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What are the three key features that define the imperial system?
Emperor, bureaucracy, confucianism
Qin’s Unification of China
King Qin centralized government of China marking the beginning, used to be feudal lords
Adopt of Civil Service Examination
Allowed for regular people to enter the court and become scholars through education focusing on the confucian classics.
Mandate of Heaven
The Emperor, having God’s approval, provides a conditional source of legitimacy if they lose control over the populace or bad things start to happen the mandate is revoked, there is an overthrow, and the process repeats.
Opium Wars
Great Britain started smuggling opium into China to gain a trade surplus, leading to a war, resulting in the beginning of the Century of Humiliation
Self-Strengthening movement
Incorporating Westernization military techniques, education, etc. to promote China’s ideals, but it was not enough reform to protect them.
First Sino-Japanese War
Japan’s first invasion of China, they crushed China, leading to reform movements.
Hundred Days’ Reform
Effort to Westernize: changed civil service exam and education systems to more Western ideas, made in democratic civil society
1911 Movement
Revolution driven by widespread dissatisfaction with the emperor, led to the collapse of the dynasty.
May fourth movement
Intellectual movement, leading to decline in traditional thoughts and shift to Westernization, inspired later movements.
Founding of CCP
The Chinese Communist Party was founded by a small group of revolutionaries and intellectuals led by Chen Duxiu and Li Dazhao in Shanghai in July 1921. Mao Zedong was part of this event, but not the leader at that point. In its early days, the Chinese Communist Party and the KMT united to form the united front to fight against warlords and foreign colonial powers.
Jiangxi soviet
Key for testing Mao’s power, largest Soviet control, Mao cared a lot more about the peasants
Long March
The fall of the Qing dynasty led to a power vacuum leading to political instability, and mass loss of life Mao was cemented as leader of the Communist Party during this event.
Yan’an Regime
Revolutionary root of the CCP, this area gave a central location for military and political operations for Mao.
Land Reform
CCP gained a lot of support by breaking down the old feudal system, and giving land to the peasants. The movement was also extremely unfair and harsh and caused millions of people to die.
Agricultural collectivization
Merging small farms into large-scale people’s communes. These communes controlled all aspects of agricultural production, including labor, resources, and distribution.
Hundred Flowers Movement
Intended to encourage citizens to critique the government in order to improve governance, but used as a tool for future repression.
Anti-right movement
Criticism of Hundred Flowers Movement was more than Mao intended leading to a crackdown on rightsts (professionals, academics, writers, ect) that were critical of the Communist Party or their policies. Created a climate of fear around political expression.
Great leap forward
Focused on steel and agriculture production with the goal to pass the U.K in steel production within 15 years, the means of production were unscientific. Includes the “Four Pests Campaign: (sparrows, flies, mosquitos, rats). Over inflated numbers were reported to the Central government leading to the over-requisition of resources, leading to the largest famine in human history. This event contributed to the start of the Cultural Revolution, aiming to reinforce Mao’s leadership in the party.
Lushan Conference
Peng Dehuai, leader of the Chinese military, submitted a letter criticizing the leap. Mao saw Peng’s letter as a challenge to his authority and an attack on the Chinese Communist Party, Peng was removed from office. Mao’s intention to suppress objections in the CCP allowed the Great Leap Forward to continue without criticism resulting in further economic collapse.
Seven thousand cadres conference
Needed to address failings of the Great Leap Forward, it was undeniable these policies were to blame for all the death that happened. Was the end of the Great Leap Forward policy, and the seed for the Cultural Revolution. Also Mao removed his endorsement of Lin as his presumptive successor.
Red Guard Movement
Emphasized class struggle and outing rightist.
Seizure of power in cultural revolution
Guards overthrew local governments, attacking those suspected of being part of the bourgeoisie class.
1976 Tiananmen Incident
Premier Zao died, people gathered at the square to remember him, protesting against the Cultural Revolution, military cleared protestors out, and emphasized there is no tolerance for criticism of Mao’s policies.
