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Who is the leader of the Congress of Vienna?

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Who is the leader of the Congress of Vienna?

Metternich of Austria

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Congress of Vienna

  • redrew map of Europe due to Napoleon’s reign

  • leader: Metternich

    • Hardenburg: Prussia

    • Castlereagh: England

    • Alexander I: Russia

    • Tallegrand: France

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The Age of Metternich

  • reactionary: Metternich wanted to go back to monarchy/old regime ways

  • the people wanted a constitutional monarchy

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Quintuple Alliance contains?

  • Metternich: Austria

  • Hardenburg: Prussia

  • Castlereagh: England

  • Alexander I: Russia

  • Tallegrand: France

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  • smart choice of Metternich to include him

  • revolutionary believer

  • eloquent speaker

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What political beliefs were pushing back against Metternich?


  • natural law


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  • emerged for economic reasons

  • believed in individualism

  • Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations

    • gov. should not restrict the economy

      • should not mess with the “natural law”

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Natural Law (Liberalism)

  • believed in constitutional monarchy

  • believed humans could do what they wanted without gov. to control them

  • instilled in human nature to compete and want profit

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Nationalism in The Age of Metternich

  • just started growing due to Austria’s three major ethnic groups:

    • Germanic

    • Magyar

    • Slovick

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Socialism: Utopian

  • ppl used this term as an insult/ they were seen as fools

  • Robert Owen

    • used to see how factories treated its ppl and didn’t like it

    • New Lanark: the factory that he owned

      • 888 Law: created 8 hr work, 8 hr leisure, and 8 hr of sleep for workers

      • developed a daycare

      • made the kids have a free education

    • tried making a similar factory in the US but failed after 5 yrs

    • created unions= Grand Union

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Socialism: Orthodox (Communism)

Fredrick Engles:

  • ran a factory and didn’t like the treatment of workers

  • wrote The Condition of The Working Class of England

    • “Always think of sins of commission than sins of omission”

  • met Carl Marx and they wrote The Communist Manifesto

    • mark’s philosophical ideas + Engles knowledge

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The Communist Manifesto

  • written by Marx and Engles

  • said class struggle will happen which will lead to more working class

    • Bourgeiouse vs Working Class

  • Marx took the ideas from Hegel

    • his ideas were metaphysical

    • wanted ppl to find the truth (God)

  • Mark was atheist → instead of Hegel’s truths he sought his “thesis” and found an “antithesis” to come up with a new conclusion

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Socialism: Revisionism

  • “Evolutionary Socialism” / “Social Democratic”

  • revised orthodox ways → didn’t like promoting revolution for change

  • believed change should evolve through government

    • wanted to put the right ppl in charge

    • if working class could vote they could put ppl with their ideas in mind

    • needs: wanted strong infrastructure, education, healthcare

  • The Fabians

    • funded the London School of Economics

    • they believed in all of the social democrat beliefs especially education

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focuses on the distribution of what’s produced to society

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Italy Unification (3 ppl)

  • Mazzini created Young Italy

    • nationalist but not irrational

  • worked w/ Camillo Cavour

    • “architect of Unification”

    • was prime minister of Piedmont Sardinia

  • Giuseppe Garibaldi

  • created The Red Shirts (an army)

  • drove Austria out of Italy

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to unify the country/ resurgence (Italy)

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Lateran Treaty

The Vatican was accepted as an independant state

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German Unification

  • shifts the balance of power in Europe

  • Austria is not included into Germany

    • this was decided by Prussia

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Otto Von Bismarck

  • super charismatic and well educated

  • married Johanna who’s super religious while he’s not

  • practiced Machivelle ideas

  • became the chancelor (second in command) of Prussia

    • leader was Wilhelm

      • they met each other bcs they stole money to advance Prussia/modernize it then they got elected

  • strongest of diplomats !

  • wanted to indutrialize Prussia

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  • means customs union

  • for German unification

  • ppl could travel between states with no passaport plus not deal with taxes

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Little Germany

  • excludes Austria

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Greater Germany

  • includes Austria

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3 Steps for German Unification

  1. Denmark

  2. 7 Weeks War

  3. Franco-Prussian War

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  1. Denmark (German Unification)

Schleswig + Holstein

  • territories in Germany but Bismark wanted to start a war

  • asked Austrian Empire for an alliance

  • Schleswig = Prussia (annexed Austria)

  • Holstien = Austria

  • this set up caused problems and angered the Austrians causing them to start war against Prussia

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  1. 7 Weeks War (German Unification)

  • Austria vs Prussia

    • Prussia defeats Austria

    • Bismarck didn’t let the soldiers embarrass the Austrians because he didn’t want them to hold a grudge and needed a good relationship

  • Prussia won due to modernized military + industrialization !

