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Hydrologic cycle
Movement of water in the seas, land, and air. It is driven by solar energy and gravity
Zone of saturation
Spaces in soil are filled with water
Water table
Top of the zone of saturation
Naturally recharge, lateral recharge
Water footprint
Volume of water we directly and indirectly
India, China, and the United States
Three largest grain producers. Overpumping aquifers for the irrigation of crops
California Water Project
Inefficient water use. Environmental damage to the Sacramento River and San Francisco Bay
Removing dissolved salts
evaporate water, leaving salts behind
Reverse osmosis, microfiltration
use high pressure to remove salts
Flood plains
Highly productive wetlands, that provide natural flood and erosion control, maintain high water quality and recharge groundwater
They capture and store runoff as well as they release runoff as needed to control
Surface Run-off
Precipitation that does not infiltrate the ground or evaporate
Water Shed
The region from which water drains into a body of water
Precipitation that infiltrates the ground and percolates downwards through voids in soil and rocks
Unconfined Aquifer
Aquifer with water table as top
Confined Aquifer
Bounded above and below by semi-permeable beds of rock and clay