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Computing Device
A machine that can run a program
Computing System
A group of computing devices and programs working together
Computing Network
A group of interconnected computing devices capable of sending or receiving data
The series of connections between computing devices on a network
The maximum amount of data that can be sent in a fixed amount of time
An agreed-upon set of rules that specify the behavior of some system
IP Address
The unique number assigned to each device on the Internet
Internet Protocol (IP)
A protocol for sending data across the Internet that assigns unique numbers (IP addresses) to each connected device
A chunk of data sent over a network. Larger messages are divided into packets that may arrive at the destination in order, out-of-order, or not at all.
The inclusion of extra components so that a system can continue to work even if individual components fail
Fault Tolerant
Can continue to function even in the event of individual component failures
HTTP (hypertext transfer protocol)
the protocol used for transmitting web pages over the Internet
A computer network consisting of interconnected networks
World Wide Web
A system of linked pages, programs, and files
Digital Divide
Differing access to computing devices and the Internet based on socioeconomic, geographic, or demographic characteristics
A device that forwards data packets to the appropriate parts of a computer network. Think of traffic manager
Internet Protocol find the ____________ path. What does that mean?
Cheapest - most time saved, and based on politics/relations
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)
protocol that ensures packets are ordered and all there. Think of Spotify song
The internet doesn't send messages in _____________ ________________ __________________
direct, dedicated connections. Packets follow dif. paths each time
data that describes other data. Think of spreadsheet example
UDP (User Datagram Protocol)
The goal is to send out info quickly without worrying about accuracy/organization. It sends all the packets through but doesn't check for order, useful when split seconds matter more than accuracy like Facetiming.
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)
Slower protocol for transporting packets that ensures accuracy. Numbers the packets so they can be reordered, confirm that all arrived, and resend any missing ones. (Useful when accuracy matters like emails and websites.)
Do computers have the same IP address under all networks?
No. They have different IP addresses under each network/wifi
DNS (Domain Name System)
A protocol that looks up domains (URLs) IP addresses when you search for something. If it does not have the IP address you are requesting it asks for another ___. They are all interconnected through Servical hierarchy (all the WWW's together)
DNS Spoofing
Since DNS is on the internet it is open/susceptible to cyber attacks. Hackers can ___ a DNS and make you go to a different website than u wanted to. You wouldn't be aware.
The DNS and IP are designed to . . .
HTML (HyperText Markup Language)
uses tags to design the websites that we see
HTTP and HTML relationship
HTTP is the language that is used between computers to build websites. We put in a tag using HTML, then the computers say GET _____ and send it back to us
Separate HTTP requests are needed for ___________ when building a website
Post request
HTTP method that the user sends to the server such as login info
An ID #that websites use to recognize you and your preferences/info
A layer of security to protect HTTP messages
Digital Certificate
a "certificate" that verifies that the site is who they say they are. Part of SSL/TLS protocol