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smooth and parallel layers
what characterizes laminar flow?
laminar flow
which flow type is most efficient for reducing drag?
random and chaotic behavior
what does turbulent flow typically exhibit?
decreases with increased velocity
in compressible flow, what happens to the fluid density?
compressible flow
what type of flow is typically observed at very high speeds?
wave drag
which type of drag becomes more significant at high speeds?
wing shape and angle of attack
what is lift primarily generated by?
what force opposes the motion of an aircraft through the air?
the forward force produced by engines
what does the term “thrust” refer to?
control pitch and stabilize flight
what is the primary role of an aircraft’s tail?
which is NOT a component of lift?
pressure decreases
according to bernoulli’s principle, how does an increase in airflow velocity affect pressure?
to reduce drag and improve fuel efficiency
what is the primary purpose of a winglet on an aircraft?
control yaw
what is the primary purpose of a rudder on an aircraft?
control roll
what is the primary role of the ailerons on an aircraft?
pressure, velocity, and height
what does Bernoulli’s equation relate?
a decrease in pressure
In Bernoulli’s equation, an increase in velocity leads to:
viscous flow
which assumption is NOT made in Bernoulli’s principle?
what is the unit of pressure in the context of Bernoulli’s equation?
conservation of energy
Bernoulli’s equation is derived from which principle?
force, mass, and acceleration
What does the momentum equation relate?
changes in velocity and pressure
In fluid dynamics, the momentum equation accounts for:
analyzing fluid flow in pipelines
What is the primary application of the momentum equation?
transfer of momentum by fluid motion
what does the term “convective momentum transport” refer to?
Euler’s equation
which of the following is a form of momentum equation?
conservation of energy
what does the energy equation in fluid dynamics describe?
velocity head
In the energy equation, which term typically represents kinetic energy?
loss of energy due to friction
what does the term “head loss in the energy equation refer to?
kinetic energy, potential energy, and heat
which of the following is included in the energy equation?
steady and uniform flow
what type of flow does the energy equation typically apply to?
conservation of mass
what does the continuity equation express?
increase in velocity
In the context of continuity equation, what does a decrease in cross-sectional area imply?
rho AV=C
which form of continuity equation applies to compressible flow?
it ensures mass conservation
what is the significance of continuity equation in fluid dynamics?
if fluid density is constant, the continuity equation simplifies to: