RE: Judaism Practices

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What is a covenant?

A promise or agreement between two parties. Covenants were made between God with Noah, Abraham and Moses

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What is kosher?

Foods that are permitted to bee eaten according to Leviticus Chapter 11. It is also used to refer to the purity of ritual objects such as Torah scrolls.

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What is Messiah?

The anointed one who Jews believe will bring in a new era or age for humankind. This will include rebuilding the Temple and bringing in an age of universal peace

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What is Mitzvot?

The duties such as the 613 in the Torah and good deeds

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what is shabbat

day of spiritual renewal and rest. beginning at sunset on Friday and closing at nightfall on saturday

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what is shekinah

the place where gods presence rests and can be felt

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what is a synagogue

house of assembly, building for jewish public prayer and study

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what is the torah

the five books of moses, genesis exodus Leviticus numbers and euternonomy. regarded as the holiest books of the torah

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why is prayer in the synagogue important

its a public acknowledgement of a jews relationship with god.

jews can pray anywhere and at any time but its considered more beneficial and meaningful to pray with the community as it enhances the connection that the community has to each other and god

allows jews to take time out to be with god and and connect with the temple as daily prayers have become subsititutes for the sacrifices that took place in the original temple

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how does prayer occur in the synagogue

official times for daily prayer in the synagogue that happen during the morning afternoon and evening but there are also services on shabbat and services. morning prayers are the longest and contain numerous blessings, readings from the books of psalms and prayers including the shame and amidah

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how do the services in the synapogue work in orthodox synagogues

minyan of 10 men required for all services where the torah is read and certain prayers including those for mourners

demonstrates a lot of community support in regular worship

both men and women attend the synagogue but they’re seated seperately

service is led by a male rabbi and usually take place in Hebrew

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how do the services in the synagogue work in reform synagogues

men and women sit together

rabbi can be male or female

service conducted in Hebrew and English

torah portions read in both languages

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why do jews engage in the shabbat service

shabbat is the holiest day of the week with the shabbat service being when most jews come together to worship

one of the Ten Commandments is to ‘remember the sabbath and keep it holy’ - exodus

many jews feel the best way to do this is to come together as a community to develop their communal identity and their relationship with godn

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how do the shabbat services work

shabbat begins on Friday at nightfall when three medium size starts can be seen and ends on Saturday at sunset

during this time 3 prayer services take place:

Friday night service is fairly short and welcomes shabbat with songs psalms and prayers

Saturday morning service is the longest and service starts with songs and psalms and readings from torah

Saturday afternoon service is short and has torah reading and prayers including shema and amidah

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what differences are there between orthodox and reform synagogue services

orthodox have an additional morning service that focuses on the temple service of the past

reform skip this because its no longer relevant

orthodox have singing but no instrumentals to show mourning for the loss of the temple

reform services sometimes introduce references to the matriarchs as well as the patriarchs and tries to minimise the use of gendered language

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what are the different ways that jews pray

jews pray formally and informally and regularly thorughtou the day

prayer is a way of living out their faith, keeping the mitzvot and connecting with god

the siddur (jewish prayer book) provides daily prayers a person can use to help them focus their mind on god

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what do jewish prayers involve

thanks to god for the good things he’s given us

praise to recognise the glory of god

petition - asking god about something for the individual or community, requests can’t be selfish

inspiration - help and guidance to act and do right things

hymns - joyful and uplifting

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what is the amidah

forms core of three daily prayers and shabbat

stand when saying prayer and face israel

at home, jews pray amidah silently

made up of nineteen blessings starting with prayers of praise followed by petitions and concluding with thabksigivng

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why is the home considered holy in judaism

allows jews a safe space to pray celebrate and feel presence of god on shabbat and foster core jewish values

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what does worship in the home involve

siddur - jewish book of daily prayers

shema - reminder of monotheism

modeh ani - thank God for returning soul in the morning

mezuzah - deuteronomy says yo ‘inscribe them on the doorposts of your house’

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How do jews prepare for shabbat

not suppose to engage in creative activities to remember that god rested after creating the world