  • Peace of Prague

    • set up the North German Confederation

    • 34 states agreed to be united with Prussia while 4 others did not

    • the 4 agreed that if the N.G.C were attacked they would defend them

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  1. Franco- Prussian War

  • Bismarck (he sent letters that were thought made by Wilhelm) embarrased France and declared war

  • Parisians were the last to give up → lived in terrible circumstances during the war/ no food

  • Wilhalm + Bismarck went to the Hall of Mirrors and declared the unification of Germany !!

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Adolphe Thiers

  • became the temporary head of France during franco-Prussian war

  • setteled meeting in Versaille to talk of peace

    • Versaille wasn’t considered French territory

  • fought against the Commune and defeated them

  • joined The Third Republic

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  • ppl against Adolphe Thiers

  • ppl were angered abt losing to Germany

  • had military support so tried defeating Adolphe but they lost

    • tons of ppl were executed

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Dreyfus Affair (Dreyfus + Story+ Effect)

Alfred Dreyfus

  • Jewish

  • born in Alsace-Lorraine (territory between France + Germany)

    • bilingual

  • patriot

  • joined the French army and became 1st Jewish officer in the General Staff


  • ppl realized that someone was spilling secrets to the Germans → suspected Dreyfus bcs he’s Jewish

    • accused of treason and then imprisoned


  • divided Germany

    • anti-Dreyfusars → amti-semetic

    • Dreyfusars → for honor

  • opened ppl’s eyes to the anti-Semitism in Europe !

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Dreyfus Affair (other ppl invovled)


  • general officer

  • tried defending Dreyfus

  • gov. shut him down and sent him away

Emile Zola

  • wrote I Accuse

    • lists ppl who lied and sold stories in the army

    • wanted to cover for Dreyfus

    • almost jailed for this but he escaped to the US


  • actual offender

  • was found guilty after 3 trials

  • Piequart realized it was him due to his handwriting

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Impressionism Qualities

  • rejected previous themes/movements in mythology + history

  • art focused on fragmentary perception

    • irrationalism → leading up to WWI

    • not interested in the complete picture

  • used relative color: diff shades of color due to the light changing

  • visible brush strokes

  • everything is moving → Industrialization/motion

    • photography emerged due to this !

  • Japanese influence

    • didn’t need symmetry

    • block prints

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Artist that Inspired Impressionism

  1. Manet

  2. Renior

  3. Pizarro

  • were all rejected by the Salon

    • said their art was “not finished”

  • the artists created their own exhibit

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Long Term Causes of WWI


  1. Militarism

    1. Mandatory military training

    2. Schlieffen Plan

  2. Alliances

    1. Triple Alliance: Germany, Austria-Hungrary, Italy

    2. Triple Entente: France, Britain, Russia

  3. Imperialism

    1. Colonial Rivalies

      1. race to expand eachs empire

      2. Bismarck helped split Africa to other European nations → called himself the “The Honest Broker”

  4. Nationalism

    1. Austrian-Hungarian empire

    2. Pan-Slovism - wanted to be recognized and join together

    3. Italy - wanted to expand it’s empire

  5. International Anarchy

    1. there was no effective organization to communicate problems to other countries

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Short Term Causes of WWI

Franz Ferdinand

  • heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary

  • was murdered by the Black Hand and ppl thought Serbia was behind it →

    • Serbia was a Slovick state and Slovicks wanted to be independent

Blank Check

  • Austria-Hungary checked w Germany if they could attack Serbia → Germany said they had their full support →

Ultimatum to Serbia

  • there were 6 major points and Serbia only agreed to 5 which started the war →

Russia Mobilizes

  • this freaks Germany out → sent an ultimatum to Russia → declare war on France

Belgium’s Treaty of Neutrality

  • Germany didn’t respect the treaty and marched through Belgium → UK to declare war on Germany → Japan joins in later → Italy claims to be neutral even though they had an alliance with Germany

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What were people’s reaction towards the war?

  • “Jolly Little War”

    • thought this war would be short

  • everyone excited to go volunteer

  • tons of propoganda

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Schlieffen Plan

  • “war on two fronts”

  • assumed France would be easy to overthrow

  • general said that German soldiers should first fight France and then fight Russia

    • in reality the Germans mobilized slower than anticipated

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Main Weapons during the War

Mustard Gas

  • started chemical warfare

  • also affected civilians


  • stood above others → sort of honor doing this

  • overhead bombings

Machine Guns

  • were added to planes

  • used in the trenches

    • no one could move an inch due to this


  • this was how the US got involved

  • could go unnoticed underwater

  • liberty to go wherever and attack


  • invokes powerlessness in soldiers

  • used in the Battle of Somme

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Total War / Home Front

  • soldiers didn’t like civilians

  • St Augustine wrote The Just Theory of War

    • unethical to engage in warfare that intentionally affected ppl / could only attack soldiers

  • home front → women made weapons

    • the civilians were included in the war

    • sparked nationalism w propaganda

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Dardanelles Strait/ Suez Canal

  • waterways that turkey controlled

  • this left Russia at a loss due to them blocking their way to give them supplies

  • Gallipoli Campaign → plan to overtake the Dardanelles Strait/ thought to be brilliant idea if it was successful

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Somme River

  • most gruesome battle

  • “To bleed France white” was the goal for Germany

  • the hill was nicknamed “Dead Man’s Hill”

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Break of Day in the Trenches - Isaac Rosenberg

“The darkness crumbles away.