The Korean War
Conflict between North Korea back by China and the Soviet Union, and South Korea was backed by the US
Sino-Indian War (1962)
A military conflict that occured between China and the Soviet Union. Deepened the split between China and the Soviet Union, leading China to grow relations with the U.S
Sino-Soviet border conflict (1969)
Military conflict that occured between China and the Soviet Union, conflict deepened the split between China and the Soviet Union, leading China to grow relations with the U.S
Sino-Vietnamese War (1979)
Short but intense conflict between China and Vietnam, triggered by geopolitical tensions in Southeast Asia.
Rapprochement with the U.S
China and the U.S officially recognized each other and officially established a relationship between the two countries
The Normalization of Sino-American Relationship
Embracing relationship with the U.S, normalizing the relationship leading China to embrace western culture.
Trade war with the US
Trump put tariffs on Chinese goods.
Household Responsibility System
Under Deng, de-collectivized agriculture, leading to increased agricultural output
Spread of “Township and village enterprises”
Economic centers collectively owned by residents in the rural areas of China or mainly owned and under the control of peasants, they were incredibly successful for China’s economy.
Introduction of rural elections
Aimed to empower villagers to select their local leaders.
Establishing Special Economic Zones (SEZs)
These zones experienced greater flexibility in trade, private ownership of businesses, foreign investment, and relaxed government regulations over the distribution of goods.
1989 Tiananmen Incident
Sparked by the death of Hu Yaobang, a reformist leader. Resulted in numerous casualties after the PLA was sent of civilians.
Deng’s Southern Tour
Saved the Chinese economic reform as well as the capital market and preserved economic stability. Deng visited cities' deliverance speeches to emphasize the importance of economic reform.
Smashing of the Iron Rice bowl
Mass layoffs of government-sponsored positions and dismantling smaller state owned enterprises through mergers or bankruptcies
Three Represents theory
Implication is that it broadens the party’s support base, normally supposed to represent the working class, but now representing the bourgeois (private business owners) as well.
China entering World Trade Organization
Made commitment to reduce trade barriers and reform domestic policies, leading to significant growth in the country’s trade and economy.
2018 Amendment to the Constitution
Marked a departure from the collective leadership model, abolished term limits for President and Vice President
Anti-Corruption Campaign
Investigations led to numerous high and low ranking officials, some believe it encouraged reform, while others believe it was just to remove political rivals.
Anti-poverty Campaign
Policy initiative aimed to eliminate extreme poverty, under the leadership of President Xi. The campaign concluded in 2020 and China declared that it eliminated extreme poverty. It transformed the living conditions of millions and reinforced China’s government model for addressing large scale economic challenges.
Imperial China Events in Order GO!
Qin’s Unification of China
Adopt of Civil Service Examination
The Fall of Qing Dynasty in order GO!
Opium Wars, Self-Strengthening movement, First Sino-Japanese War, Hundred Days’ Reform, 1911 Movement
CCP’s revolutionary roots GO!
May fourth movement, Founding of CCP, Jiangxi soviet, Long March, Yan’an Regime
Mao-era Politics GO!
Land Reform, Agricultural collectivization, Hundred Flowers Movement, Anti-right movement, Great leap forward, Lushan Conference, Seven thousand cadres conference, Red Guard Movement, Seizure of power in cultural revolution, 1976 Tiananmen Incident
Chinese Foreign Relations GO
The Korean War, Sino-Indian War (1962) Sino-Soviet border conflict (1969) Sino-Vietnamese War (1979) Rapprochement with the U.S, The Normalization of Sino-American Relationship, Trade war with the US
Deng-Era Politics GO
Household Responsibility System, Spread of “Township and village enterprises”, Introduction of rural elections, Establishing Special Economic Zones (SEZs), 1989 Tiananmen Incident
Post-Deng Politics GO
Deng’s Southern Tour
Smashing of the Iron Rice bowl
Three Represents theory
China entering World Trade Organization
2018 Amendment to the Constitution
Anti-Corruption Campaign
Anti-poverty Campaign