Orthodox Jews clean the home in advance and prepare good and set timers to turn lights on and off so they don’t break the mitzvot

ensure table is set with two candles and two challah loaves so everything’s readfy

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why do jews celebrate shababt

to keep the mitzvah ‘remember the sabbath and keep int holy’ - exodus

remember god creating the wiorld and freeing Israelites

keep the say holy by worshiping god

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what do jews do on the Friday evening of shabbat

shabbat is welcomed into the home with a woman in the house lighting two candles around eighteen minutes before sunset

candles represent twi commandments zakhor and shamor

family attend synagogue and the return home to say blessings including kiddush over wine

blessings over two challah loaves

loaves represent belief that god always provides

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what do jews do on Saturday morning and evening of shabbat

in the morning they attend the synagogue service and spend time with family

in the evebubg they carry out the havdalah ceremony and light the plaited havdalah candle, share blessed wine and smell sweet spices in the hope of a sweet week

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what is a tallith

prayer shawl traditionally worn by jewish men during prayer

talith gadol is a large blue and white shawl worn over clothes

talith katan is smaller and worn under clothes

both have tzitzit

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what are tzitzits

knotted fringes attached to the tallith and represent wearers commitment to keep 613 mitzvot

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what is a kippah

skull caps traditionally worn by jewish man

although its not a mitzvah to wear these, jews do this to show they’re jewish

sign of respect for god as the wearer acknowledges that god is above them and transcendent

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what is a tefillin

leather boxes that contain parts of the shema and worn by men in prayer

not worn on shabbat or other festivals

one box is tied to the head and the other the arm

,mitzvah to wear tefillin

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what is the bimah in the synagogue

raised platform that is centre of focus in the synagpgue

has a podium on which the torah scrolls are placed and read

orthodox synagogues have it in the centre

reform have it at the front close to the Aron hakodesh

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what is the Aron hakodesh

holy ark

holiest place in synagogue where torah scrolls are kept

on the wall that faces Jerusalem so congregation daces this way during prayer

ark symbolises ark of the covenant that houses 10 commandments after they were given ti Moses

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what are the torah scrolls

large scroll that contain the complete text of the Torah and are handwritten by a scribe

read using a pointer called a Yad

used for practical reasons so people don’t touch the scrolls and smudge the letters

outside id covered in a mantle

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what is the ner tamid

light places above ark and never put out as Israelites were told to keep a lamp burning ‘from evening to morning before the lord’ - exodus

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do synagogues contain images

no statues or images of god, humans or animals to ensure they don’t become a focus of worship

worshipping idols is banned in the Ten Commandments

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how does the synagogue act as a place of assembly

safe place for jewish people to gather together as a community for worship learning social activities and support. also a place for children to assemble and therefore there are many activities for children to take part in

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how does the synagogue act as a place of prayer

people gather for daily prayers and shabbat services

communal worship and reinforces jewish communal identity

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how is the synagogue as a place of study

help jewish people to develop their understanding of the faith by offering study of the tenakh

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how is the synagogue a place of community

brings jews together through social activities

organise charity events and fundraisers

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what is a brit milah

a ceremony that takes place when a boy boy is 8 days old. can take place in a hospital home or synagogue. welcomes boy into jewish community and is a joyful celebration. sign that the boy is entering the abrahamic covenant

boy is given a name

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what happens during brit milah

baby is 8 days old

specifically chosen person places baby on empty chair called elijahs chair as the prophet Elijah is believed to be present during cirucmcision

the mohel (circumciser) will place baby on the knee of their sandek.

mohel circumcises child before blessing child oe handing him to rabbi

celebration ensues

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why are blessings given to the baby during the brit milah

reflect the hope that the child will achieve personal fulfilment and happiness, spiritual, ethical and moral fulfillment

