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fresh water
water with low amounts or no salt. Only 1% of the liquid water on earth.
water that is located below the Earth's surface (underground); "aquifer"
foreign substances (trash, plastics, toxic waste) that have a negative effect on the environment
safe for humans to drink.
renewable resource
resource that is replenished after used, livestock, plants, wind and hydroelectricity are examples.
materials that may be used by living things to satisfy basic needs.
surface water
water on the Earth's surface, e.g. oceans, rivers, lakes.
water escapes from plants; part of the water cycle.
water cycle
movements water undergoes throughout the atmosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere and biosphere.
entire geographic area that drains directly into a particular body of water.
movement of water downward through porous material; filter/ infiltration.
pores, holes or spaces in rock or soil that allow water to pass through
soil or other material deposited by running water, wind, or other moving matter.
bug killer sprayed on lawns and crops that enter surface run off when it rains
fossil fuel
non renewable energy source such as oil, coal and gas that release CO2 when burned
run off
during the water cycle, rain runs off the surface picking up pollutants .
plant food rich in nitrogen, produced by decomposers during the nitrogen cycle. Causes algae blooms that depletes oxygen
man made material made from petroleum, that takes hundreds or thousands of years to break down.
north pacific gyre
area of the ocean the size of Texas, where mostly plastic pieces are collecting due to currents
hole dug and lined with a plastic sheet, then filled with trash, covered with dirt and plants when it's full.
strip mining
removal of all of an ecosystem by explosives during the digging up of resources such as metals.
removal of too many fish from the ocean, causing their eventual extinction
first flush
trash from drainage ditches is carried to rivers and the ocean the first time it rains
plant roots
prevent soil erosion
recharge zone
where water enters an aquifer
capable of being broken down by decomposers within weeks or months
NOT capable of being broken down by decomposers within weeks or months, opposite of biodigradable