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process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal
Integrated model of leadership
Outcome- leadership effectiveness
Influenced by- task oriented, relationship oriented, passive, and transformational
Also- situation factors, suggest that different situations call for different leader behaviors
Situation factors
different situations call for different leader behaviors
play a key role in creating a vision and strategic plan for an orgnaization. Personality makes a better leader than intelligence
implementing the vision and plan
Trait approach
attempts to identify personality characteristics or interpersonal attributes that differentiate leaders from followers
self centered perspective, feelings of superiority, and a drive for personal power and glory
use of manipulation, a cynical view of human nature, and a moral code that puts results over principles
lack of concern for other, impulsive behavior, and a lack of remors or guit when your actions harm others
Implicit leadership theory
people have beliefs about how leaders should behave and what they should do for their followers
Emotional intelligence
ability to manage yourself and your relationships in mature and constructive ways
input to transformational leadership
small, positive, and significant association with leadership effectiveness
Leadership prototype
mental representation of the traits and behaviors people believe leaders posses
Global mindset
belief in one’s ability to influence dissimilar others in a global context
Behavioral styles approach
attempts to identify the unique behaviors by effective leaders
Four categories of unique leader behaviors
task oriented: assist others in accomplishing their goals and those of the work unit
relationship oriented: enhance employees skills and create a positive work envirnoment
Categories of task oriented leader
Initiating structure: organizes and defines what group members should be doing to maximize output
Transactional leadership: clarifying employees role and task requirements and provide positive or negative rewards
Impact of four relationship oriented behaviors
consideration: creates mutual respect or trust and prioritizes group members
Empowerment: leaders ability to make physcological empowerment ( have control)
Servant leadership: Robert Greenleaf, focuses on increased service to others rather than to oneself
Ethical leadership: being moral, normal approach
Initiating structure
task oriented leader behavior that organizes and defines what group members should do to maximize their output
relationship oriented leader behavior that creates mutual respect or trust and prioritizes group members needs and desires
Transformational leadership
goes beyond task and relational leadership
Transform followers to pursue organizational goals over self interest
Four key behaviors of transformational leaders
Inspirational motivation: develop and share an attractive vision of the futurs
Idealized influence: instill pride, respect, and trust with employees
Individual consideration: provide support, encouragement, empowerment, and coaching
Intellectual stimulation: question the status quo pro and to seek innovative and creative solutions to problems
discretion and the means to enforce your will over others
ability to influence other
can be reciprocal
Five bases of power
Legitimate power
managers who obtain compliance primarily by using their formal authority to make decisions
Reward power
if they can obtain compliance by promising or granting rewards valued by the other party
Coercive power
ability to make threats of punishment and deliver actual punishments
Expert power
valued knowledge or information gives an individual
Referent power
personal characteristics and social relationships that effecitvely gain others compliance
efforts to enhance employee performance, well being, and positive attitudes
Structural empowerment
transfers authority and responsibilities from management to employees
Psychological empowerment
when we feel a sense of meaning, competence, self determination, and impact at work
Organizational politics
intentional actions in pursuit of self interests that conflict with organizational interests
Instructional design
process of systematically developing training to meet specific needs
Instructional design process
learning management system (LMS)
computer application that automated the adiminstration, development, and delivery of a company’s training programs
organizations planned efforts to help employees acquire job related knowledge, skills, abilities, and behaviors, with the goal of applying these on the job
Combination of formal education, job experience, and assesment of individuals to help employees prepare for their future career
Needs assessment
process of evaluating the organization, individual employees, and employees tasks to determine kinds of training
What does the needs assesment answer?
Organization- What is the context in which training will occur?
Person - Who needs training?
Task-What subjects should the training cover?
Organization analysis
A process for determining appropriateness of training by evaluating characteristics of the organization
looks at training needs based on organizations strategy
resources available for training
managements support for training
Person analysis
process for determining individuals needs and readiness for training by answering 3 questions
Do performance deficiencies result from a lack of knowledge, skill, or ability?
Who needs training?
Are these employees ready for training?
Task analysis
Process of identifying the tasks, knowledge, skills, and behaviors that training should emphasize
equipment and environment
time constraints
safety considerations
performance standards
Portean career
one that a person frequently changes based on changes in the person’s interests, abilities, and value and in the work envirnoment
Approaches to employee development
Interpersonal relationships
Formal education
Job experiences
collecting information and providing feedback to employees about their behavior, communication style, or skills
Formal education
short courses
Skill certification
Steps in the process of career management
Human resource management
Study of policies, practices, and systems that influence employees behavior, attitudes, and performance
human capital
organizations employees with certain qualities that add economic value to the organization ( resources to the employer)
Responsibilities of human resource departments
administrative services and transactions
business partner services
strategic partner
Human resources
provide a sustainable competitive advantage and give organizations advantages because human rseources are valuable, rar,e cannot be imitated, or organizaed to capture value
Work flow design
managers analyze the tasks needed to produce a product or service
set of duties performed by one person (teaching positions)
set of related duties (teacher)
Outputs of work flow analysis
product of any work unit
Work processes of work flow analysis
activities that a work units members engage in to produce a given output
Inputs of work flow analysis
raw inputs ( materials and information)
human resources (knowledge, skills, and abilities)
Job analysis
process of getting detailed information about jobs
used for existing jobs
Hr planning, legal compliance, work redesign, staffing
job description and job specification
Job description
list of the tasks, duties, and responsibilities that a job entails
Job design
process of defining how work will be performed and what tasks will be required in a certain job
used when designing new jobs
Used when revising existing jobs
based on job analysis
Job specification
list of KSAOs that an individual must have to perform a particular job
knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characterisitcs (personality)
Internal recruitment sources
job posting: communicating information of position on bulletin boards, publications, or intranents
well known to the organization, cheaper and faster
External recruitment sources
may be only option to fill positions
may expose organization to new ideas
entry level positions
Direct applicants
already sold on the organization, enough fit between applicant and organization
simplifies recruitment for organization, less expensive,
Nepotisim: unfair hiring practices where people hire relatives
Selection process