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What is a bar mitzvah

rite of passage into adulthood

takes place in synagogue on the shabbat after the boy has turned 13

boy is now responsible for keeping the mitzvot

boy must accept his obligation to keep jewish law, try be a righteous person

boy can now be a part of a minyan

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what happens during a bar mitzvah

boy goes to synagogue on shabbat after turning 13

boy reads his torah portion from the bimah in front of congregation

boy gives speech to congregation

boys father recites blessing thanking of for bringing son to maturity

boy wears tefillin for first time

celebration where boy receives present

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what is a bat mitzvah

reform jewish girls have a ceremony identical to bar mitzvahs at 13

girl is classed as an adult and she is now responsible to keep mitzvot

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what is a bat chayil

orthodox jewish girls at 12 don’t have same responsibilities as boys so aren’t expected to keep mitzvot the same

doesn’t occur on shabbat

girl gives speech about specific topic in judaism but not a reading from torah

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what mitzvah do jews believe marriage fulfils

tje mitzvah to enter into a life of love and joy

god commands us to be ‘fertile and increase’ - genesis

sex should only take place in marriage and for the purpose of procreation

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what do Orthodox Jews believe about interfaith marriage

important to marry a jew

ensures both people fully understand the religious significance of marriage and that their children are raised jewish

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what do reform jews believe about interfaith marriage

accept interfaith marriage though many prefer to marry jews

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what happens during the marriage ceremony

kiddushin - couple agreed to marry and usually takes place a few hours before marriage, ketubah is created which sets out roles and responsibilities of wife and groom

mikvah - some jewish brides attend a bath used for purification

fasting - symbolises that they’re cleansed

ketubah - groom signs ketubah in front of witnesses and marks beginning of ceremony, legal document that’s important incase divorce happens,

bedeken - groom puts veil over brides face to symbolise that hell cloth and protect her

chuppah- canopy with two open sides, symbolises the home the couple will make, bride circles groom 7 times

rings - mutual exchange yo show equality

nisuin - 7 blessings said to convey joy and conection

stamping of glass - destroyed temple

time alone

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What happens when jewish person dies and what is an Onan?

various rituals are observed

an Onan is someone appointed too assume responsibility over the funeral. relative to the deceased who is obliged to mourn

sole concern is to ensure the deceased is treated properly at all times

help keep funeral and do not have to keep mitzvot at this time

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what happens before and during funeral

onan is assisted by chevra kaddisha as they wash the body and clothe it in white so its ready for burial

burial takes place within 24 hours

deceased is placed in wooden coffin and funeral occurs in cemetery

psalms and kaddish are said to help ,mourners feel closer to god

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what is the first stage of mourning

shiva - most intense stage

seven day period when mourners won’t leave home, sit on low chairs, and receive visitors who offer condolences

kaddish is recited daily and candle is lit as a symbol of the persons soul

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what is the second stage of mourning

shloshim - 30 days of less intense mourning

mourners can’t attend celebrations

after this month mourning ends for most jews but if a part is lost then mourning continues into avelut

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what is done at the anniversary of a death

yahrzeit - headstone is put on a grave before the anniversary so people can visit and remember the dead

candle is lit for 24 hours and kaddish is said

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what is the tenakh

main sacred text in judaism

torah is part of the tenakh as it contains matzot

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what books does the tenakh contain

neviim - books of the prophets which jews read to understand jewish history

ketuvim - sacred writing which includes psalms and used in daily prayer

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what is the talmud

collection of writings that clarify areas of the torah

Mishnah is the first written version of jewish oral law

gemara is a commentary on the Mishnah to further explain difficult areasnof the torah

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what are kosher foods

foods that Leviticus lists as acceptable

animals with split hooves and eat grass, fish with scales and fins, poultry, produce kosher animals. any meat must be killed in a certain way as animals throat must be cut with sharp knife and blood drained

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what is treyfah food

foods that Leviticus lists as unacceptable

animals without split hooves, those that don’t eat grass, shellfish, animals that died of natural causes, birds of prey and animals that haven’t been killed properly

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what is parev food

neutral food that’s not meat or dairy such as vegetables fruits rice and pasta

must be checked before eating too its not contaminated

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why can dairy and meat not mix in meals