It is the same old druid Time as ever, Only a live thing leaps my hand,

A queer dardonic rat,

As I pull the parapet’s poppy

To stick behind my ear

  • insightful of the life in the trenches

  • how bodies nurish the ground

  • rat’s “neutral”, doesn’t care about sides

  • shows worldy sympathy/ their ppl are dying

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The Hero - Siegfried Sassoon

“Jack fell as he’d have wished,” the Mother said,

And folded up the letter that she’d read.

“The Colonel writes so nicely.” Something broke

In the tired voice that quavered to a choke.

  • Sassoon argued that if they wanted ppl to know abt the war they needed to expose them to it

  • debates wheter the parent should be told the truth?

    • is it brave or cowardly?

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4 Reasons the US Joined The War:

  1. to make the world “safe for democracy” - Woodrow Wilson

  2. Germany used unrestricted submarine warfare

  3. The Zimmerman Telegram

    1. they don’t know who really sent it

  4. lended Britain money and they needed to get the money back after they won

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4 Things the Dadaist Were Protesting

  1. barbaric nature of Europe → the war how children died

  2. upper/middle class values

    1. they started the war and continued it → Dadaists called them greedy

  3. oppressive intellectual rigidity

    1. schools

    2. rejected standard approach to understanding

  4. anti-art

    1. had aesthetic beauty or had meaning

    2. they said that art should have no meaning or be interpreted

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  • artistic + literary movement

  • nonsensical

  • “we members of the Dada movement merely hold up a mirror to the times”

    • after effect of the war

    • nothing made sense anymore → how could they have faith in a society who murdered thousands of ppl

  • belief came from Zurich

    • nihilism - holding nothing sacred

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Manifesto of Surrealism (4) - Breton

  1. outlines Freud’s discovery of human psyche

    1. conscious/rational side vs. unconscious/irrational side

      1. the uncon. side was considered instinctual

  2. way to happiness = free to express personal desires

    1. Freud said ppl have 2 drive: sex or violence

  3. unconscious mind is the wellspring of imagination

    1. imagination comes from being uncensored

  4. genius = accessibility to the nation

    1. to get to the uncon. mind: dreaming, hypnotic trances, uncon. writing

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  • translates to: beyond reality

  • literary + artistic movement

  • “Imagination is key”

  • 17th (scientific) + 18th (applications of math and ideas) eras suppressed the aspect of the uncon. mind

  • Breton: wrote the Manifesto of Surrealism

    • was in the Dada movement but got bored of nonsensical

    • said that Dadaists missed the meaning of interior life

    • he was convinced the uncon. mind produced imagination

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Points in the Treaty of Versaille

  • Germany lost all their colonies

  • Alsace-Loraine territory became French

  • pay 33 billion dollars in repreation

  • lost 1/8 of their land, 1/6 of their agrigcultural production, and 1/2 coal (Germany’s energy source)

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Restrictions for Germany in the Treaty of Versaille (5)

  1. Rhilden was demilitarized

    1. peace of territory between France + Germany

  2. Army limited only to 100,000 troops

  3. No planes, tanks, or submarines

  4. Only 6 Warships

  5. Article 231: “Germany was solely responsible for starting the war and her allies’

    1. jab at allies

    2. hard hit bcs that means that they were responsible for the thousands of dead

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Paris Peace Treaty/ Treaty of Versaille

  • 32 nations attended

    • everyone who fought against the Allies was not invited

  • Tallegrand was invited

  • Russia was absent → civil war happening

  • George Clemenceau led the meeting

    • made decision for two German men to sign the treaty in the Hall of Mirrors

    • intentional revenge + humiliation

  • Victorio Orlando got mad bcs he thought Italy should benefit too

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Qualities in Faschist States: (7)

  1. creates a Totalitarian State

    1. gov. controls everything

  2. Personal Dictatorship

    1. person believes they’re above the law

  3. Stateism

    1. defined as glorification of the state

      1. individuality ins’t important

      2. irrational nationalism

      3. glorifys war + use of violence to achieve their goals

  4. Opposition is Destroyed

    1. don’t mind violence

  5. Propaganda Machine

    1. ensures the support of the ppl

    2. censors information

  6. Secret Police

    1. all states would have a hidden gov. to go after ppl

  7. Racism

    1. a group who’s targeted with hate (religion, race, class)

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