Bacterial Pathogens

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Acinetobacter baumannii

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Acinetobacter baumannii

gram-negative, “iraqibacter”, uses type IV pilus

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Bordetella pertussis

gram-negative, causes whooping cough in humans, uses type IV secretion system, uses type 1 secretion system, pertussis toxin disrupts signaling pathways of the immune system

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Campylobacter spp.

gram-negative, causes Campylobacteriosis, can be monotrichous or amphitrichous

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Chlamydia trachomatis

gram-negative, causes chlamydia, uses type III secretion system

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Escherichia coli

gram-negative, can cause UTIs or intestinal infections, uses type III secretion system, typically peritrichous, has fimbriae

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Haemophilus ducreyi

gram-negative, causes chancroid, contains LOS

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Haemophilus influenzae

gram-negative, can cause meningitis or pneumonae or bacteremia, contains LOS

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Helicobacter pylori

gram-negative, causes stomach ulcers, typically lophotrichous, uses type IV secretion system

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Klebsiella pneumoniae

gram-negative, causes pneumonia or meningitis, has fimbriae

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Legionella pneumophila

gram-negative, causes pneumonia (legionnaire’s disease), uses type IV secretion system

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Neisseria gonorrhoeae

gram-negative, causes gonorrhea, has LOS, uses type IV secretion system, has fimbriae, capsule impairs phagocytosis by limiting attachment of white blood cells

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Neisseria meningitidis

gram-negative, causes meningococcal disease, has LOS, uses type IV secretion system, capsule impairs phagocytosis by limiting attachment of white blood cells

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Pseudomonas aeruginosa

gram-negative, typically a hospital acquired infection, uses type III secretion system, uses type VI secretion system

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Salmonella spp.

gram-negative, causes salmonella infection, can be peritrichous or cephalotrichous or amphitrichous, uses type III secretion system, inject virulence factors via T3SS to prevent lysosome fusion with the phagosome

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Serratia marcescens

gram-negative, commonly causes hospital acquired infections, sticky/slimy characteristics from glycocalyx

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Shigella spp.

gram-negative, causes shigella infection (diarrhea and vomiting), uses type III secretion system, injects virulence factors via T3SS to escape the phagolysosome and spread to neighboring cells

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Vibrio cholerae

gram-negative, causes cholera, uses type 1 secretion system, uses type III secretion system, uses type VI secretion system, can be monotrichous or lophotrichous, cholera toxin disrupts intestinal osmotic balances resulting in rapid fluid loss

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Yersinia pestis

gram-negative, causes the plague, uses type III secretion system, injects virulence factors via T3SS to prevent ingestion

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Treponema pallidum

gram-negative diderm, causes syphyllis, no LPS/LOS, spirochetal endoflagella

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Borrelia burgdorferi

gram-negative diderm, causes lyme disease, no LPS/LOS, spirochetal endoflagella

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Bacillus anthracis

gram-positive, causes anthrax, can produce endospores, anthrax toxin disrupts signaling pathways of the immune system

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Bacillus cereus

gram-positive, causes food poisoning, can produce endospores

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Clostridium botulinum

gram-positive, causes botulism (can’t contract anything), can produce endospores, botulinum toxin inhibits fusion of vesicles containing excitatory acetylcholine neurotransmitters, deadliest toxin

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Clostridium perfringens

gram-positive, causes gangreen, can produce endospores, releases alpha toxin to disrupt white blood cells

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Clostridium tetani

gram-positive, causes tetanus, can produce endospores, tetanus toxin inhibits fusion of vesicles containing inhibitor neurotransmitters, causes spastic paralysis (all muscles contarcted)

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Corynebacterium diphtheriae

gram-positive, causes diphtheria (thick grey/white coating on back of throat, fever, swollen glands), Diphtheria toxin inhibits RNA translation (targets ribosomes)

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Listeria monocytogenes

gram-positive, causes listeriosis,

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Staphylococcus aureus

gram-positive, causes skin and nose infections

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Streptococcus mutans

gram-positive, causes dental plaque, M-protein is strongly anti-phagocytic and destroys complement proteins, alpha hemolytic (partial hemolysis)

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Streptococcus pneumoniae

gram-positive, causes pneumococcal disease, uses type IV secretion system, has 85 serotypes based on differences in glycocalyxes, M-protein is strongly anti-phagocytic and destroys complement proteins, alpha hemolytic (partial hemolysis)

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Streptococcus pyogenes

gram-positive, causes strep throat/necrotizing fasciitis/rheumatic fever, uses type IV secretion system, M-protein is strongly anti-phagocytic and destroys complement proteins, beta hemolytic (complete hemolysis)

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Mycoplasma hominis

cell wall-less, causes urethritis and pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)

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Mycoplasma pneumoniae

cell wall-less, causes pneumonia

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Ureaplasma urealyticum

cell wall-less, causes ureaplasma (sexually transmitted)

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Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare

acid-fast, causes MAC lung disease, waxes resist destruction by digestive enzymes

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Mycobacterium bovis

acid-fast, causes tuberculosis in cattle, waxes resist destruction by digestive enzymes

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Mycobacterium kansasii

acid-fast, causes pulmonary disease, waxes resist destruction by digestive enzymes

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Mycobacterium leprae

acid-fast, causes leprosy

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Mycobacterium lepromatosis

acid-fast, causes leprosy (Hansen’s disease), waxes resist destruction by digestive enzymes

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Mycobacterium tuberculosis

acid-fast, causes tuberculosis, waxes resist destruction by digestive enzymes

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Nocardia asteroids

acid-fast, causes pulmonary disease

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Nocardia brasiliensis

acid-fast, causes nocardiosis

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