‘you shall not boil a kid in its mothers milk’ - exodus

wait hours between eating meat and then dairy

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what are the benefits of keeping kosher in britsin

follows mitzvot given by god

connects person with jewish history

ensures traditions are followed and likely to be carried on into next generation

physical manifestation of faith and connects jewish communtiy

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what are the challenges of keeping kosher in Britain

very expensive to get kosher food

may be hard to access kosher foods

difficult if no kosher restaurants near by

preparation of food must be thorough

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when does Rosh Hashanah happen

celebrates jewish new year and commemorates god creating the world

takes place in September on the 1st and 2nd day of the jewish month Tishrei

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what do jews believe will happen during Rosh Hashanah

mentioned in bible as day of rest and in misnah as time when god judges us all

ten day period of atoning for sins before Yom Kippur

god judges every person for actions of previous year

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what happens the month before rosh hashanah

jews consider their faults and shofar is blown ervyday

day before jews clean their homes and buy special foods eaten during festival snd attend synagogue

some Orthodox Jews have a mikvah

families gather

on erev Rosh Hashanah jews have first taste of apples and honey

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what happens during rosh hashanah

jews attend synagogue, prayers and blessings said

shofar blown 100 times as it marks start of period of repentance

kiddush is said and apples dipped in honey are eaten in hope of a sweet new year

challah loaf symbolise circle of life

pomegranates repsrent 613 mitzvot

throw pieces of bread into stream, throwing sins

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what are the origins and meaning of Yom Kippur

day of atonement

synagogue prayer and worship

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how doe jews celebrate yom kippur

acts of charity and clean homes in preparation

eat before sunset on the day before Yom Kippur as last meal before 24 hour fast

wear white to symbolise purity and pray continuously

doors of Aron hakadesh opened to symbolise closeness and gates of heaven are open

last service symbolises closes of gates of heaven which jews believe will happen after final judgement

time to atone and ask for forgiveness

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what are the origins and meanings of pesach

spring harvest festival

celebrates Israelites escape from slavery in Egypt

Israelites were passed over the worst and final plague

Israelites painted lambs blood on doorposts of home so they’re spared

takes place in jewish month of Nisan, march to april

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how do jews prepare before pesach starts

extensively clean home and remove all chametz home

separate cutlery and plates to avoid contaiminatiom

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why are chametz not eaten during pesach

prohibition of chametz when oisraelites fled Egypt as there was no time for bread to rise so matzah is eaten

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what happens during pesach

candles are lit to start festival

evening synagogue service

seder night is a time for all family to gather and celebratre

seder meal is special and Haggadah book is used to telll story of Israelites fleeing

meal begins with youngest person in family asking about origins of pesach

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what foods are eaten at the seder meal

Z’roa-lamvbs bone to represent lambs blood the Israelites put on doorpost

kappas-green leaves dipped into salt water to represent pain felt by slsves

maror and chazaret-bitter herbs to show bitterness of slavery

charoset-mortar used to make pyramids

beitzah-roastes egg to symbolise life cycle

wine to show pesach is a joyous time

matzah to remember what Israelites ate in Egypt

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what are the origins and meanings of Sukkoth

harvest festival to commemorate the Israelites journey to the promised land

40 years spent in desert sleeping in temporary homes

jews remebrt difficult times the Israelites had to endure

‘you shall live in booths seven days’ - Leviticus

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how do jews celebrate sukkoth

5 days after Yom Kippur and lasts 7 days

sukkah built outside with 3 walls and simple roof that stars can eb seen through

open nature of sukkah to show how jews are open to presence of god and god is one source of protection

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what do jews place in sukkoth

Lulav and etrog - Lulu is made up of a palm , myrtle branch and willow branch bound together. etrog is large citrus fruit. these with hadissim and aravot are known as four species

jews require to wave these in 4 directions to show that god is everywhere

four species represent the blessings in the lives of jews

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how do orthodox and reform vary in building the sukkah and celebrating

orthodox moe liekly to build thier own sukkah and only eat meals in the sukkah

reform may celrbate in communal sukkah and may not eat all meals in sukkah

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