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Achievement tests
Assessments designed to evaluate acquired knowledge.
Adjustment or adaptation, like changes in the ocular lens for different focal distances.
Acoustic encoding
Processing of sound, particularly words.
Initial stage in classical conditioning or reinforcement strengthening in operant conditioning.
Action potential
Brief electrical charge traveling down an axon.
Active listening
Empathic listening involving echoing, restating, and clarifying, a feature of client-centered therapy.
Adaptation-level phenomenon
Tendency to make judgments relative to prior experiences.
Adrenal glands
Endocrine glands secreting stress hormones.
Physical or verbal behavior aimed at harm.
Logical procedure ensuring problem-solving.
Alpha waves
Short brain waves in a relaxed, awake state.
Selfless concern for others' well-being.
Memory loss, including retrograde, anterograde, and source amnesia.
Retrograde Amnesia
type of memory loss that occurs when you cannot remember old memories
Anterograde Amnesia
type of memory loss that occurs when you cannot form new memories
Source Amnesia
attributing to the wrong source an event we have experiences, heard about, read about, or imagined the heart of many false memories
Antidepressant drugs
Medications for depression, including SSRIs.
SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors)
types of antidepressants that block the repuptake of serotonin into the axon
Antipsychotic drugs
Medications for schizophrenia treatment.
Antisocial personality disorder
Lack of conscience for wrongdoing, even towards loved ones.
Anxiety disorders
Psychological conditions marked by persistent anxiety.
Language impairment, including Broca’s and Wernicke’s aphasia.
Broca’s aphasia
damage in Broca’s area int he frontal lobe that results in difficulty producing speech
Wernicke’s aphasia
Damage in Wernicke’s area in the temporal lobe that results in difficulty understanding speech
Applied research
Scientific study addressing practical issues.
Association areas
Brain regions involved in higher mental functions.
Associative learning
Linking events together, including classical and operant conditioning.
Classical Conditioning
a type of learning in which one learns to link two or more stimuli and anticipate events
Operant Conditioning
type of learning in which behavior is strengthened if followed by a reinforcer or diminished if followed by a punishment
an emotional tie with another person; shown in young children by their seeking closeness to the caregiver and showing distress on separation
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
a psychological disorder marked by the appearance by age seven of one or more of these: extreme inattention, Hyperactivity, impulsivity
feelings, often influenced by our beliefs, that predispose us to respond in a particular way to objects, people, and events
Attribution Theory
theory that we explain someone’s behavior by crediting either a situation or the person’s disposition (Dispositional vs. situational)
the sense or act of hearing
a disorder that appears in childhood and is marked by deficient communication, social interaction, and understanding of others’ states of minds
Automatic processing
unconscious encoding of incidental information, such as space, time and frequency, and of well-learned information (such as word meanings)
Aversive conditioning
type of counterconditioning that associates an unpleasant state with an unwanted behavior
the extension of a neuron that allows the message to travel through
Babbling stage
beginning at about four months, the stage of speech development in which the infant spontaneously utters various sounds at first unrelated to the household language
drugs that depress the activity of the CNS, reducing anxiety but impairing memory and judgment
Basal metabolic rate
body’s resting rate of energy spending
Basic research
pure science that aims to increase scientific knowledge base (through experiments mostly)
Basic research
pure science that aims to increase scientific knowledge base (through experiments mostly)
Basic trust
According to Eric Erickson, a sense that the world is predictable and trustworthy; said to be formed during infancy by appropriate experiences with responsive caregivers
Behavior therapy
therapy that applies learning principles to the elimination of unwanted behaviors
Behavioral psychology
the school of psychology that believes that behaviors are the result of associations, observation, and rewards and punishments
Belief perseverance
Clinging to one’s initial conceptions after the basis on which they were formed has been discredited
Binge-eating disorder
Episodes of significant eating followed by distress, disgust, or guilt without compensatory purging or fasting.
Binocular cues
Depth perception relying on the use of two eyes.
System recording, amplifying, and providing information on subtle psychological states.
Biopsychosocial approach
Integrated method considering biological, psychological, and social levels of analysis.
Bipolar disorder
Mood disorder involving alternating between depression and mania.
Blind spot
Area where the optic nerve leaves the eye, filled in by the brain.
Bottom-up processing
Analysis starting from sensory receptors to the brain.
Oldest part of the brain responsible for automatic survival functions.
Bystander effect
Phenomenon where fewer people respond when more are present.
Cannon-Bard Theory
Emotion theory stating arousal and emotion occur simultaneously.
Case study
In-depth study of individuals or groups to reveal universal principles.
Emotional release.
Central nervous system (CNS)
Brain and spinal cord.
Central route persuasion
Attitude change based on argumentation, facts, and details.
Responsible for movement coordination and balance.
Organizing items into manageable units.
Circadian rhythm
24-hour biological clock regulating bodily patterns.
Client-centered therapy
Humanistic therapy focusing on active listening and empathy.
Clinical psychology
Branch treating psychological disorders.
Inner ear structure containing hearing receptors.
Mental activities related to thinking, knowing, remembering, and communicating.
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
Therapy addressing thinking patterns through behavior change.
Cognitive dissonance theory
Discomfort reduction by changing attitudes.
Cognitive Therapy
Teaching adaptive thinking and acting.
Collective unconscious
Shared reservoir of memory traces.
Prioritizing group goals over individual goals.
Color constancy
Perceiving familiar objects with consistent colors.
Companionate love
Deep affectionate attachment in settled relationships.
Mental grouping of similar objects, events, ideas, or people.
Concrete Operational stage
Piaget's stage (7-11 years) for logical thinking.
Conditioned reinforcer
Stimulus gaining power through association with a primary reinforcer.
Conditioned stimulus (CS)
Originally irrelevant stimulus triggering a response after association.
Confirmation bias
Tendency to seek information supporting preconceptions.