit new info in to schema
Forming a new schema distinct from the existing schema
Existing schema has to change because the incoming intro conflicts with what is already known (disequilibrium)
Mental balance between what us already known and incoming information
Most new info is fitting in to existing schemas- child can deal with most new info through assimilation
Driving force behind adaptation - we seek to restore balance by mastering the new challenge (adaptation)
When new info cannot be fitted in to existing schemas
The order of the process of adaptation
EXISTING SCHEMA → dogs have 4 legs, tail and are fluffy
ASSIMILATION - meet a car (4 legs, fully, tail) and may fit it in to existing schema for dogs
NEW SITUATION- hear cat meow
DISEQUILIBRIUM - bones information does not fit into existing schema of dogs. Creates an unpleasant state of information not fitting
ACCOMMODATION - seeks equilibrium by creating a new schema for cats
AO3- issues and debates
P- Piaget’s theory explains cognitive development through the combined interaction of nature and nurture
E- Piaget believed that cognitive development was a result of nature- biological maturation , as the child becomes older certain mental processes become possible
E- nurture- as a child interacts with the environment their understanding of the world becomes more complex
L- approach is holistic
AO3- m