grey matter
unmyelinated, on outside areas of the brain, and forms the core of the spinal cord
white matter
myelinated, inner regions of the brain, outer spinal cord
spinal cord
the communication link between brain and peripheral nervous system.
has sensory and motor neurons
protected by cerebrospinal fluid, soft tissue, and spinal column
three layers of tough elastic tissue that enclose brain and spinal column
corpus callosum
a series of nerve fibers that connects right and left hemispheres
mid brain
relays visual and auditory information between hindbrain midbrain
important role in eye movement and control of skeletal muscles
survival instincts (thirst and hunger)
sex drive
coordinates the action of the pituitary gland
automatic nervous system
provide connections between hindbrain and forebrain as well as areas of the sensory system
relay center for sensory input
largest part of brain divided into hemispheres and lobes
controls stomatic nervous system
relays information between cerebellum and cerebral cortex
medulla oblongata
controls subconscious activities involuntary movements (smooth and cardiac muscles)
controls automatic nervous system
muscle coordination and balance
controls stomatic nervous system
blood-brain barrier
meninges preventing direct circulation of blood through the brain and spine. Supplies brain with nutrients and oxygen
cerebrospinal fluid
transports hormones white blood cells and nutrients across the blood-brain barrier, is a shock absorber/cushion
cerebral cortex
thin outer layer of grey matter covering each half of the cerebrum
responsible for: Language, memory, personality, vision, thought ex
corpus callosum
bundle of white matter that links right and left hemispheres
right hemisphere
holistic and intuitive thinking visual-spatial skills and artistic abilities
Controls left side of body
left hemisphere
logical thinking linguistic and mathematical skills
controls right side of body
frontal lobe
integrates information, controls reasoning critical thinking, memory, personality and voluntary movement
speaking and translates thought to speech(Broca’s area)
temporal lobe
hearing and smell
parietal lobe
sensory information and body position, taste, touch temperature, pain, and pressure
language comprehension (Wernicke's area)
occipital lobe
visual information
motor cortex
voluntary control (muscle)