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Emergency Fund
a savings account that you can access quickly to pay for unexpected expenses or emergencies
speculative investment
a high-risk investment that might earn a large profit in a short time
distributions of money, stock, or other property that a corporation pays to stockholders
retained earnings
profits that a company reinvests
investment liquidity
the ability to buy or sell an investment quickly without substantially reducing its value
equity capital
money that a business gets from its owners in order to operate
common stock
a unit of ownership of a company, and it entitles the owner, or stockholder, to voting privileges
preferred stock
a type of stock that gives the owner the advantage of receiving cash dividends before common stockholders receive cash dividends
corporate bond
a corporation's written pledge to repay a specific amount of money, along with interest
Government bond
the written pledge of a government or a municipality, such as a city, to repay a specific sum of money with interest
mutual fund
an investment in which investors pool their money to buy stocks, bonds, and other securities selected by professional managers who work for an investment company
the process of spreading your assets among several different types of investments to reduce risk
financial planner
a specialist who is trained to offer specific financial help and advice
tax-exempt income
income that is not taxed
tax-deferred income
income that is taxed at a later date
capital gain
a profit from the sale of assets
capital loss
the sale of an investment for less than its purchase price
document that discloses information about a company's earnings, assets, and liabilities, its products or services
a choice
the state of a financial arrangement when it falls due for payment
If a person loses buying power because he or she invests money at a fixed rate, the risk factor at fault is?