Cardiovascular Fitness
The ability of the heart and lungs to provide oxygen rich blood to muscle tissues
Aerobic fitness
With oxygen
Aerobic fitness
Low/lower intensity
Aerobic fitness
60-80% MAX heart rate
Aerobic fitness
Long-longer periods of time
Aerobic fitness
Type 1 "slow twitch” muscle fibers
Anaerobic fitness
Without oxygen
Anaerobic fitness
High/higher power intensity
Anaerobic fitness
85% + MAX heart rate
Anaerobic fitness
Short explosive movements/exercises
Anaerobic fitness
2 seconds - 2 minutes
Anaerobic fitness
Type 2 "fast twitch“ muscle fibers
Anaerobic threshold
Transition from anaerobic fitness to aerobic fitness
Benefits of cardiovascular fitness:
Direct positive effect on muscular endurance
Indirect positive effect on muscular strength and flexibility
General metabolism rises
Hemoglobin rises (Carrie’s oxygen in the blood)
Venous return increases (more blood back to heart)
Increase stroke system (more blood pumped from the heart = more O2 to muscles = more energy for movement
More adaptable blood bed (muscles, lungs, and heart adjust quicker to transport oxygen
MAX heart rate
Estimated MAX heart rate = 220 - age
Recovery time
The time required for the heart to resume its resting heart rate after an activity
Accurately measured:
Physical effort to fully tax the aerobic energy system
Use a treadmill or exercise bike
Progressively increase exercise intensity while measuring ventilation or carbon dioxide and oxygen concentrations of inhaled or exhaled air (use a mask)
VO2 MAX is reached when O2 consumption remains at as steady rate despite an increase in workload