Acts of religious praise, honour or devotion
Liturgical worship
Worship which follows a set structure or ritual
Non liturgical worship
Worship which does not follow a set structure or ritual
Informal worship
A type of non-liturgical worship sometimes ‘spontaneous' or ‘charismatic' in nature
Private worship
When a believer praises or honours God on his or her own
Communal worship
When Christians go to worship with other people
Believer’s baptism
Initiation into the church by immersion in water of people old enough to understand the ceremony/rite and willing to live a Christian life
Infant baptism
The ritual through which babies and young children become members of the Church; when an infant is cleansed of original sin
Set prayer
Prayers that have been written down and said more than once by more than one person eg Lord’s prayer
Informal prayer
Prayer that is made up by an individual using his or her own words
Lord's prayer
Prayer taught by Jesus to his disciples
Communicating with God, either silently outer through words or praise, thanksgiving or confession or requests for God's help and guidance
Catholic belief that during Eucharist their bread and wine actually becomes the body and blood of Christ
Eucharist/Holy communion
A service of thanksgiving in which the sacrificial death and resurrection of Jesus are celebrated using bread and wine
A ritual through which the grace (or blessings) of God can be received. An outward sign of an inward grace
Only one God
A branch of Christianity e.g Catholic
Existing out of time and space
God in the world
All powerful
All knowing
God in human form as Jesus
An extraordinary event which can not be explained by human or natural powers
Holy Trinity
One God in three distinct forms: Father, Son and the Holy Spirit
Creator. First part of the trinity
The saviour. Second part of the trinity
Holy spirit
The part of God that is with Christians as their constant guide and comforter. Third part of the trinity
Nicene creed
A statement of belief used in Christian services. References to the Holy Spirit
The act by which God brought the universe into being
The fall
Used to describe the movement by Humans out of a perfect relationship with God due to Adam and Eve
The first book of the Bible which contains the creation of humans and the universe
The word
Term used at the beginning of John's gospel to refer to God the son
Bible is factual and totally accurate
Non literalist
The Bible is symbolic. It is not to be treated as factual but instead we should look at the underlying message
Where Jesus spent the majority of his life and grew up
Coming back to life
Means the anointed one (king or lord)
Where Jesus was born
Follower of Jesus
Roman method of execution. Also refers to the execution and death of Jesus
A religious offence which includes claiming to be God
Jesus’ greatest commandment
‘love the lord with all your heart… Love your neighbor as yourself’
Story told by Jesus to illustrate a moral message
Lord's prayer
Prayer Jesus taught to his disciples
Inconsistent triad
As evil exist, God cannot be all powerful and loving
Natural evil
Suffering caused through no fault of humans
Moral evil
Suffering caused by humans
Irenaean/Hicks theodicy
God allows evil and suffering to exist as it is through suffering that we learn and develop spiritually
Augustine theodicy/Free-Will Defense
Due to the fall, evil and suffering have come into the world. God created a perfect world and we cannot corrupt it
The story of Job
Through all of his suffering, Job remains faithful to God and trust it is all part of God's plan
An attempt to show that the existence of evil doesn't rule out the possibility of God's existence
The event 40 days after the resurrection when Jesus returned to God in heaven
Apostle’s creed
Essential aspects of the Christian faith- contains belief in the trinity and the events in the last days of Jesus' life
Coming back to life
Life after death
A state of eternal happiness in the presence of God ; the place of eternal peace ruled over by God
The place of eternal suffering or the state of being without God
The intermediate state where souls are cleansed in order to enter Heaven
Day of judgment
The day that Jesus will judge humanity and destroy earth and heaven
Any action or thought that separates humans from God/goes against his wishes
Saving the soul, deliverence from sin and admission to heaven brought about by jesus
Name for the devil -the power and source of evil
Parable of the sheep and goats
Jesus makes it clear that a life worthy of the reward of heaven must involve actively helping people in need
Parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man
The rich man does nothing while alive to help Lazarus so he is sent to hell. While in hell he asks for relief and he is declined in the same way he did nothing to help Lazarus
Original sin
Everyone is born with a built in urge to do bad things and disobey God due to the Fall.
Where jesus spent his last days of his life. Visit where he was resurrected
Dedicated to Mary. Visit to get healed
Many miracles happened. Statue of virgin Mary
Largest church in the world
Commemorating the incarnation of jesus
Celebrating the resurrection of Jesus from the dead
Marks the period of waiting before Christmas
Period of fasting for 40day to remember when Jesus did the same
Holy week
Week leading up to Easter Sunday
Palm Sunday
Jesus arrived to Jerusalem on a donkey and people welcome him with palm leaves. Palm crosses are given
Maundy Thursday
Last supper. Celebrated with washing of the feet and the Eucharist
Good friday
Jesus’ crucifixion. Stations of the cross
Easter sunday
Jesus’ resurrection. Easter vigils
Holy people of god
Trussel trust
Famous food Bank. Around 420 in the uk
Selfless unconditional love
Different denominations working together to be united as one
Evangelical alliance relief fund. Travel to places that of great need, respond to disasters and help vulnerable communities
Christian aid
Emergency relief and sustainable development agency.stop poverty
Catholic agency for overseas development. Bring hope to people of all faith and in poor communities
Set up after troubles in northern island .attend to talk and listen to eachother and move away from violence to peace
God in Christ reconciles the world to himself
God's redemptive love to save sinners
Jesus would come back to earth at the end of time
Pre millenialists
Believe that Jesus could return at any time and when he does it'll be the end of the world
Anglican belief that the bread and wine contains jesus spiritual presence but does not literally transfor into his body and blood
The idea that God put humans in charge of the world to bring it under control and maintain it